Access Index Page | Welcome to the Access Index page. Here I've included all of the course outlines for ALL of my Access courses. The goal is so that you can search through the text of this page to find anything you're looking for, in case the (admittedly limited) search box up at the top of the site doesn't give you the results you want. Just press CTRL-F to find words in your browser. Enjoy!
| Access Beginner 1 | 01. What is Microsoft Access? (14:10)
What is a database?
Why use a database?
Progression from paper
Benefits of Access
Parts of an Access database
What is a Table?
Fields / Columns
Records / Rows
What is a Query?
What is a Form?
What is a Report?
What are Macros & Modules?
02. Planning Your Database (21:54)
Consider your needs
What tables do you need
What fields are in each table
In Future Lessons...
No order info in customer table
Separate tables
Draw your forms out
Gather your printed reports
03. Getting Started (16:40)
Starting Access
Pin to TaskBar
Create a new blank database
Parts of the screen
Title bar
Window control buttons
The Ribbon
Collapse (Minimize) the Ribbon
Quick Access Toolbar
Minimize the Navigation Pane
Status Bar
Object Pane
Turn on Overlapping Windows
Get Rid of Tabbed Documents
Close & Reopen Database
Security Warning
04. Customer Table, Part 1 (25:14)
Create New Table
Datasheet View, Table Design
Field Name, Data Type, Description
Field naming conventions
Short Text, Long Text (Memo)
Numbers (Long Integer, Double)
Date/Time, Currency, Yes/No
OLE Object, Attachment
Calculated Field
Lookup Wizard
05. Customer Table, Part 2 (21:29)
Text or Number?
Calculations, Sort Order, Leading Zeros
Long Integer, Double
Why use an ID field?
How to move a field in the table
Save your table
Table naming conventions
Primary Key
06. Entering Data, Part 1 (21:08)
Typing sample data
CustomerID (New)
Resize a column
Two-character states
Only digits in phone numbers
Percentages are fractions of 1
Date or Time or Both
##### in a field
Date picker
mm/dd defaults to current year
Two-digit year defaults 00-29
Spacebar to check box
Horizontal scroll bar
SHIFT-F2 to open Zoom Dialog
Switching back to Design View
Dirty Records
07. Entering Data, Part 2 (15:09)
No data is better than bad data
Download sample database from web site
Security Warning
Pressing ESCape to cancel adding/editing a record
Record Selectors
Delete a record
Access Options - Client Settings
Confirm Record Changes (Deletions)
AutoNumbers are NOT reused
Do you have to save records?
Saving layout changes
Moving a column in datasheet view
08. Sorting & Filtering (18:30)
Sorting a single field of data
Text, numeric, date sorts
Numeric v Alphanumeric Sort
Legos Analogy
Remove Sort button
Filtering records
Show just customers from NY
Filter by Selection
Remove Filter button
Filter Checkboxes
Filter to show Blanks (Null Values)
Navigation Buttons
Printing a table
File > Print
Quick Print, Print, Print Preview
Send as Email Attachment
Export to Word Document
Why Queries are better
09. Customer Queries (24:56)
Create > Query Design
Show Table Window
Adding a table to your query
Drag fields to the query columns
Run the query
Design View
Add field with a double-click
Sort a field
Multiple field sort
Sort by Last Name then First Name
Sort order left to right
Moving a query column
Saving a query (CTRL-S)
Adding a Criteria
Show only customers from NY
File > Save Object As
Opening multiple queries
Switching between tabs
Change "NY" to "PA"
Can I edit data in a query?
Must I make a query for each state?
What is the "*" asterisk for?
Show box
Credit Limit less than $1000
10. Customer Form 1 (18:49)
Why use forms?
What are forms good for?
Create a simple customer form
Different ways to build forms
Single Form
Label and Text Box
Form View
Layout View
Design View
Resizing Text Boxes
Layout View uses Rows & Columns
Save Form
Open in Form View
Editing Data
Using Navigation Buttons
Pencil indicates Dirty record
Record Selector
Delete a Record
Delete the CustomerF Form
Create a Multiple Items form
Continuous Forms
Create a Split Form
11. Customer Form 2 (10:06)
Design View Preview
Form Properties
Record Source Property
Add existing fields
Field list
Click and Drag One Field
Add Multiple Fields
Shift-click method
Ctrl-click method
Switch to Form View
Switch to Design View
Deleting a field
Resize text box or label
Edit the text of a label
Change Colors
12. Customer Reports (25:42)
Create a simple customer report
Types of reports
Modify report title
Print Preview
Zoom Controls
Paper Size
Send as Email Attachment
Save as PDF
Layout View
Report View
Build report from a query
Report Wizard for Multiple Item Report
Report Wizard for Single Report
Mailing Labels
Send to Active Customers Only
Create IsActive Query
Label Wizard
Setup a Prototype Label
13. Q&A From Students (16:57)
Customer List Form
Shift F2 Zoom Not Working
Zoom Into Forms, Tables
Delete a Table
Keep Student Number as ID
Deleted AutoNumbers
Send Out Letters
Free Runtime Edition
Multiple Phone, Email, Addresses
Import Excel Sheets
Customer Classifications
Stop Design Changes
Access Over the Web
Menuing System
Backing Up Access
14. Review & What's Next (7:07)
Review of Topics
Coming Up Next...
| Access Beginner 2 | 01. Getting Started (9:01)
Download sample database
Unzip the database file
Don't run Access from inside a ZIP file
Security Warning - Active Content Disabled
Enable Content button
Setting up a trusted location
Set up a Databases Folder
Database shortcut on Desktop
Quick Review of Level 1
02. Form Design 1 (12:51)
Building forms from scratch
Build a user-friendly interface
Form design is more art than science
Rebuild customer form
Expand / collapse Ribbon
Record Source Property for a Form
Bind Form to CustomerT
Delete order by and filtering
Add existing fields, Field List
Switch to Form View
Switch to Design View
Adding fields to form
Deleting a field
Click and drag method
Add multiple fields
Shift-click method
Ctrl-click method
Move text box without label
Move label without text box
Using keyboard to move objects
Delete just the label
Resize text box or label
Select multiple objects
Resize, move multiple objects
Edit the text of a label
Move last name next to first name
Close the Field List
Align Controls Left
Size Controls To Widest
Selecting Objects with Ruler Bar
Foreground, Background Colors
03. Form Design 2 (12:52)
Double-click to add field
The Grid dots
Grid dots v. lines
Sizing objects on the Grid
Size to Grid
Resize the Form itself
Format Painter
Quick Launch Toolbar
Change Form background color
Textbox background color
Label foreground color
Select using the rulerbar
Align Left, Center, Right
Ctrl-Click to select objects
Special Effect Property
Change Font
Standard Color vs Theme Color
More Colors
Full Color Palette
Shape Outline
Line Color, Thickness, Type
04. Intro to Relationships (15:53)
Why Relationships
Relationship Types
One-to-One, Many-to-Many
Primary Key, Foreign Key
AppointmentT Table
Default Value
Date() Now()
Multiple Appointments per Customer
05. Appointment Form (20:25)
Create AppointmentF
Add Fields
Format Align Left
Undo (Ctrl-Z)
Customer Combo Box
Relational Combo Boxes
Combo Box Wizard
Store Value in CustomerID
Name Property
Control Source Property
Forms Save Position
Tab Order (Auto Only)
Command Button Wizard
Open Form Show Specific Records
Find Records
06. Q&A From Students (25:12)
Customize the Ribbon
Can’t See Text
Print Form in Design View
Start AutoNumber >1
Combo Box Always Open
Maximum Database Size
Maximum Number of Fields
Access on a Mac
Restore Deleted Textbox
Green Triangle
#Name? Error
Unrecognized Database
Checkbox Background Color
Multiple Tables on a Form
Thumbtacks on File List
07. Review & What's Next (5:21)
Review of Topics
Coming Up Next...
| Access Beginner 3 | 1. Field Properties 1 (14:40)
Design View
Field Size
AutoNumber Field Size
What is a Replication ID
Text Field Size
Number Field Size
Long Integer
Warning: data may be lost
2. Field Properties 2 (5:13)
Changes default form label
Changes column header in datasheet
Don't confuse with Description
3. Field Properties 3 (16:02)
Format Property
Number Formats
With percent 1 = 100%
Decimal Places
Rounded values displayed
Actual values stored
Currency Formats
Format might hide data
mm dd yyyy
hh nn ss
F1 for Access Help
List of Date Format Codes
Text Format
Phone Numbers
Yes/No Format
4. Field Properties 4 (5:25)
Input Mask Phone Number
Placeholder characters
Store symbols in the mask?
Enter data
Warning message on invalid data
Date/Time Input Masks
No Wizard for numbers/currency
Help for Input Masks
5. Field Properties 5 (9:47)
Default Value
State of NY
NumEmployees 1
DiscountRate .05
Automatically set current date
Date() Function
Now() Function includes time
Yes/No Default Values
6. Field Properties 6 (16:16)
Validation Rule
Inequality Symbols
NULL Values not the same as ZERO
Existing data violates rule
Validation Text
ESC escape to cancel editing
Range of values
BETWEEN keyword
Date Values #1/1/1980#
Date() Function in Validation Rule
Functions in Validation Text
| Access Beginner 4 | 01. Field Properties 7 (10:42)
No data is better than bad data
Data integrity rules
Existing data violates the new setting
Null Values vs. Empty String
Zero Length Text
Allow Zero Length
Access automatically trims spaces
02. Field Properties 8 (9:18)
Text Align
Left, Right, General, Distribute
Text Format
Plain Text
Rich Text
HTML Encoding
Change table, change form
Append Only Misleading
Show Column History
03. Field Properties 9 (14:44)
SmartTags - brief discussion
Unicode Compression - brief discussion
IME Mode - brief discussion
IME Sentence Mode - brief discussion
Show Date Picker
AutoNumber Increment or Random
Artificially inflating AutoNumbers
Duplicates OK
No Duplicates
Which fields to index
When and when not to index
04. Database Maintenance (7:57)
Compact & Repair
2 GB Database Size Limit
Backing Up Your Database
05. Find & Replace (15:18)
Find, Replace
Look In Current Field
Current Document
Match Whole Field
Any Part of Field
Start of Field
Search: All, Up, Down
Match Case
Search Fields as Formatted
Search Box at Bottom of Table/Form
Replace v. Replace All
Backup Your Table First
How to Copy/Paste Table
Rename Table
Goto Button
First, Previous, Next, Last, New
Navigation Buttons
Select & Select All
06. Questions From Students (9:59)
Can I get an AutoNumber back?
Compact & Repair trick
Can I create a custom AutoNumber?
Attach Label to Text Box
Associate Label with a Control
Add a Field to Table
Must add field to form manually
Renamed table fields usually rename in form
Deleted fields in table cause error
| Access Beginner 5 | 01. Query Criteria 1 (16:30)
Multiple OR Conditions
Delete a query
Rename a query
"NY" OR "PA"
"NY" OR "PA" OR "TX"
IN ("NY","PA","TX","CA")
Criteria OR Rows
From NY and are Active
AND condition across columns
AND across, OR down
(State=NY) OR (State=PA AND Active=TRUE)
Customers with Credit Limit over $1000
From NY with $1000 or anybody with $1500
AND OR inside of a single critera
BETWEEN keyword
02. Query Criteria 2 (15:40)
NOT Keyword
Inequalitites Review
AND limits query results
OR expands query results
Show box
Hide fields from query
Prevent odd names like "Field1"
Move a query column
Dates in pound symbols
Recent customers
BETWEEN two dates
d/m/y or m/d/y regional settings
Whether to include endpoints
BETWEEN #1/1/05# AND #12/31/05#
Dates with times can be tricky
>=#1/1/05# AND <#1/1/06#
Customers before 30 days ago
Became customers yesterday
>=Date()-1 AND
03. Query Criteria 3 (8:47)
Is Null
Is Not Null
ZipCode LIKE "142*"
State LIKE "N*"
Email LIKE "*amicron*"
Date LIKE "*/2012"
Date LIKE "5/*/2012"
04. Parameter Queries (11:45)
Separate query for each state
[Enter the state]
Missing field names from tables
Parameters with other criteria
Multiple parameters
Between [Start Date] and [End Date]
Like [Company Name]
Teach your users about wildcards
Like "*" & [Company Name] & "*"
Will cover String Concatenation Later
Build report based on this query
05. Questions from Students (7:55)
Top X Values
Top X% Values
Bottom X Values
Drop-Down List in Query Columns
Change Field
Why the Run Button for Queries
Format Query Field Output
Property Sheet for Query Fields
| Access Beginner 6 | 01. Address Info (16:25)
Customers with full address query
Is Not Null AND
Report Property Sheet
Change mailing label report RecordSource
Unexpected Enter Parameter Value
Report Too Wide
Some data may not be displayed
Not enough horizontal space on the page
Query of customers missing any address info
Is Null OR
Create Quick Report
Report Layout View
Resizing Columns
Moving Fields
Moving Page Number Block
02. Employee Table (13:05)
Distinct Separate Data Means New Table
"EmployeeID" vs. just "ID"
Copy Fields from Customer Table
Insert Rows in Table Design View
Social Security Number Input Mask
Attachment - Brief Discussion Of
OLE Object - What it is
Editing a hyperlink
03. Employee Form (13:53)
Create Form in Design View
Bring over fields for Employee Form
Copy Address Fields from CustomerF
CTRL-A To Select All Objects
Align to Grid
Size to Grid
Set Form Background Color
Format Painter
Double-Click to Keep Active
Resize a Group of Fields
04. Inserting Pictures (9:59)
Copy Image from Web Site to Desktop
JPG and GIF may show icon only
Convert to BMP using Microsoft Paint
Click and Drag to OLE Object
Stretch, Clip, Zoom
05. Employee ID Report (11:44)
Label Wizard
Manually Resizing Labels
Adding Employee Picture
Transparent Border
Bound Object Frame
Unbound Object Frame
Image Control
Insert a Static Company Logo
Editing Pictures in Place
| Access Beginner 7 | 01. Navigation Forms (16:46)
Getting around in your database
Switchboards, discussion of
Navigation Form Pros and Cons
Create Simple Horizontal Nav Form
Add Forms to Nav Form
Add Reports to Nav Form
Rename Tabs
Change Form Caption
Rearrange / Move Tabs
Delete Tab
Horizontal Tabs, 2 Levels
Multi-Level Menu Tabs
Tabs by Object Type
Tabs by Data Type
Changing Colors
Display Navigation Form on Startup
Hide Navigation Pane on Startup
Bypassing Startup Options
Nesting Navigation Forms, discussion of
02. Main Menu Form 1 (12:01)
Create a Blank Unbound Form
Command Button Wizard
Form Operations > Open Form
Button Text (Caption)
Open Form Show All Records
Make Forms Remember Startup Position
Command Button Wizard not starting
Use Control Wizards Option
Why Use Command Buttons
Button to Close Form
03. Main Menu Form 2 (18:07)
Change Form Background Color
Form Properties
Form Caption Property
Form Property Sheet
Turn Off Record Selectors
Turn Off Navigation Buttons
Turn Off Scroll Bars
Main Menu Label
Formatting Label Options
Shape Outline
Special Effect
Shadowed Labels
Use Labels to Group Buttons
Position > Send to Back
Report Operations > Preview Report
Copy Logo to Main Menu Form
04. Customer List Form 1 (11:54)
Sorted List of Customers
NOT Using a Multiple Items Form
Create a Sorted Query for Customers
Form Design View with Blank Form
Setting a Form's Record Source Property
Query as a Record Source
Show Only Fields from Current Record Source
Form Properties
Default View > Continuous Forms
05. Customer List Form 2 (18:59)
Rearrange Fields into Columns
Put Labels in a Row Over Text Boxes
Form Header & Footer
Page Header & Footer, discussion of
Move Labels to Form Header
Access Should Save Form Position and Size
Command Button to Open Customer Form
Open the Form and Find Specific Data to Display
Which Fields Contain Matching Data
Making a Button Transparent
Turn off Navigation Buttons
Turn off Record Selectors
Set Scroll Bars to Vertical Only
Allow Additions
Allow Deletions
Allow Edits
| Access Beginner 8 | 01. Value List Combo Box (15:02)
Combo Boxes provide for uniform data entry
Select an option from a list
Add LeadSource to Customer Table
Make sure LeadSource is in Customer Form
Change RecordSource to CustomerT
Add Combo Box to Customer Form
I will type in the values that I want
Store that value in this field
Selecting values
Why is it called a Combo Box?
Limit to List
Edit List Items
Adding Items to the List
Default Value
Allow Value List Edits
02. Table-Based Combo Box (12:27)
Why you should NOT use a Value List Combo
Create a LeadSource Table
Combo Box get the values from another table
Which fields do you want in combo box
What sort order do you want
Save in the LeadSource field
Row Source Type: Table/Query
List Items Edit Form
Create a LeadSource Multiple Items Form
03. Multi-Column Combo Box (8:58)
Combo Box to pick States
Create a State Table
State Abbreviation and Name
Hide Key Column
Resize Column Widths
Which column to store in CustomerT
List Width
Column Widths
List Rows
04. Tab Order (10:58)
Show the Tab Order on CustomerListF
Rearrange Controls
Tab Order button
Detail Section
Auto Order
Manually Edit Tab Order
Tab Stop Property
Cycle Property
All Records
Current Record
Fix the Customer Form Tab Order
05. List Boxes (8:55)
Preferred Shipping Method
Create ShippingT
Shipping field in CustomerT
Change To > Combo Box
Don't use Table Lookup Wizards
06. Search Combo Box (2:39)
Turn on Form Header/Footer
Combo Box Find Record
| Access Beginner 9 | 01. Contact Table & Form (12:48)
What is a Contact
Why not use a Memo field?
Create Contact Table
Review of Now() Function
Create Contact Form
Enter Data into Contact Form
Notice Poor Data Integrity
02. Contact Query (11:39)
Bring in All Fields "ContactT.*"
Duplicate Fields
Show Box to Hide Column
Records from a Single Date
=#11/24/12# doesn't work
Between Keyword doesn't work
Inequality works
Today's Contacts with Date()
Yesterdays Contacts Date()-1
[Enter Date] in multiple places
Explicit Query Parameters
03. Contact Report 1 (14:54)
Building a Report from Scratch
Page Header, Footer
Detail Section
Print Preview
Problems with Layout View
Remove Box Borders
Transparent Shape Outline
Portrait vs. Landscape View
Horizontal Line
SHIFT to keep line strait
Printing Reports
04. Contact Report 2 (13:44)
Switch back to Portrait
Can Grow, Can Shrink
Force exact size for reports
String Concatenation
FirstName & LastName in Query
Trim Function
Concatenation in Report Fields
LastName, FirstName in Report
05. Miscellaneous (17:11)
Alternate Back Color
HTML Color Codes
Light Gray Line
Line Thickness
Line Type
Section Background Colors
Page Header vs. Report Header
Page Numbering
Page [Page] [Pages]
Report Footer
Confidentiality Notice
Add Buttons to Main Menu
| Access Expert 1 | 01. Relational Database Concepts (17:06)
What is a Relational Database
Why are Relationships Important
Flat File Databases
Key Fields
Primary Key
Foreign Key
Types of Relationships
One-to-one Relationships
One-to-many Relationships
Many-to-one Relationships
Many-to-many Relationships
Junction Table
02. Relational Tables (14:53)
Making our contact management relational
Inserting a CustomerID in ContactT
Removing duplicated fields
Setup a Foreign Key
Moving fields in table design
Fixing Lead Sources
Fixing Shipping Methods
03. Relational Queries (14:04)
Add CustomerT to ContactQ
Ad Hoc Query Relationships
Automatic Join Line
Delete Relationship
Manually Create Relationship
Asterisk from One Table
Join Missing Customers
Join Types
Left Join / Outer Join
Joined fields from both tables are equal
Show All Records from CustomerT
Only those records from LeadSourceT
Where the joined fields are equal
Fix ContactR Report
04. Relational Combo Boxes (19:34)
Add Combo Box to Contact Form
Combo Box Based on Table
Combo Box Based on Query
Wizard is Slightly Different
Fix Lead Source Combo
Fix Shipping Combo
| Access Expert 2 | 01. Normalization (21:06)
What is Normalization
First Normal Form (1NF)
Flat Tables
Atomic Fields
Repeating Groups of Data
Entities (Entity)
Second Normal Form (2NF)
Update Anomalies
Third Normal Form (3NF)
Remove Derived Fields
Calculated Values
Improve Performance
Storing History Data
02. Explicit Relationships (14:00)
Global Relationships
Relationships Window
Add Tables
Edit Relationships Window
Orphaned Child Records
Edit Relationship
Referential Integrity
Unable to Delete Parent
03. Cascade Update & Delete (13:16)
Cascade Updates
Why you should never need them
Cascade Deletes
Automatic Delete of Children
Backup Your Data!
Can't Delete Tables in Relationships
Arrange Tables in Relationship Window
Hide Tables
Delete Relationships
Relationships Report
Object Dependencies
Subdatasheet Table Properties
Subdatasheet Expanded
Subdatasheet Height
Subdatasheet Name
Link Child Fields
Link Master Fields
04. Values Across Forms (23:13)
Find Contacts for Current Customer
Command Button
Open Form
Find Specific Data To Display
Save Form Position
Set Values Between Forms
Forms Collection
Default Value
Value of a Combo Box
Combo Box Columns
Bigger Notes Field in Form Footer
Move Combo Box to Form Footer
TabStop Property
Brief Intro to Expression Builder
Dirty Records Refresh Problem
| Access Expert 3 | 01. SQL Primer (11:39)
Combo Box Row Source
Change Combo Sort
Change Combo Field Order
Record Source for Form
02. Callbacks (19:26)
Modify ContactT
Default Value for Dates
Today's Date
Tomorrow's Date
Tomorrow at Noon
Tomorrow at 9 AM
Modify Contact Form
Custom Date Format
ddd mm/dd/yyyy hh:nn am/pm
Callback Query
Sort by Date
Callback Form
Add button to Main Menu
Add customer name to list
Button to open Customer Form
03. Contact Subform (16:27)
What is a Subform
Master and Sub Forms
Parent and Child Forms
Copy and modify Contact Subform
SQL Statement as Record Source
Sort by Date Reverse Order
Subform Object Control
Click and Drag to create Subform
Subform Object Properties
Subform Form Properties
Access Autoform with Subform
Link Master Fields
Link Child Fields
04. Form Footer Totals (23:59)
Product Category Table
Product Table
Aggregate Functions
Modify Embedded Macro
Change Form Name in Macro
Moving to Access 2013
| Access Expert 4 | 01. Extended Info Tables (19:26)
Create CustomerExtendedT
ShortText and LongText Fields in 2013
Yes/No NULL Value
Password Input Mask
Family Member Table
Relative Type Table
Force One-to-One Relationship
Indexed No Duplicates
02. Extended Customer Form 1 (23:55)
Create Extended Customer Form
Option Group
Yes as -1, No as 0
Unspecified option
Change y/n to number
Create List Box from Scratch
Create Toggle Buttons
Manipulate Toggle Colors
Lighter Darker 50%
Hover Color
Pressed Color
03. Extended Customer Form 2 (26:05)
Command Button Open Ext Form
Default Value
Locked Property
Change Form Properties
Modal, Popup
Navigation Buttons
Record Selectors
Caption & Trick
Tab Controls
Image Control
Save Path Filename in Table
Set Image Control Source
Customer With Image Query
Display Image on Report
Customer Labels with Image
04. Family Member Form (14:15)
Description Indexed No Duplicates
Relative Type Helper Form
SQL Recordsource
Family Member Form
Relative Type Combo Box
Link Master Fields
Link Child Fields
List Items Edit Form
05. Toolbox Control Overview (11:20)
Hyperlink Control
Label with Hyperlink Address
Show File Extensions
Brief Discussion Of...
Web Browser Control
Page Break Control
Chart Control
Line & Rectangle Controls
Attachment Control
ActiveX Controls
| Access Expert 5 | 1. Contact Letter Query (9:51)
Make Notes Field Rich Text
Set fields to Rich Text
Open Report to Specific Record
Query Criteria Forms!FormName!Field
Run Query Without Form Open
Enter Parameter Value Prompt
2. Contact Letter Report (15:16)
Format of a Printed Letter
Create Blank Report
Bring in Contact Query Fields
Remove Borders
Long Date Format
Create FullName Field in Report
String Concatenation in Text Box
Can Grow, Can Shrink
Text Box and Section Grow / Shrink
Label for Return Address
SHIFT-ENTER for New Line
Paper Size
Put Logo on for Letterhead
Line and Web Address in Page Footer
3. Print Letter Button (11:45)
Command Button
Print Preview Report
Dirty Records
Refresh Data Before Opening Report
Edit Embedded Macro
Build Event
OpenReport Command
Add New Action
RefreshRecord Command
Change Order of Macro Commands
Match Size of Text Box with Letter
Page Numbering
Page N of M
4. Export or Email Letter (18:15)
Export to Excel
Export as Text File TXT
Export as PDF or XPS
Send as Email Attachment w Outlook
Export as Word Document
Export as HTML Document
Email Report Command Button
EMailDatabaseObject Command
Object Type
Object Name
Output Format
Anatomy of a Hyperlink Field
HyperlinkPart Function
5. Customizing the Ribbon (9:06)
Using ALT Keys
Minimize the Ribbon
Collapsing the Ribbon
Customize Quick Access Toolbar
Add to Quick Access Toolbar
Access Options
Customize Ribbon
Popular Commands
Commands Not in the Ribbon
New Custom Tab
New Custom Group
| Access Expert 6 | 01. Collection Letters 1 (11:32)
Create OrderT Table
Create OrderCollectionLetterQ
02. Collection Letters 2 (12:17)
Copy current contact letter
Change record source
Detail section properties
Force New Page After Section
Turn off Alternate Background Color
Add order info fields to letter
03. Collection Letters 3 (13:29)
LetterT Table
LetterF Form
Enter multiple letters
Text on report set by form
BeginDate and EndDate for query
Can't edit with Date() in Control Source
04. Collection Letters 4 (8:55)
Put LetterF on Main Menu
Change date range based on letter
BeginDaysAgo, EndDaysAgo in LetterT
Set BeginDate and EndDate Automatically
05. Generic Letters (19:19)
Send letters by various criteria
Letter to Active customers
AllowEdits vs. Locked Field
CustomerActiveQ Query
LetterActiveR Report
Letters by Lead Source
| Access Expert 7 | 01. Lookup Values in Tables (17:46)
Add Group Field to CustomerT
Lookup Data Type
I will type in the values
Limit to List
Cons of Lookups in Tables
NOT Supported by SQL Server
Allow Value List Edits
Allow Multiple Values
Row Source Item List
Semicolon Delimited Items
Two column text value list
Bound Column
Column Count
Lookup from another table
SQL Statement directly in table
Multi Valued Fields
Allow Multiple Values
Cons of MultiValue Lists
Delete Relationship to GroupT
02. Many to Many Relationships 1 (13:10)
Multiple groups per customer
Cross-reference table
Junction table
Customers to Groups
Vendors to Products
Group Subform on Customer Form
03. Many to Many Relationships 2 (6:25)
Group Form
Show Customers in Group
Copy CustomerGroupSubF
Create GroupCustomerSubF
SHIFT-ENTER line break in label
Groups button on Main Menu
04. Letters By Group (16:36)
IncludeInMailing Field in GroupT
RefreshRecord in Macro
Duplicate customers in mailing
Quick overview of Aggregate Queries
Group By
Min Value
05. Post Cards (12:02)
Create Report Design
Shape Outline Transparent
Landscape v Portrait
Page Setup Dialog
Number of Columns
Row Spacing
Column Spacing
Column Size
Same as Detail
Down, then Across
Across, then Down
Resizing with the Rulerbar
Button from Letter Form
06. Vendors to Products (17:16)
Build ProductF Form
Vendor Table
VendorXProductT Junction Table
Profit Calculation
| Access Expert 8 | 01. Products to Vendors (24:01)
Homework Review
Button to Open Product Form
VendorF Form
Button to Open Vendor from Product
Button to Open Product from Vendor
Give Names to VendorCombo, ProductCombo
Query to add UnitPrice to Junction
Add Price and Profit to Vendor SubF
02. Order Details Table (11:42)
Create OrderDetailT
Delete AmountDue from OrderT
Possibility of breaking stuff!
Create OrderDetailQ
Pull in data from ProductT
03. Calculated Query Fields (12:29)
Calculate ExtPrice
String Concatenation Reviewed
Assignment Operators
* / + - \ ^ MOD
Integer Division
Order of Operations
Comparison Operators
< > <= >= <> =
-1 or 0 for True False
Boolean Values
Format Property in Query Column
Format True/False
Format Currency
04. Sales Tax (16:32)
IF THEN Statements
IIF Function
Function Review
SalesTax IIF Function
ROUND Function
Rounding Numbers
Bankers Rounding
Traditional v Bankers Rounding
Nested Functions
Nesting Functions
Fractional Penny Problem
INT Function Round Down
05. Order Detail Subform (14:44)
Create OrderDetailF Subform
Product Combo Box
Lock UnitPrice Field
Order Relationships
Customers to Orders
Do NOT Cascade Delete
Ordsrs to Details
DO Cascade Delete
06. Order Form (22:18)
Create OrderF
Customer Combo Box
Show Name if Company Null
Is Null vs IsNull()
Add OrderDetailSubF
Auto Default CustomerID
Auto Default IsTaxable
Form Footer Calculations
Sum of ExtPrice
Sum of SalesTax
Grand Total
| Access Expert 9 | 01. Customer Discount Rate (20:26)
Discount Rate for Orders
Discount Rate for Order Details
Different Validation Rules
Recalculate Sales Tax
Tab Cycle Property
02. Multiple Sales Tax Rates (17:42)
SalesTaxRate for Customers
SalesTaxRate for Orders
SalesTaxRate for Order Details
Values Propagate Down Forms
Disable Close Button
Disable Control Box
System Default Values Table
03. Non Taxable Products (12:01)
IsTaxable for Products
Show IsTaxable in Product Combo
IF Product Tax Exempt
Another IIF Example
04. Printable Invoice 1 (20:27)
Order Detail Subreport
Report Header / Footer
Page Header / Footer
Order Info with Customer Data
Customer Bill To Info
Insert Subreport
05. Printable Invoice 2 (19:58)
Company Info in Header
Missing Company Name Gap
Can Shrink Problem
Adjacent Control Problem
Overlapping Controls
TRIM Function
Open Report to Specific Record
Query Criteria
Company Return Address Info
| Access Expert 10 | 01. Quote or Invoice (28:09)
Add My Company Info to Defaults
Company Logo
Size to Tallest
Paid or Unpaid Text on Invoice
Refresh Dirty Record
IsQuotation Field on Order Form
Quotation or Invoice Text
Nested IIF Functions
Hide Paid Text if Quotation
02. DLOOKUP Function (12:10)
Move System Defaults to Own Form
DLOOKUP Field, Table
Get SalesTaxRate from DefaultT
Edit Invoice to use DLOOKUP
03. More with DLOOKUP (25:35)
Sales Rep for Customer
Related Fields with Different Names
Sales Rep Combo Box
Service Tech Combo Box
SalesRepID on Order Form
Display Sales Rep's Phone Number
Criteria Format
"EmployeeID=" & SalesRepCombo
@@@-@@@-@@@ Phone Number Format
Strings Inside Criteria
Double Double Quotes ""
Dates in Criteria need # signs
AND Condition in Criteria
Add Rep Name and Phone to Invoice
04. Calculated Table Fields (8:31)
Expressions in Tables vs Queries
Problems with Calculated Table Fields
When to use them
Example: TimeToShip in Days
| Access Expert 11 | 01. Simple Aggregate Queries (13:13)
Aggregate Query
Totals Query
Summary Query
Grouping Query
What they are
Popular Aggregate Functions
Statistical Analysis
Covered in future class
SUM in Form Footer Total
SUM in Table Footer (last row)
Totals Button
Simple SUM of all credit limits
Group By State
Default sort on Group By field
Sort by Credit Limit descending
Add criteria Is Not Null
Notice Field Name is Changed
One query with SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN
ALIAS field names
Count of customers from each state
Only NON-NULL values are counted
Count ID field to include NULLs
Simple Query Wizard
Aggregate Options in Wizard
Summary Information
02. Complex Query Criteria (7:44)
Credit Limit by State After 1999
Brief overview of date functions
MONTH, DAY, YEAR Functions
Break into Two Queries
WHERE Field in Total Row
03. Sales Totals by Month (10:50)
Format to show "yyyy mm"
Format Property in Query Field
Format() Function
Week of Year ww
04. Lowest Product Cost (12:46)
MIN Cost for each Product
DLOOKUP Vendor ID at Lowest Cost
DLOOKUP Vendor Name, Unit Price
Calculate Most Profitable Products
05. Last Customer Contact (6:36)
MAX of Contact Date
DLOOKUP Contact Notes
Dealing with NULL Values
IIF Function Review
06. Employee Work Log (26:02)
Create Work Log Table
Time In, Time Out
Difference Between Two Times
Calculate Hours Worked
Caution with Dates and BETWEEN
BETWEEN #1/1# and #1/2#
Does NOT Include #1/2 5pm#
>=Start AND CDATE() Function Brief Mention
Work Log Lookup Form
Employee Combo Box
Command Button Run Query
Homework for Next Class
07. Miscellaneous (16:13)
Expression Option
DSUM Sales Last 30 Days
Refresh Form Data Button
Can't Refresh Unbound Form
| Access Expert 12 | 01. Order List Form (22:57)
Create Order List Aggregate Query
IIF to display PAID / UNPAID
IIF to display QUOTE / INVOICE
Sum of Order Total in Footer
Sort by Order Date Descending
Refresh Form Data Button Doesn't Work
Refresh vs Requery
Refresh vs Refresh All Buttons
Button Build Event
RunMenuCommand Refresh
Requery Macro Command
02. Work Log Entry Form (35:28)
Create a Button Without the Wizard
Copy Existing Button
Edit Embedded Macro Form Name
Copy Button for Query
Resize to Tallest
Create Work Log Form
Employee Combo Box
Tab Order
Bound Combo in Form Footer
Unbound Combo in Form Footer
Combo Default Value
Default Date Textbox
=[TodaysDate]+#9 AM#
Populate Defaults with Unbound Fields
Work Log for Current Employee
Add to Main Menu
Track Employee Activities
Activity Table
Add Activity Combo to Work Log
03. Fix Collection Letters (5:57)
Parameter Prompt from Missing Field
Update Order Collecton Letter Query
Aggregate Total for Amount Due
04. Report Grouping 1 (15:08)
Customers Grouped by State
Group & Sort
Add a Group
With a Header Section
With a Footer Section
With Totals
Group Footer Totals
Horizontal line
Line thickness
Showing a Value if Header IsNull
IIF IsNull
Display [None]
Circular Reference
05. Report Grouping 2 (17:56)
Add Credit Limit
SUM of Credit Limit
Grand Total
No Aggregate Functions in Page Footer
Page of Pages
Page Footer Below Report Footer
Section Visible Property
Hide Sections
Do not keep group together on one page
Keep whole group together on one page
Keep header and first record together
With title label - BUG
Force New Page After Section
Multiple Grouping Levels
No Country display United States
06. Employee Work Log Report (16:56)
Work Log Report
Group by Employee
Subgroup by Week of the Year
Access has no Week or WeekNum Function
DatePart Function
Calculate First Day of the Week
Week Starting Date
SUM of Hours Worked by Week
Total Hours for Employee
07. Number & Currency Grouping (17:55)
Show Sales Grouped by Rep
Subgroup by Month
Change to Numeric Grouping
Orders Grouped Every $500
Range of Values for Header
$0 to $499.99
Integer Division \
08. Miscellaneous (7:23)
Group by Expression
Use a Query Expression Instead
Simple Report Wizard
| Access Expert 13 | 01. Open Report WHERE Condition (28:04)
Buttons on Main Menu for Reports
Replace Invoice with Grouped Report
Same field name on two tables
OrderT.F1 and OrderDetailT.F1
OrderID Header Section
Open Report to Specific Multiple Records
Print Multiple Invoices
Macro WHERE Conditions
Print All Invoices for a Customer
Print All Invoices Between Dates
02. Types of Action Queries (5:49)
What are Action Queries
Update Query
Append Query
Delete Query
Make-Table Query
Backup your data!
How to backup your database file
Online backup recommendations
Backing up a table
03. Update Queries, Part 1 (14:48)
Update Queries allow Complex Criteria
Change Select to Update Query
Update To Property
RUN vs Datasheet View Buttons
Preview Records to be Updated
Running the Update Query
Multiple Criteria
Change "XYZ Corp" in "PA"
Save Query
Nested IIF in Update Query
Assign Reps Based on Territory
04. Update Queries, Part 2 (10:26)
Capitalize States
UCASE() Function
Can't Delete a Table with Relationships
Manually Delete Relationships
Delete and Rename Backup Table
Restore Relationships
LCASE() Function
STRCONV() Function for Proper Case
Exceptions: Don't change McDonald
05. Update Queries, Part 3 (9:26)
Add 5% to all Product Prices
UnitPrice = UnitPrice * 1.05
Update all Paid Orders as Shipped
| Access Expert 14 | 01. Scrubbing Data (15:49)
Cleaning Data with Update Query
Inconsistent Data Formats
Fax Numbers with Different Formats
Clean them to look uniform
Backup Your Data!
REPLACE() Function
Replace one string with another
Watch Field Names Carefully
Make sure you use [Brackets]
Null values can cause problems
LEN() Function
Length of String
Show FaxNumbers 7 digits long
02. Change Email Domains (12:39)
Hyperlink fields are not simple text
CSTR() Function
Convert to String
HyperlinkPart() Function
Change Domain Name change to
NZ() Function
Null to Zero
03. Separate First and Last Names (19:29)
Create Person Table
Put First and Last Names Together
INSTR() Function
Determine the position of the SPACE char
LEFT() Function
RIGHT() Function
MID() Function (Discussion)
Check for Prefix, Suffix, Middle Initial
04. Fix Non-Relational Table (9:51)
Employees and Departments
Turn Department Names into IDs
Query Join on Text Values
Update to IDs from other table
05. Daily Student Attendance (18:34)
Create Student Table
Attendance Table
Make Append Query
Append To Table Name
Current Database
Another Database (Discussion)
Only Students from One Class
Criteria in Append Query
| Access Expert 15 | 01. Student Attendance 1 (20:12)
Types of Different Classes
Individual Class Sessions
ClassQ with Type Name
Track Customers in Each Class
Class Form with Enrollment Subform
Add Multiple Students to Class
Each Company Sends Multiple Students
02. Student Attendance 2 (31:12)
Create Attendance Table
Master Attendance Form
Student Subform
Modal Popup
Default Values from Other Forms
AttendanceQ With Supporting Data
Left Joins
Create Attendance Subform
Data Entry Property
Attendance Append Query
Add Static Date Value to Append Query
CDate Function
03. Student Attendance 3 (34:59)
Create Button to Run Append Query
SetWarnings OFF
Turn on Potentially Unsafe Actions
Show All Actions
Short Date Format for Date Picker
Show Attendance for Any Date
Attendance Report By Class By Date
Sorting & Grouping
Attendance Report by Student then Date
04. Contact Archive (15:37)
Backup Contact Table
Create Contact Archive Table
Remove Indexing Primary Key from Archive
Change AutoNumbers to Numbers
| Access Expert 16 | 01. Macro to Run Multiple Queries (9:21)
Command Button Wizard
Open Query
Delete Queries Not Listed
Archive Contacts Button
Macro Builder
OpenQuery Command
Add New Action
Show All Actions
SetWarnings On/Off
MessageBox Command (MsgBox)
02. Delete Query Multiple Tables (8:56)
Referential Integrity
Delete Queries and Cascade Deletes
Delete Contacts from Customers in CA
Two Queries Needed
Customer By State Query
03. Make Table Queries (16:05)
Create a Customer Mailing List Table
Make Table Query in Same Database
Create a new blank database ACCDB file
Make Table Query into a Different Database
Backup Customer Table
Multi-Valued Fields Not Allowed
Long Text with Append Only Property On
Automated Backup of Contact Table
Include in Command Button Macro
OpenQuery Command
04. Multiple Parent Mailing List (18:25)
Create Student Table with 2 Parents
Include In Mailings Field
Make Table Parent 1
Append Parent 2
Show Another Example Relational
Use a Query with a Join
05. UNION Query (10:30)
Merge Contacts with Archive
Don't use the Union button
UNION SQL statement
Homework Assignment
| Access Expert 17 | 01. Archive Old Unpaid Orders 1 (13:30)
Add ToBeArchived y/n Field
Create ToBeArchivedUpdateQ Query
Button to Archive Old Orders on Main Menu
Database Level Macro Primer
Macro to Open Main Menu
Putting Macros on Quick Access Toolbar
02. Archive Old Unpaid Orders 2 (21:22)
Make OrderListF Show All Order
Add ToBeArchived to Order List Form
TBA Tool Tip
To Be Archived checkbox on Order Form
Macro WHERE Condition
Create OrderArchiveT
Create OrderDetailArchiveT
Set Autonumbers to Long Int
Append Orders
Create AppendOrderDetailArchiveQ
Create AppendOrderArchiveQ
Duplicate output destination
Create OrderToBeArchivedQ to avoid error
03. Archive Old Unpaid Orders 3 (21:27)
Backup tables with MakeTable query
Calculated columns are not allowed in SELECT INTO statements
Another reason I don't like calculated table fields
Remove DaysToShip from OrderT
Update customer record "Order Writeoff"
Append "Order Writeoff" to ContactT
Put writeoff notice in contact table
Add OrderID to writeoff notice
Update the order description with "WRITEOFF!"
04. Archive Old Unpaid Orders 4 (13:02)
Delete orders and details from main tables
Copy and modify append queries
Delete FROM and WHERE
Make button on TBA form to perform archive
Copy button with macro in it
CloseWindow macro command
Macro commmand to Close Form
UNION query to show orders and archive together
SQL View
Fields must match exact with UNION and * all fields
05. Crosstab Queries (13:16)
What is a Crosstab Query?
Similar to an Excel PivotTable
Show example of a PivotTable
Add some new orders
Edit OrderListQ Add State Field
Create Crosstab Query
Crosstab Query Wizard
Built Crosstab Query Manually
Set up Helper Query
Orders by Month by State
| Access Expert 18 | 01. Crosstab Query Parameters (16:45)
Sales by Sales Rep by Month Crosstab
Fixed Column Headings
Manual Row Headers
Multiple Row Headings OK
Multiple Column Headings NOT OK
Criteria in Crosstab Queries
Date Criteria in the form yyyy-mm
Declaring Explicit Query Parameters
Declare Parameter Even If Form Field
02. Sales Rep by Quarter Crosstab (06:11)
Query Wizard Date Groupings
Total Row Headings
Count Row Headings
Crosstabs Used With Other Queries
03. Partition Function (7:29)
Tiers of Products
PARTITION() Parameters
Group Products into Price Brackets
Count of Products in Each Tier
Product Category Row Header
Product Tier Column Header
Value is Count of Products in Tier
04. Find Duplicates Query (21:19)
Create Find Duplicates with Wizard
IN() Function Review
SQL HAVING Clause, Brief Discussion Of
Manually Create Find Duplicates Query
Use an Aggregate Query Count > 1
Find Duplicates Multiple Fields
Unique Values
Unique Records
Field List Properties
Query Properties
Field Properties
Output All Fields
Recordset Type Dynaset vs. Snapshot
Prevent Editing of Records in Query
Order By Property
Filter Query Property
Filter On Load
Order By On Load
What is an ODBC Database
ODBC Timeout
Max Records
Record Locks, Brief Introduction
Record Locking
All Records
Edited Records
Orientation Right-to-Left, Left-to-Right
Subdatasheet Height
Subdatasheet Expanded
05. Find Unmatched Query (11:36)
Use Wizard
Create Unmatched Query Manually
Left Outer Join Important
Is Null
Cartesian Product
Cross Product
Softball Schedule
Each Team Plays Each Other Team Once
| Access Expert 19 | 01. Conditional Formatting (28:13)
Format large orders green
Conditional Formatting Rules Manager
New Formatting Rule
Check values in the current record or use an expression
Field Value Is
Greater than, Less than, etc.
Highlight orders over $500 in green
Add Views to Quick Access Toolbar
Conflicting Rules
Order of Applied Rules
Using Functions like Date() in Conditions
Formatting Date Values
Formatting Text Values Exact
Find Text Inside of Field
Expression Is
InStr Function
Format Customers with "Inc" in name
Apply to Multiple Fields at Once
Format Entire Row
Format if Field Has Focus
Disable Changes if Order Marked Paid
Conditional Format Subform Value
Disable Editing Products on Order if Paid
Compare to Other Records
Data Bars
Lowest, Highest value
Numbers, Percentages
Max 50 Conditions
02. Exporting to Excel (16:37)
Reasons to Export Data
Export Table to Excel
Different Versions of Excel Data
Export data with formatting and layout
Open the destination file after the export
Export selected records
Copy and Paste from Access to Excel
Copy Without Column Headers (Field Names)
Add an Export Checkbox to Table
Export Specific Records Query
Hide the Export Field
Save Export Steps
Create an Outlook Task with Reminder
Saved Exports
Manage Data Tasks
Run Saved Export Routine
03. Exporting to Word (15:05)
Export Mailing Labels
Export RTF File to Word
Mail Merge Access Data to Word Document
Word Merge
Microsoft Word Mail Merge Wizard
Link your data to an existing Microsoft Word document
Create a new document and then link the data to it
Mail Merge Wizard
Edit Recipient List in Word
Insert Address Block
Insert Merge Field
Preview Your Letters
Word Doc Automatically Updates from Table
Copy and Paste Table Data to Word
04. Exporting Text Files (10:14)
Export Text File
Export Windows Text
Notepad Application
Basic Access Text Export is Garbage
Export Without Formatting
Export Text Wizard
Fixed Width vs. Delimited Text
Changing Width of Field
Field Delimiter
Text Qualifier
Date Order
Date Delimiter
Time Delimiter
Four Digit Years
Leading Zeros in Dates
Decimal Symbol
Save Export Specification
Include Field Names in First Row
05. Export Misc (18:23)
Export to XML
Export to Another Access Database
Database must be closed
Access needs exclusive read/write
Queries Export as Queries NOT Tables
Copy Multiple Tables
Export to Sharepoint, Brief Discussion
Export to ODBC, Brief Discussion
Export to SQL Server, Brief Discussion
Export to HTML Document
Formatted v. Unformatted HTML
Coming Up
| Access Expert 20 | 01. Send Bulk Email via Word (29:13)
Query for Customers to Email
Active Customers with Email Addresses
External Data > Export > Word Merge
Create a New Document
Mail Merge Wizard
Use the Current Document
Use an Existing List
Edit Recipient List
Format Document
Insert Pictures
Preview your Email Messages
Complete the Merge
Merge to Email
To, Subject, Mail Format HTML
Check Names Error Message
Outlook Cannot Handle Hyperlink Fields
Separate Email Address from Hyperlink
HyperlinkPart Function
Word: Undefined Function HyperlinkPart
Make Table Query for Email Table
Find Data Source
Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard
Finish & Merge
Email Active Customers Button
Macro: Show All Actions
SetWarnings On/Off
OpenTable Command
RunMenuCommand WordMailMerge
Switch to Email Messages
02. Importing & Linking from Excel (21:27)
Copy and Paste Cells to New Table
Does first row contain column headings
Importing Proper Data Types
External Data > Import & Link > Excel
Import Excel Sheet Data
Import Spreadsheet Wizard
Field Name, Data Type, Indexed, Skip
Let Access add primary key
Save Import Steps
F5 to Refresh Navigation Pane
Saved Imports > Run
Import Errors
Append a copy of the records to the table
Linking to an Excel Spreadsheet
Link to the data by creating linked table
03. Importing Text & HTML (16:18)
Discussion of Different Import Features
Linked Table Manager, Brief Discussion
ODBC Database, Brief Discussion
Sharepoint List, Brief Discussion
Data Services, Brief Discussion
Importing Text Files
Advanced Import Specification
Importing HTML Documents
Importing HTML from a Web Page Table
Saving a Web Page as HTML
04. Exporting & Importing XML (14:43)
What is XML
Why is XML Better than Text or HTML
Exporting a Table in XML Data Only
Exporting Data with Schema XSD File
Exporting XML with Embedded Schema Data
05. Linking to Outlook Folders (11:21)
Link to Outlook Inbox
Read and Display Email in Access
Editing Email in Access
Linking to Outlook Contacts
Displaying Contacts in Access
Editing Contact Info in Access
| Access Expert 21 | 01. Import & Link Access Objects (14:45)
Import by Click-and-Drag
Import by External Data > Access
Browse to Database Folder
Import Objects Dialog
Import Options
Import Table Relationships
Import Menus and Toolbars
Import/Export Specs
Import Nav Pane Groups
Import All Images and Themes
Table Definition AND Data
Table Definition Only
Import Queries as Tables
Importing vs. Linking
Link to Customer Table
Custom Forms for Front End
02. Multi-User Database Theory (14:53)
Sharing a Database
Why Split Your Database
Front End vs. Back End Databases
Pros and Cons of Split Databases
03. Splitting Your Database 1 (20:38)
Compact & Repair First
Backup Your Data
Database Tools > Move Data > Access
Database Splitter Wizard
The database engine could not lock table
Already in use by another person
Notice Linked Tables
Set up Shared Folder
Linked Table Manager
Rename or Move Backend Database
Refresh Location of Backend Links
Setting up a Shared Folder
Folder Properties > Sharing
Assign Shared Folder Name
Setup Folder Permissions
Select Users or Group
UNC Path
Mapping a Drive Letter
04. Splitting Your Database 2 (21:15)
Storing Images on Server Share
Creating a 2nd Back End Database
Move a Secure Table to Different File
Creating a 2nd Front End Database
Custom Databases based on User Role
Distribute Encrypted Front End
Users Cannot Make Design Changes
File > Save As > Make ACCDE
Trusted Location - Shared Folder
05. Record Locking (28:42)
How Default Record Locking Works
Write Conflict Error Message
Save Record, Drop Changes
Copy to Clipboard
Form Properties > Record Locks
No Locks, All Records, Edited Record
What is an LACCDB file?
Database Client Settings
Page Level vs. Record Level Locking
Default Open Mode: Shared / Exclusive
File Open for Exclusive One Time Use
Default Record Locking
Open databases by using record-level locking
Changes take effect when first user opens db
Delete LACCDB file if record still locked
| Access Expert 22 | 01. Fixing Non-Relational Data (24:25)
Create Bad Spreadsheet
Import Sheet into Access
Aggregate Query for Unique Customer List
Customer Query with Most Recent Info
DLOOKUP Most Recent Address & Phone
Remove Customer Data from OrderT
Add CustomerID Foreign Key
Query to Change CustomerID
Delete Automatic CustomerID Join
Create New Join on Customer Name
Make Table Query to Create CustomerT
02. Update Vendor Pricing (41:41)
Price Sheet Changes from Vendor
Create Spreadsheet with Product Costs
Import Data into Access
Link Our Data with Vendor Data
Joined Query is Too Complex for Update
Make a Simpler Query
Discontinued Products have Null Price
Create Macro to Automate Import of Data
Make Button to Run Import
03. Fix the Order Entry System (42:21)
Fixing the Order Entry System
Current DB alters orders on UnitPrice change
Add ProductName, UnitPrice to OrderDetailT
Fix the OrderDetailQ
Unbind Product Combo Box, Move to Footer
Add ProductID, ProductName
Lock ProductID
Unlock UnitPrice
Create Embedded Button Macro
Build Event > Macro Builder
IF Macro Command
MessageBox Macro Command
StopMacro Macro Command
GoToControl Macro Command
GoToRecord Macro Command
Show All Commands Button
Potentially Unsafe Macro Commands
SetValue Macro Command
Set SalesTaxRate with IF Statement
| Access Expert 23 | 01. Remote Copy For Data Entry (36:44)
Copy PC Resale Main Database
Customize for Remote Use
Lock Customer Form
Don't Allow Edits, Deletions, Additions
Only Allow Additions on Contact Form
IsRemote Yes/No Field
Link to Main Database Tables
Not Connected to Network Error Message
Append New Records to Server
Delete Data in Remote Database
Copy All Records from Server to Remote
Macro to Perform Synchronization
02. Import Paypal Transactions (25:37)
What is Paypal
Download Paypal History File
Import Paypal Data Into Access
Set up my Transaction Table
Prevent Duplicate Records
03. Composite Keys (15:44)
Prevent Duplicate Values Multiple Fields
Create Store Locations Table
Do Not Want Two Stores in Same City
Indexed, No Duplicates
Indexes Dialog Box
Create the Composite Index
Also Called a Compound Index
Make Sure Store Doesn't Report Sales Twice
Create StoreSalesT
Prevent Duplicate Store Sales Figures
Allowing Duplicate Values
Find Duplicates Query Wizard
SQL Statement Explained Briefly
04. Transfer Multiple Tables XML (7:23)
Send Multiple Tables with Related Data
Exporting Customers with Orders
Export XML Menu Select Tables
Import Tables Into a New Database
| Access Expert 24 | 01. Import RSS Feed Data (14:21)
Pull News from Web Site
RSS Feeds are XML Files
Really Simple Syndication
Get the 599CD News Feed
External Data > Import XML
ImportErrors Table
Channel and Item Tables
GUID: Globally Unique Identifier
Field truncation
Can't Save Import Steps if Error
Import Latest News from
Import Tech News from
02. Import Real-Time Weather (14:02)
How to find an RSS Feed not advertised RSS Feeds
Weather Underground API
Register for an API key
Import Weather XML Feed
03. Display Real-Time Weather (20:56)
Convert RFC822 to Access DateTime Value
Query Sorted by Observation Date
Form to Display Current Conditions
Button to Run Macro for Import
Requery Form Data
WebBrowser Control
Display Images from a Web Site
Event Timer
Timer Interval
On Timer Event
04. Online SQL Server Database (28:39)
Share Access Data via Web Server
Use Access Front End, SQL Tables
Set up SQL Server DB on GoDaddy
Database Friendly Name
Username and Password
Export to ODBC Database
File Data Source
Machine Data Source
User Data Source
Create New Data Source > SQL Server
Set up a File DSN
Complete Export of CustomerT
Link to the CustomerT on SQL Server
| Access Expert 25 | 01. String Functions 1 (26:27)
Function Categories
Separate Phone Number Parts
Area Code, Prefix, Suffix
Separate First and Last Names
Get Last Name even if Middle Name
Convert to Upper Case
Convert to Lower Case
Convert to Proper Case
Remove Extra Spaces from String
Replace One String with Another
String Concatenation &
02. String Functions 2 (14:51)
Convert Number to String
String Comparison
Greater, Less, Equal, NULL
ASCII Code Table
Non-Standard Characters
Monospace Fonts
Kerning, Kerned Fonts
Repeat a String X Times
03. Logical Functions 1 (14:23)
Replace NULL Value
Determining Data Types
Data Type Names
Logical Operators
04. Logical Functions 2(26:33)
Nested IIF()
Student Grades Pass/Fail
Student Letter Grades
Shipping Methods
Calculating Employee Overtime Pay
Separating First, Middle, Last Names
| Access Expert 26 | 01. Math Functions 1 (27:09)
Abs - Absolute Value
Sgn - Sign
Postive, Negative, Zero
Banker's Rounding
Round to Evens
Don't Want Banker's Rounding
Round to Nearest Multiple
Int - Round to Integer
Fix - Negative Int Rnd Up
Cint - Convert to Integer
Val - String to Number
Val to Convert HEX to DEC
Remove Thousands Separator
Power of Tens: 2E14
02. Math Functions 2 (12:16)
Sqr - Square Root
e - Euler's Number
Mathematical Constant
Exp - Exponential
^ Number to Power
Log - Natural Logarithm
Calculate Log of Any Base
03. Math Functions 3 (11:40)
Calculating PI
Inverse Functions Missing
Degrees to Radians
Radians to Degrees
Sin, Cos, Tan, Atn
Calculate Building Heights
04. Math Functions 4 (29:21)
Mod - Modulus
\ - Integer Division
Is Number Divisible By X
Rnd - Random Numbers
Dice Roller Form
Reroll Button
Requery Macro Command
Display Random Records
Open a Random Customer
Semi-Random Customer Codes
05. Type Conversion (9:42)
CBool - Boolean
CByte - Byte
CCur - Currency
CDate - Date
CDbl - Double
CDec - Decimal
CInt - Integer
CLng - Long Integer
CSng - Single
CStr - String
CVar - Variant
| Access Expert 27 | 01. Date Time Now 1 (24:49)
Inserting DateTime Shortcut Keys
Insert Date with Ctrl-;
Insert Time with Ctrl-:
Insert Date from Previous Record with Ctrl-'
Date Time Functions
Date(), Time(), Now() Functions
Display Current Date in Unbound Form Field
Use as Default Value in a Table Field
Use as Default Value in a Form Field
Format Function Parameters
Show Date as "Monday, December 15, 2014"
Two Digit Year Cutoff - 2030 Problem
Automatically Timestamp New Records
Show Records From Today
Show Records in the Past
Show Records in the Future
Show Records on a Specific Date
Show Records NOT on a Specific Date
Show Records Between Two Dates
Show Records NOT Between Two Dates
Show Records Outside of a Date Range
Show Records on Specific Dates with IN() Function
02. Date Time Now 2 (37:17)
DateTime Mathematics
Date Stored as a Number
Number of Days Since 12/30/1899
Good Enough for Most Circumstances
Watch for Dates with Times with Between
Show Records From Today With Times
Show Records Between Two Dates With Times
Show Records on a Specific Date With Times
Show Records For Tomorrow
Show Records from Yesterday
Show Records Within one week from today
Birthdays From Now until Next Week
Orders Less than One Week Old
Aged Accounts Receivable
Query with Orders, OrderDetailQ, CustomerT
Need DueDate, CompanyName, OrderTotal
Order must be an Invoice and Not Paid
Aggregate Totals Group By ID, SUM Total
Put Aging in Second Query (for clarity)
Use IIF Function to Add Aging Data
Current Orders
Less than 30 days old
Between 30 and 60 days old
More than 60 days ago
Number of Days Late
Accounts Receivable Report
Conditional Formatting to Hide Zero Amounts
Totals in Report Footer
03. Date Time Now 3 (25:24)
Hours as Fractions of a Day
One Hour in the Future
Five Minutes in the Past
CDate() Function Convert Numbers or Text as Date
Calculating Age "Good Enough" Div by 365.242
Calculating Age in Whole Years
Display Total Time Worked in hh:nn
Display as 8:30, 8.5, and "08h 30m"
Timesheet Spanning Midnight
Original Worklog used Date and Time
What if you have only Time in your log?
Showing 24:00 in WorkLog instead of 00:00
Format two digits
| Access Expert 28 | 01. Break Apart Dates (21:59)
Day(), Month(), Year()
Hour(), Minute(), Second()
Is date in current year
Format property display -1/0 as True/False or Yes/No
Is date in previous year
Is date in next year
Is date in current month
Is date in current year to date
WeekDay() Function
WeekDayName() Function
MonthName() Function
What Day of the Week is Today?
First Day of Week
Last Day of Week
Tuesday Following Date
Weeks that Start on a Different Day (like Monday)
What's today's Weekday if week starts on Monday?
What's the date of the Monday before today?
Is Date a Work Day (Mon-Fri)
Is Date a Weekend Day (Sat, Sun)
02. DateAdd Function (9:32)
Query Insert Columns
DateAdd() Function
One day from Date
DateAdd Format Codes
One week from Date
One month from Date
One year from Date
How DateAdd handles leap years
One week before Date
Exactly 9 months from Date
Exactly 21 years before Date
1.5 years from Date
Within one calendar month from Date
Less than one calendar month before Date
Ten Minutes from Date
03. DateDiff Function (15:32)
Calculating Difference Between Two Dates
DateDiff() Function
Number of days between two dates
Number of days since order placed
Number of months until mortgage is paid
Someone's age (not 100% reliable)
Number of weeks since Jan 1st of current year
Number of minutes worked
First Day of Week Optional Parameter
First Week of Year Optional Parameter
04. DatePart Function (16:52)
Working with individual date components
DatePart() Function
Show orders from this year
Similar things with DatePart as with the Day, Month, Year functions
Date in a specific month
Date in a specific quarter
Date in current week of year
Invalid formulas on Microsoft's web site
Date in previous week
Date in next week
Be careful of suspicious behavior around the end of the year
Use optional parameters for DatePart
Date in previous month
Date in next month
Date in current quarter
Date in previous quarter
Date in next quarter
05. DateSerial Function (17:03)
First Day of Month
Last Day of Month
First Day of Previous Month
Last Day of Previous Month
First Day of Following Month
Last Day of Following Month
First Day of Quarter
Last Day of Quarter
First Day of Year
Last Day of Year
How Many Days in Month
How Many Days in Quarter
How Many Days in Year
What Day of the Year is it?
How Many Days Remaining in Year?
Exact Age / Anniversary Calculations
TimeSerial() Function Just like DateSerial
DateValue() Function
TimeValue() Function
CDate() Function - BOTH date AND time
Useful to convert strings to DateTime values
06. Ordinal Dates (08:40)
Displaying 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.
Discuss VBA Function for Ordinals
Learn how to calculate with IIF Functions
07. Miscellaneous (33:02)
Calculate Someone's Next Birthday Date
List of Birthdays in Next 60 Days
How many days until your next birthday
List of Birthdays from Next Month
Use the NZ function to substitute a date
Not all customers have CustomerSince
If NULL, assume start date of business
Field Level Validation Rules (Field-Level)
Table Level Validation Rules (Table-Level)
Validation Rule ShipDate > OrderDate
Validation Rule OrderDate <= Now()
| Access Expert 29 | 01. Aggregate Functions (12:56)
Sum, Avg, Count, Max, Min, First, Last
Will cover StDev Later
Will cover Variance Later
Use in a Form Footer
Use in an Aggregate Query
Use Aggregate as Query Criteria
02. Domain Aggregate Functions (17:53)
DLookup, DSum, DCount, DAvg
DMax, DMin, DFirst, DLast
Domains & Criteria
Number, String, Date Criteria
No Criteria
Double Double Quotes for Strings
Largest Autonumber in Table
How Many Records in Table
Criteria on the Current Form
Criteria on Another Form
Concatenation of Criteria
Multiple Criteria
Parentheses in Multiple Criteria
03. Domain Aggregate Examples (18:14)
DLookup Sales Rep Phone Number
DSum Orders From Last 30 Days
System Default Values Table
DCount Orders in Last 30 Days
DMax Show Last Order Placed
DAvg to Show Average Sales
Calculate Average Daily Sales
Forecast Future Sales
04. Create Your Own Counter (26:39)
Creating Editable Counters
Can't put DMAX or MAX in Table Default
Expression Builder List of Functions
Try Using Form Default Value Field
Order Of Evaluation
Before Insert Event
Can't use Max in Macro
Use DMax to Find Largest Current Value
Increment Counter Value
Test Referential Integrity
Cascade Updates for ProductCategoryID
Use NZ for initial seeding
Show DMax VBA Code
05. Running Balances (24:48)
Set up Bank Account Table
Check Register
Deposits are Positive Amounts
Checks are Negative Amounts
Running Sum Property in Report
Running Sum over Group: Month
No Running Sum in Forms
Use DSUM for Running Balance
DSUM Based on the ID
DSUM Based on the Transaction Date
06. Excel VLOOKUP Replacement (14:19)
Student Letter Grade Example
Assign "A" for Grade 90, etc.
DMAX and DLOOKUP Combination
Look up Customer Credit Bracket
Gold, Silver, Bronze, etc.
| Access Expert 30 | 01. Functions & Interest (9:08)
Access Financial Funtions
Functions Covered Today:
Functions NOT Covered:
Simple v. Compound Interest Rates
APR Annual Percentage Rate
02. Loan Calculator (18:08)
Calculate Mortgage Payments
PMT Function
Amount of Loan
Number of Periods
Interest Rate
Monthly Payment
Total Amount Paid
Total Interest Paid
Rounding Issues
Extra Payment at End of Loan
03. Investment Calculator (7:37)
Calculate Future Value of Investment
Amount of Investment
APR Annual Percentage Rate
Number of Years to Invest
Extra Payments
Future Value
FV Function
04. Interest Rate Calculator (11:30)
What was my rate of return ROI
Intial Investment Amount
Amount of Return
Number of Years to Invest
What was my Interest Rate
RATE Function
Why sometimes divide by 12
Annual vs. Monthly Compounding
05. Millionaire Calculator (9:30)
How long until I'm a millionaire
Initial Deposit Amount
Monthly Payment Amount
Goal Amount
Interest Rate
Calculate Number of Months
Convert to Whole Years
INT Function
NPER FUnction
06. Initial Deposit Calculator (7:06)
College fund calculator
How much deposit to hit goal return
Current Balance Amount
Interest Rate
Years to have account open
Extra annual payments
PV Function
07. House Value Calculator (5:55)
Monthly payment you can afford
Interest rate from bank
How many years for your mortgage
Calculate house you can afford
PV Function
08. Loan Amortization (22:47)
How Amortization Works
Interest and Principal Portions
Build LoanF Form
Create AmortT Table for Periods
Build AmortF Subform
Link Child and Master Fields
Calculate Interest Paid
IPMT Function
Calcaulte Principal Paid
PPMT Function
Rounding Issues
IIF Function to Hide Errors
| Access Expert 31 | 01. Charts 1 (11:22)
What is a Chart
Why are Charts Useful
Chart Area
Data Series
Data Points
Chart Axes
Horizontal X Axis
Vertical Y Axis
Chart Title & Legend
Chart Gridlines
Create a Sales Chart
Chart Wizard
Add Chart to Form
Chart Types
02. Charts 2 (10:52)
Chart Formatting Options
Chart Datasheet
Components Dropdown
Edit Chart Title
Format Data Series
Change Colors
Fixing Distortion
Clip, Stretch, Zoom
03. Charts 3 (10:40)
Transparent Chart Background
Multiple Data Series
Preview Chart Button
3-D Column Chart
3-D View & Effects
Elevation, Rotation
04. Charts 4 (12:03)
Data Series Shape
Data Labels, Value
Gap Width, Depth
Chart Depth
Format Walls, Floor
Aggregating Data
Add Trendline
Pie Charts
Angle of First Slice
Data Labels
Leader Lines
05. Charts 5 (9:28)
Review PCResale Database
Sales by Rep previous 30 days
Chart Dashboard
Setup Queries
06. Charts 6 (11:13)
Build Dashboard
Chart in a Report
| Access Expert 32 | 01. Single Letter Report Header (18:05)
Contact Report
Creating Group for Single Letter
Group by First Character
Display LEFT 1 Character
Group by Contact Name
IsNull to Show No Company Name
02. Report List Form (17:19)
List of All Reports in Database
MSysObjects Table
List of Type Values
Custom Report List Table
Report List Form and Listbox
Macro to Open Report
Build Event
On Click Event
03. Rank, Median, Mode (25:04)
SubQueries, SubQuery
Query Customers Less Than Average Employees
Rank Formula
Alias for a Table
Median Value "Good Enough"
Mode Value
Totals Query, Top 1 Value
Percentile Ranking
04. Intro to Macros (36:18)
Customer Mailing Labels
Create LabelT Table
Create LabelR Report
Insert Blank Records at Top
Cut and Paste
Create LabelF Form
Create View Labels Button
Print Preview Report
Macro to Insert Blank Records
Command Button Macro
GoToRecord New Record
Show All Actions
Unsafe Actions
Form Macros v External Macros
Button to Run External Macro
Prompt For Loop Count Value
InputBox Function
Insert Blanks on Top of Label Sheet
SelectRecord, SelectAllRecords
Cut, Paste
Button on Customer Form to Add Label
| Access Advanced 1 | 01. Macro Basics (13:40)
What is a Macro?
Benefits of Macros
Limitations of Macros
Review of Macros in our Database
02. Building Macros (14:47)
Create a Standalone Macro
Create > Macro
Macro Builder
Action Catalog
Beep Command
Delete a Command from Macro
MessageBox Command
Command Arguments
Hello World Example
OpenForm Command
Where Condition v Filter
Embedded Macro in Form Button
Build Event
On Click Event
03. Making Macros Smart (16:58)
Macro to Open Form to Specific Record
On Dbl Click Event
= Sign Required in Where Condition
Blue Fields Double-Clickable
ControlTip Text
Open Specific Contact
If Then Command
IsNull Function
If Not IsNull
Add Else Condition
MessageBox Command
StopMacro Command
Show Orders for Specific Customer
04. Form Open Events (15:29)
More With Conditions
Open Specific Order from OrderListF
Requery a Form when you return to it
On Activate Event Example
Discussion of Other Events:
On Open, On Close
On Resize
On Activate, On Deactivate
On Load, On Unload
On No Data Event for Reports
| Access Advanced 2 | 01. Add New Order Button (7:28)
Open Form to New Record
GoToRecord, New
Add New Order Button on CustomerF
Add New Order Button on OrderListF
02. Add Details Before Order (20:29)
Adding Child Records Before Parent
Missing Parent ID
Before Insert Event
03. Quote or Invoice Caption (28:23)
Toggle Button
Bind Button to Data
SetProperty Command
On Click Event
Caption Property
Change from Record to Record
Change on Form Open
On Current Event
External Macros
RunMacro Command
Reusing Code / Macros
SetValue Command
Enabled Property
| Access Advanced 3 | 01. More Control Properties 1 (19:20)
#FFFFFF Colors
Use VAL() Function
How Hexadecimal Numbers Work
RGB() Function
Access Color Codes
Command Button to MessageBox Color Code
Discussion of Color Constants in VBA
vbRed, vbBlue, etc.
Theme Colors v. Standard Colors
FontSize Property
02. More Control Properties 2 (21:14)
FontName Property
Visible Property
Height, Width Properties
OnGotFocus, OnLostFocus Events
Make Notes Field Larger When Clicked On
Top, Left Properties
BackStyle Property
Have Access Tell You the Numeric Values
BorderStyle Property
Changing Form Background Colors
03. Locking Paid Orders (35:14)
Enabled Property for Controls
Lock Subform
Difference Between Locked and Enabled
Store Data in Temporary Variables
SetTempVar Command
InputBox Function
MessageBox TempVars!Variable
Check for Password
BeforeUpdate vs. AfterUpdate
Cancel BeforeUpdate Event
CancelEvent Command
Don't Run Event on PAID only UNPAID
RunMacro Command
| Access Advanced 4 | 01. Password to Open Form (14:23)
InputBox to Collect Password
SettingT Table for Global Settings
SetTempVar to DLOOKUP Password
02. Full Sheet of Same Customer Label 1 (9:02)
Non-Macro Method
Create Mailing Labels Using Wizard
Use Forms!CustomerF for Data
Set up Bogus Table for 30 Records
03. Full Sheet of Same Customer Label 2 (20:22)
Individual Labels with SendKeys Method
OpenTable Command
GoToRecord Command
SendKeys Command
Loop Method with External Macro
Create Label Form
SetValue Labels from Customer Form
RunMacro Command
Repeat Count to Loop
Repeat Expression
04. New Method Quote v Invoice (6:07)
Quote or Invoice Word on Report
Build Event of Detail Section
SetProperty Caption
Make IsQuotation Invisible
05. Macro Groups and Submacros (9:49)
Macro Group
RunMacro MacroName.SubMacro
Default Macro Action
One Macro to Open Multiple Forms
| Access Advanced 5 | 01. Separate Shipping Address 1 (14:59)
Add ShipTo Fields
Ship Same as Billing Checkbox
Macro to Copy Billing to Ship Address
02. Separate Shipping Address 2 (15:21)
Add Fields to Order Table
Copy Ship Bill Fields to Order Form
03. Move Items Between List Boxes (21:13)
Access Drag and Drop Limitations
Form Showing Active and Inactive Employees
Button to Move From Active to Inactive List
RunSQL Command
Put Move Code in On Double Click Event
Click to Preview Employee Record
04. Miscellaneous (15:03)
AutoExec Macro
Bypass the AutoExec
Error Handling
Simple Calculator Form
OnError Command
VAL() Function
Setting 0 on NULL Values
Error Submacro
Macro Design Tab
Run Button
Single Step Toggle
| Access Advanced 6 | 01. SQL Search Boxes (35:50)
Create Unbound Search Text Boxes
SQL Statement to Replace RecordSource
Build SQL Statement in a Text Box
Separate WHERE Clause Box
Multiple Conditions
02. Data Macros (17:40)
If NumEmployees < 0
ProductT Add UnitCost, Markup
Auto Calculate UnitPrice
If [IsInsert] For Adding Records
After Update
Create a Log Table
="Updated " & [CustomerT].[CustomerID]
Macro Shortcut on Desktop
| Access Developer 1 | 01. Intro to Access VBA (8:42)
What is VBA
Visual Basic for Applications
Visual Studio
Visual Basic .NET
Benefits over Macros
02. Our First VBA Code (12:51)
Hello World
Turn off Project Explorer
Turn off Properties Window
Turn off Immediate Window
MsgBox Command
Optional Parameters
Multiple Parameters
03. DoCmd.OpenForm (12:46)
Open Form Command
Arguments List
Where Condition
Open Specific Record
Duplicate Code
Preview of Creating Subs
04. Subs with Multiple Commands (5:59)
Archive Contacts Button
MsgBox Command
05. Add Product Button (12:01)
If Then Statement
End If
Else, ElseIf
Docmd.GoToRecord acNewRec
SetValue in VBA
06. AfterUpdate Event (10:19)
Add New Customer Button
After Update Event
Always Use Event Procedures
Boolean Values TRUE is Assumed
| Access Developer 2 | 01. Calculator 1 (20:05)
Naming Buttons
String Concatenation
VAL() Function
Change Button Name, Edit Code
Add, Subtract Buttons
Multiply, Divide Buttons
Square Root, Exponents
Nth Root
Divide by Zero Error
On Error Resume Next
If Then Else
Exit Sub
02. Calculator 2 (12:59)
Create Private Sub
Parameters to a Sub
Right Click > Definition for Sub
Select Case Statement
End Select
Proper Indenting
Tab / Shift Tab Multiple Lines
03. Commission Form 1 (27:00)
Sales Rep Combo Box
Commission Rate in Columns
AfterUpdate Event to Copy Rate
Calculate Commission Button
Create a Function
Return a Value
Boolean Values
Subs vs. Functions
04. Commission Form 2 (15:57)
VB Line Continuation _
MsgBox vbInformation
Warning if Sale Amount $0
Set to Null after logging
| Access Developer 3 | 01. Variables (22:12)
Exit Sub
Line Continuation Character
DIM ID As Long
On Error Resume Next
On Error Goto 0
Initializing Variables
MsgBox as a Function
vbYes, vbNo, vbCancel
02. Random Numbers (9:33)
Const - Constants
03. For Next Loops (21:47)
Looping Math Quiz
Set NumLoops
For Next
Format Function, Percent
Format Function, 0.0%
Data Types in Access VBA
Integer, Long Integer
Single, Double
Date, Date Time
04. Quick Add Sales Rep (21:10)
Add Link on Commission Form
InputBox First, Last, Com Rate
DCount, DMax, CDbl
Run Another Objects Event
| Access Developer 4 | 01. Add Notes to Order Details (22:15)
DLOOKUP Long Text Memo
Notes Field in OrderDetailT
Add to OrderDetailF
Make Size Change in OnGotFocus
Height, Width Properties
Change Detail Section Height
Variable Scope - Sub vs Form
Form Scope Variable to hold Height, Width
OnDblClick Event to Grow
02. Commissions by Order Amount 1 (22:33)
Modify CommissionT
Base Commission on Order
Employee Commission Table
Set up Brackets for Commission Ranges
Fix Sales Rep Combo Box
Query to Link Orders, Commissions, Cust
Order Picker Combo Box
03. Commissions by Order Amount 2 (43:50)
Change Order Combo to List Box
SQL Statement to Load List
Limit by Sales Rep
Query Employees w Unpaid Commissions
Limit Employee Combo to Unpaid Only
Lookup Order Total for Selected Order
Look that up in Commission Table
Log to Table with SQL INSERT INTO
| Access Developer 5 | 01. Pay Commissions 1 (15:21)
Add Commission Check ID to Com Table
Create Commission Check Table
Commission Select Query
Commission Check Employee Query
Commission Check Form
Combo Box to Select Employee
02. Pay Commissions 2 (20:38)
Commission List Box
Is Selected
Copy Between Two List Boxes
Drag and Drop Discussion
Click and Drag
Create ComList2
SQL UPDATE to Select Items
Totals for each List Box
DSUM Function
03. Pay Commissions 3 (20:17)
MsgBox vbYesNoCancel vbYes
SQL INSERT Check into Table
Add EmployeeID to CommissionT
Database Theory v Practice
Update CommissionT for Changes
04. Printing Checks 1 (15:23)
Convert Currency or Number to English
SpellNumber Function
Create a Global Module
Look up Largest Check Number in Table
Create New Check Number
05. Printing Checks 2 (20:30)
Create Check Report
Blank Laser Printer Checks
Process Current Check
Print All Checks
Mark Printed
DoCmd.OpenReport acViewPreview
OnNoData Report Event
Mark ALL Commissions Selected
| Access Developer 6 | 01. Converting Macros to VBA (29:41)
Quotation or Invoice in Report
Examine old Macro from Advanced 2
Label.Caption Property
Detail_Format Section
Report Detail Build Event
TRUE assumed in IF statements
VB Editor Auto Capitalization
vbRed, vbBlue
ForeColor Property
Quote or Invoice Toggle Button
Global Module for IsQuotationCode
Enabled, Locked Properties
IsPaid Password Code to VBA
Convert Macros to VBA
02. Enhanced Timer Form (16:35)
OnTimer Event
Timer Interval
One Second Ticks
IsPaused Checkbox
Checkbox to Control Events Firing
Specifying Timer Interval Text Box
03. Cascading Combo Boxes (9:47)
Dynamic Combo Boxes
Control Wizard Not Starting
Product Category SQL Rowsource
Select Category, Products Filtered
04. Automated Backups (34:26)
Trusted Locations
Backing Up Critical Tables
You Should Have Separate Backup
Use This to Backup Critical Data
Backup With Timestamp
Current Date Time Field
Last Run Field
Run Every X Minutes or Hours
86400 Seconds
FileCopy Permission Denied
CopyFileA Windows API
Replace Function
| Access Developer 7 | 01. Partial Payments 1 (30:54)
Create PaymentT
Create PaymentMethodT
Create PaymentF
SUM in Form Footer PaymentTotal
DSUM Payment Total
Popup, Modal Forms
Refresh Subforms
Forms!FName!Subform.Form!Field Notation
02. Partial Payments 2 (13:36)
Don't allow Payment if PAID
Don't allow Payment if QUOTATION
Add Payments to Invoice Report
If No Payments, Handle NULL Value
NZ Function
03. Partial Payments 3 (22:29)
Add Horizontal Line over Payments
Hide Payments, Due if Null or Zero
CTRL-Y to Delete Line of Code
Visible Property
Section Header Build Event Code
Can Grow, Can Shrink for Section Header
Can Grow, Can Shrink for Text Boxes
Labels Don't Shrink
IsQuotation Not In Subform
Duplicate Fields in Both Tables
Specified Field Could Refer
Refer To More Than One Table
Add IsQuotation to OrderDetailQ
| Access Developer 8 | 01. Payment Mods 1 (23:48)
Default to Amount Due
Combo DropDown Method
Add Amount Due to PaymentF
Refresh Amount Due
Refresh Total Payments
On Unload Event
Mark Order Paid
Check for Overpayments
02. Payment Mods 2 (27:25)
Don't Allow Edits if Paid
Manager Override Password to Edit
Create a Public Global Function
IsManager Function
Returning a Value from a Function
Replace Password Elsewhere
Globally Search All Code
Search Code Entire Project
03. Search As You Type (23:11)
Create Search Query
On Key Press Event
What is ASCII?
CHR Function
OnChange Event
Len, Nz
| Access Developer 9 | 01. Miscellaneous (27:19)
Add Search Form to Main Menu
Open Customer from Search Form
Show/Hide Manager Button If Paid
Delete A Payment Problem
Form Current Event from Top Menus
Mark Unpaid if Payment Deleted
Lock or Unlock if Paid Unpaid
Enabled v. Locked Properties
Properties of Subforms
02. Test Taker 1 (38:48)
Build Tables
Table Relationships
Enforce Referential Integrity
Multiple Choice v. Fill In Blank
03. Test Taker 2 (20:07)
Create Forms for Data Entry
Department, Class, Test Forms
04. Test Taker 3 (19:00)
Question Form
Set Caption On Open
Form with a Subform DefaultView
Continuous Forms Problem
05. Test Taker 4 (37:41)
Begin Taking Test
Combos to Select Student, Test
Disable on Selections
Begin Test Button
Check for Questions on Test
Create Test
Create a TestResult Record
DMAX to Look Up ID
| Access Developer 10 | 01. Test Taker 5 (22:09)
Figure Out Which Question to Ask
Show Unanswered Questions for Test
Set Order Default to Max +1
02. Test Taker 6 (9:40)
Get the Question
Fields to Display Q&As
Add Scroll Bars to Text Box
Display Next Question Sub
Required Order Value
Validation Rule >0
03. Test Taker 7 (36:26)
Answer Given Text Box
Answer List Box
Determine if Multiple Choice
Display Text or List Box
Check Answer for Correctness
NZ with False
StrComp() if Case Sensitive
04. Test Taker 8 (15:31)
Calculate Grade
Store in TestResultT
ROUND Function
| Access Developer 11 | 01. Test Taker 9 (32:21)
Hide Begin Test Button
Display Question 1 of X
Take This Test Button on TestF
DoCmd.Close acForm Options
acSaveYes, acSaveNo, acSavePrompt
IsLoaded Check if Form Is Loaded
Cascade Close Child Forms
OnCurrent Close and Reopen Child
02. Test Taker 10 (38:44)
Tracking Test Start End Times
Answer Start End Times
Display Timer on Form
Timer Interval
RGB Function and Colors
Max Time to Take Test
Calculate Elapsed Time
03. Universal Dialog Box 1 (23:52)
Custom Prompt
Enhanced MsgBox
OK Button
Modal, Popup
Create a Global Public Module
uDialog Sub
PromptLabel.Caption Property
uDialog.Title Property of Form
Optional Parameters
BackColor RGB
With / End With
FontSize Parameter
| Access Developer 12 | 01. Universal Dialog Box 2 (21:28)
OK, Cancel, Yes, No Buttons
Turn Sub into Function
Global Variables
While Loops
While Wend
Return Function Value
02. Custom Form Positioning (23:49)
Height and Width of Forms
Twips = Inches * 1440
Twentieth of an Inch Point
Design Time Width of Form
Runtime Width of Form
OnResize Event
WindowHeight, WindowWidth - Read Only
There is no OnMoved event
You can use a timer event
Twips Round to 15
Center Form On Screen
03. Universal Dialog Box 3 (35:14)
Not exactly in the center of the screen
uDialog Left, Top, Height, Width
Size of Controls in Form
Resize Prompt Label on Form Resize
Border Style Sizable, Dialog
Move Buttons as Form is Resized
Button Top, Left
One or Two Buttons Visible
04. External String Manager (21:59)
Multi-Language Database
Don't Design Multiple Forms or Databases
Different Prompts on Forms and Reports
Create User Settings Table
For Multiple Users See Security Seminar
Create String Table
Dynamic Labels on Customer Form
Label Caption Property
Dynamic Labels on Customer Report
Create External Module GetString Function
Use GetString as a MsgBox String
| Access Developer 13 | 01. Search Between Dates (26:01)
Search Records Between Dates
Begin Date, End Date
SQL To Requery Form
Combo Box for Before, After, Between
Select Case
Visible and SetFocus
Limit To List
Allow Value List Edits
02. Tuition Levels 1 (32:27)
Tuition for a Private School
Same as Products With Multiple Options
Billing on Grade Level
Add Tuition Discounts
Add Discounts Per Child
Multi Field Indexing
Composite Key
Composite Index
Create Pricing Form to Add Schedule
03. Tuition Levels 2 (47:58)
On Dbl Click to Add Tuition to Order
OpenForm, GoToControl
GoToRecord, Set .Form!Pricing
Pricing Wizard Form
Show Only Tuition Levels for Grade
Aggregate Query
Requery, SetFocus, DropDown
Change to List Boxes
Variable Pricing
Check if Form Open
On Error Resume Next
On Error Goto 0
| Access Developer 14 | 01. The Database Structure (30:14)
The Easy Access POS
Planning the Database
Discussing Features to be Built
Groups & People (Family & Students)
Products & Categories
Discounts, Adjustments, Tax, Tip
Unbound Modal Popup Forms
Barcode Scanner Capable
Avoiding Multi-User Problems
Touch-Screen Friendly
Payment & Payment Types
Credit Cards, Cash
Popup Keypad for Numeric Entry
Calculate Change
Voiding Sales
Multiple Locations
Manager Menu
Edit Lists, System Settings
Edit Orders & Payments
Sales Charts & Graphs
List of Groups with Open Balances
Mail Statements
Detailed Sales Reporting
Possible Future Upgrades
02. Building the Tables, Part 1 (31:37)
Review of Comments from Lesson 1
Changes to be made
Table Design
03. Building the Tables, Part 2 (34:15)
04. Order Form, Part 1 (21:30)
Create New Form
Modal, Popup
Note design view bug for Popup Forms
Make NOT Modal / Popup For Now
No Scrollbars, Navigation Buttons, Record Selectors
No Control Source
Create CategoryList
Make text large enough for touch screens
Create ProductList
Delete RowSource
AfterUpdate Event in CategoryList
Populate ProductList
Create OptionList
Populate OptionList
05. Group and Person Select (30:42)
GroupName, PersonName on OrderF
Hidden PersonID
| Access Developer 15 | Lesson 1: Move Between List Boxes (20:15)
Active / Inactive Customer List Boxes
Move Between Boxes
UPDATE SQL Statement
Passing a Control as a Parameter
Lesson 2: Debugging Level 2 (31:55)
On Error Resume Next
Invalid Use of Null
Debug Toolbar
On Error Goto 0
On Error Goto MyErr
Custom Error Messages
Exit Sub Before Error Handler
Immediate Window
Show Debug.Print
Immediate Window
Basic Math ?5+9
Checking Variables ?X
Set a Breakpoint
Testing Function Return Values
Test a DLookup
I prefer StatusBox for Users to See
Status Function
Step Over, Step Into, Step Out
Watch Window
Global Const
Lesson 3: Multi-Select List Boxes (42:34)
Change to Multi Select
Simple v. Extended
.ListCount Property
.ItemData(Row) Property
Don't Use Column Headers
Loop Through All Items
For X=0 to Count-1 (For Loop)
With / End With (Dev 11)
.Column(0,x) Property - Row is New!
How to Tell What is Selected
.Selected(Row) Property
Status Selected Items Only
For Each Loop
For Each I in .ItemsSelected
Control variable must be Variant or Object
ChangeCustomerStatus Update
Call ChangeCustomerStatus in Loop
For Each Form in Forms Collection
Write ButtonCode Sub
Change IsActive to IIF Function
CTRL-Y to Delete a Line
db.Execute vs. DoCmd.RunSQL
Select All / Deselect All buttons
| Access Developer 16 | 01. Homework Plus (13:16)
Select & Deselect All Buttons
Both List Boxes
One Sub Handles All 4 Cases
Count of Records Selected
IIF for Customer or Customers
02. Bug Fix, Visual Glitch (18:05)
Bug in List Box Form
Deselect Items as you Change Table Value
Visual Glitch in Listbox Selection
03. Formatting, Colors in a List Box (34:31)
Make a Continuous Subform Instead
Sales Rep Table
Conditional Formatting Expression Is
Make SubForm
No Link Master or Link Child Fields
Expression = SalesRepID
Requery On Current
CustomerID.SetFocus Get Rid of Selection
On Mouse Move
Change Screen Pointer
04. Recordsets Part 1 (19:36)
What is a Recordset
Why use Recordsets?
Talk about DAO v ADO
Create our First Recordset
Dim Database, Recordset Objects
Close Objects
Set to Nothing
Display DB and RS Names
05. Recordsets, Part 2 (32:00)
Displaying FirstName
While Wend Loop Thru Records
Avoid Endless Loops
Add a Loop Counter
Don't Use Spaces!
rs.EOF rs.BOF
Dealing with No Records
Creating Unbound Text Box
Value List
Adding Records
Ampersand Button Caption Alt-A
Default Button for Form
Add from RecordSet to ListBox
RemoveItem from Single ListBox
| Access Developer 17 | 01. Remove Items Unbound Multi-Select List Box (23:16)
Remove From Single Column Box
Remove From Multiple Column Box
02. Export Individual Customer PDF Files (18:22)
Create Customer Report
Get Rid of Alternating Background Color
Force New Page After Detail Section
Export Report to PDF
Export Individual Customer Reports
Open Report to Specific Customer
View Individual PDF Files
03. DLookupPlus Function (34:43)
Use Recordset to Return List of Items
Example: Sales Reps & States they Cover
Joe: NY, TX, FL
Sue: PA, CA
| Access Developer 18 | 01. Progress Bar Part 1 (32:26)
Microsoft ProgressBar Control v 6.0
Problems with ActiveX Controls
For Loop with Progress Bar
Multiple Running Queries
Simulated Action with Sleep
Text Box with XXXXX
String Function
02. Progress Bar Part 2 (15:46)
Two Textbox Progress Bar
Overflow Error
03. Progress Bar Part 3 (46:12)
Option Explicit
Loop Time with SQL Insert
Calculate Elapsed Seconds
Loop Time with Recordset
Show Seconds Remaining
Set Caption "Speed Test"
Recordsets Faster than SQL INSERT
04. RS Edit AddNew (53:20)
Create Unbound Customer Form
Error Handling CustomerT Not Exist
Load Current Record
Talk About Needing MoveLast with Snapshots
Lock Down the Controls
Edit Button
05. Delete & Sort (12:09)
rs.Sort Discussion Of
Sort by Changing Recordset SQL
| Access Developer 19 | 1. Bound Multi-Select Listbox 1 (29:28)
Recordset Types
dbOpenTable, dbOpenDynamic
dbOpenDynaset, dbOpenSnapshot
Multi-Select Option Listbox
Product Interest Junction Table
Subform to Select Products
Replace with Multi-Select Listbox
Load Values OnCurrent
2. Bound Multi-Select Listbox 2 (11:15)
Save on AfterUpdate of Listbox
Save on AfterUpdate of Form Once
3. Nested Recordsets (13:41)
Customers w Contacts
Multiple Recordset While Loops
4. Chef's Kitchen Helper 1 (18:15)
Recipes, Ingredients, Inventory
Products On Hand
What Can I Make?
5. Chef's Kitchen Helper 2 (17:15)
Quantity on Hand
Quantity Required
Calculate with Queries
6. Chef's Kitchen Helper 3 (24:54)
Use Nested Recordsets
Fill Listbox
7. Chef's Kitchen Helper 4 (22:22)
Select Dish to Make
Remove Ingredients From Inventory
| Access Developer 20 | 1. Recordset to External Database (25:04)
Set up Back End Database
Connect with OpenDatabase
Set Database Password on Backend
Open Exclusive
Encrypt With Password
Send Password in Connect String
2. Add Followups (16:39)
5, 10, 30, 90 Day Followups
3. Add Records GoToRecord (17:02)
Custom Boxes
Determine Next Box Number
DMAX Function
Split Prefix / Suffix
Nested FOR Loops
ASCII Codes, CHR Function
4. Add With RecordSets (15:59)
Much Faster!
Jump Back X Rows
5. TreeView Control 1 (27:24)
TreeView Control
Loading Nodes
Clearing the Tree
Showing Root Node Lines
Indentation, Font
6. TreeView Control 2 (35:07)
Expand, Collapse All
Employee Form
Supervisor Combo
Can't Be Your Own Supervisor
Employee Subform
Show Selected Employee
| Access Developer 21 | 1. Recordset Data Scrub (32:08)
Making Data Relational
Keep Existing Data
Put Sample Data in BoxT
Create ContainerT: ContainerID, ContainerName
Create PositionT: PositionID, ContainerID, Volume
Create Transfer Routine
Get ID of Newly Added Record
2. Nested Continuous Forms (19:11)
ContainerF, PositionF
Continuous Form inside a Continuous Form
Recreate Add Box Code
Composite Key ContainerID, PositionName
3. Side By Side Subforms (13:13)
Side by Side Continuous Subforms
OnCurrent Event Change RecordSource
Change Subform SourceObject
4. Arrays (17:20)
Dim Static Array
Load Manually
Load with Recordset Data
Dynamic Size Array
Redim Preserve
Ubound, Lbound
5. Parent Breadcrumbs (27:31)
Load Array with Parents
Load Parents into Listbox
For Next Step
| Access Developer 22 | 1. Tag Property (35:04) - Bonus Lesson
Tag Property
Loop Thru Controls
For Each Loop
2. Applying Payments to Orders (40:40)
Display Total Orders For a Customer
Display Total Paid
Display Total Unpaid
Input Payment Amount
Apply to Orders
3. Record Count 1 (37:57) - Bonus Lesson
Numbering Rows
Auto Ordering DCOUNT
Manual Ordering
4. Record Count 2 (51:30)
Recordset Renumber
Deleting Multiple Records
Me.SelHeight Property
| Access Developer 23 | 1. Rental Inventory 1 (17:21) - Bonus Lesson
Daily Event to Mark Back in Inventory
Scan Out / In Rental Items
2. Rental Inventory 2 (45:50)
Add Serial Numbers to Items
Look Up by Serial Number / Barcode
Scan Out Books
Scan In Batches of Books
3. Order Entry 1 (67:08) - Bonus Lesson
Order Entry Form
Printable Invoice
4. Order Entry 2 (60:16) - Bonus Lesson
Order List Form
Copy Customer Address to Order
Product Select Combo
Add to Order Button
5. Inventory Out (40:02)
Add QtyOnHand to ProductT
Create ProductHistoryT to Audit Transactions
Add IsShipped to OrderT, OrderF, OrderListF, InvoiceR
If Shipped Don't Allow Edits, Deletes
Lock IsShipped Don't Allow Manual Edits
Make Ship Button
Order Must Be Paid
Cannot Already Be Shipped
Check Inventory Levels First
If OK, Remove from Inventory
| Access Developer 24 | 1. Reservation System (45:14)
Reserve an Item, Tool, Room, etc.
Before Update Event Logic
Must be Future, Up to 1 Year
Minimum 1 Day Rental
Maximum 2 Week Rental
Conflict Resolution
2. Copy Order with Details 1 (34:22)
Copy Record with Children "Messy" Way
Copy Paste Manually
Copy with Duplicate Record Button
Copy with the Messy Method
DoCmd.Echo On/Off
Deleting Child Records
Don't Rely on Cascade Deletes
Referential Integrity Not in Linked Tables
Find Orphan Records
3. Copy Order with Details 2 (27:31)
Copy Record with Children "Proper" Way
Loop Through Fields in a Recordset
Dim Fld As Field
For Each Fld in rs.Fields
Fields Collection of a Recordset
Copy Order Record
Copy All Details in Loop
Future Proof the Copy!
| Access Developer 25 | 1. ByRef v ByVal Part 1 (11:57)
Passing Values
Learning the Difference
Example: Increment Sub
2. ByRef v ByVal Part 2 (11:58)
Optional Parameters
Use with Form Controls
Determine if Field or Number
Public Subs & Functions
3. ByRef v ByVal Part 3 (18:36)
Function that Returns Multiple Values
Return a Status Code
Return Customer Name
4. Active Form & Control (16:51)
Dim F As Control
Set Keyword for Objects
List of Control Types
acTextBox Type
Change Properties Like BackColor
5. Product Groups 1 (30:09)
Product Group Table, Form
Product Details Table, Form
Calculate Bundle Price
6. Product Groups 2 (37:47)
Add Package as Line Item
Loop Through Package Details, Add
Hide $0 Prices On Invoice in Detail Section
Indent $0 Line Items
Bold Package Names
| Access Developer 26 | 1. Bug Fix - Product Groups (7:34)
Ignore Product Groups
Inventory Calculations
2. Dynamic Customer Search Form 1 (42:18)
Dynamic SQL
Build the List Box
Add Sorting Labels
Sort NULL Values To Bottom of List
Colorize Ascending Descending
3. Dynamic Customer Search Form 2 (20:50)
Field Filter Boxes
Clear Filter Button
Build Dynamic Where Condition
4. Recordset Based Search Form 1 (26:32)
Create SearchT
Delete Filter Boxes
Delete AND / OR Combo
Create RS Loop For Where Condition
TableDefs, Fields, Field Type
Process Numeric, Text, Date, Different
Make Search Subform
5. Recordset Based Search Form 2 (37:03)
For Each Field in TableDef Fields
Fill Combo Box with Field Names
Add Criteria to SearchT
Delete Criteria Button
Update Records on Any Change
| Access Developer 27 | 00. Intro (7:24)
01. Scanning Barcodes, Part 1 (29:07)
Learn Types of Barcodes
1D vs 2D Barcodes
Create Product Table
Barcode Field
Form to Scan Into
02. Scanning Barcodes, Part 2 (34:21)
Scan Products Directly to Order
Increment Quantity if On Order
If Not in Database, Google Product
03. Printing Barcodes, Part 1 (19:27)
What is Code39
Install a Free Barcode Font
Create Custom Labels
Product Barcodes
04. Printing Barcodes, Part 2 (18:52)
Print Multiple Barcodes
Print Button on Product Form
Add to Label Table
Clear Labels Button
05. QR Codes, Part 1 (15:34)
Google Charts API
WebBrowser Control
Display QR Codes in Forms
06. QR Codes, Part 2 (28:01)
Download QR Codes from Web
Save as Local File
Display and Print in Reports
07. Merge Barcoding (27:27)
Bring Barcode Stuff to Developer DB
Copy Scan Textbox
Create Product List Form
Synchronize Two Open Forms
Create Product Form
Product Barcode Lookup Box
08. Add Remove Manual Inventory (19:48)
Manual Inventory Adjustments
Combo Box to Add or Subtract on Lookup
Changing Quantities
Logic to Prevent Negative Inventory
09. Serial Numbers (43:54)
Unit Table, Form
Adding Multiple Units
Create Label Report
Bug Found in Label Wizard
Print Labels Button
Mark Labels as Printed
10. Serial Numbers in Orders (35:29)
Look Up Serial Number OR Product
Scan Part or Product Onto Order
Don't Increment Qty if Serial Number
Check to See if On Another Order
Print Barcodes on Invoices
11. Merge Barcode Printing (15:45)
Add Labels for Any Number of Products
Print Labels, Mark Printed
| Access Developer 28 | 1. Get Report Data from Form (11:25)
Download the D26 L5 Database
Examine the CustomerSearchF
Create CustomerSearchR Report
Bind Originally to CustomerT
Create Open Report Button
Report_Open (On Open) Event
Report RecordSource Property
Set to RowSource of CustomerList
On No Data Event
Same Thing with CustomerRecordsetF
Search Form Data For Report / To Report
2. Customer Pricing 1 (18:20)
Customer Specific Pricing Table
Dlookup Custom Price
IIF Compare Prices
Display Final Price List
3. Customer Pricing 2 (11:17)
Custom Pricing in Combo
Add to Invoice
4. Customer Pricing 3 (15:33)
If Price Changed, Ask to Make Custom Pricing
If Exists, Update. If Not Add New
Check for BOF, EOF
Add or Edit Accordingly
Subform to Edit Custom Pricing
5. Time & Billing 1 (25:47)
Create Work Table, Form
Calculate Total Billable Time
Calculate Unbilled Time
Option to Show All, Unbilled
6. Time & Billing 2 (32:16)
Start / Stop Timer
Lock Controls on Form
Bill in 15 Minute Increments
7. Time & Billing 3 (23:37)
Create Invoice Button
Create Order, Get ID
Recordset to Create Order
Recordset to Loop Thru WorkT
Create Order Detail Items
Update Customer Address Info
8. Time & Billing 4 (24:38)
Aggregate Query Unbilled Work
Listing for All Customers
UnbilledWorkF with Listbox
Convert Code to Global Mod
RS Loop Thru Unbilled Work
Generate All Invoices
9. Print & Email Invoices (37:30)
Print all Unpaid Invoices
Email all Unpaid Invoices
CDO.Message Send Email
Export Invoice Report as PDF
Option to Skip Printing Cust w Emails
Hide Order Form
| Access Developer 29 | 01. Product Components 1 (15:28)
PartT, ProductXPartT & Q
ProductF, ProductXPartF
02. Product Components 2 (24:33)
Profit = Price - Cost
Margin = Profit / Price
Markup = Profit / Cost
Buttons to Adjust All Three
Algebra to Solve Equation for Price Albegra Calculator
Bring Price Up to 99 Cents
03. FIFO Stock Rotation 1 (37:16)
FIFO: First In, First Out
FEFO: First Expired, First Out
Update UnitT and UnitF
Add DateAdded, ExpirationDate, OrderID
Change Sort: ExpirationDate, DateAdded, UnitCode
Resize ProductF
In Code Ask for Expiration Date
If Specific Unit Scanned, Use It
Warn if Expired
Pick the Oldest Unit NOT Expired, Not on Order
Assign Order ID to UnitT
04. FIFO Stock Rotation 2 (14:42)
Deleting Item from Order
Put Back Into Inventory
I Don't Like Delete Events
OnDelete, BeforeDeleteConfirm, AfterDeleteConfirm
Turn Off Record Selectors
Set Allow Deletions to NO
Manual Warning with MsgBox
Don't Allow Qty > 1 if Serial Numbered Item
Lock Serial Number Field
| Access Developer 30 | 01. Intro to File I/O (18:32)
Why learn File I/O
Types of File I/O: Classic VB & FSO
Pros & Cons of Each
02. TechHelp 1: Import Data (13:12)
Import CSV Files into Access
03. TechHelp 2: Import w File I/O (24:04)
Import Fixed Width Text File
File Sizes Greater Than 2 GB
04. Classic VB File I/O, Part 1 (42:07)
Write a Text File
Open Filename For Output as #1
Print, Close, Append
What Folders you can Write to
FreeFile #FF
Shell Notepad to View File
Create Customer Summary to Email
Loop Thru All Text Boxes on Form
Dim Ctl As Control
For Each Ctl in Me.Controls
ControlType acTextBox
Exclude Fields for Export
Use Recordset to Print Multiple Records
Export an Invoice
05. Classic VB File I/O, Part 2 (43:12)
Reading Text Files
Open Filename for Input as #FF
Reading in Lines of Text
Line Input
Read to End of File (While Not EOF)
Reading in Customer Data File
Emailing Surveys
Copy Paste Responses and Read Into Table
| Access Developer 31 | 01. Navigating Files & Folders (38:52)
File Management with Access
File Picker (PickFile)
Early vs. Late Binding
Use Numbers not Constants
Dir Function
Loop Thru Files in Folder
vbNormal, vbDirectory
GetAttr Function
Move Thru Folders
InStrRev Function
ShellExecute to Open Files
FileLen Function
Format #,##0 Thousands Separator
02. Copying Files, Part 1 (32:34)
Learn the FileCopy Command
Browse and Pick File
Copy to Central Images Folder
Display on Customer Record
Add MyPicture Field to CustomerT
TempVars("PictureFolder") on Startup
Make Sure Folder Exists
FileExists, FolderExists Functions
Create Folder with MkDir
Button to Browse for Picture
Open a Command Prompt CMD
Windows Environment Variables SET
Remember Last Browse Folder Location
FileCopy Command
Put Image Control on Form
Check Size of Files
FileLen Function
03. Copying Files, Part 2 (20:18)
Delete Old Profile Picture if Exists
Kill Command
Verify that File was Deleted
Timestamp Filenames
File I/O Error Handling Concerns
Rename a File with Name Command
ChDrive, ChDir
04. Compact & Repair Backend Files (45:54)
Create Backend ACCDB Folder
Copy BE Files
Create BEFolder Field
Create PickFolder Function
Global Settings Table for BE Folder
Make FileList List Box
Loop Thru ACCDB Files in BE Folder
Use DIR for Loop
Load into FileList
Display FileLen in FileList
Loop Thru FileList
Create DoCompact Sub
Make Sure Backup Folder Exists
Copy Backups with DateTime Stamp
Perform Compact
Verify Dest File Exists
Delete Old File, Rename New One
Add Error Handling
| Access Developer 32 | 01. Export Report as HTML 1 (11:17)
Part 1: TechHelp
Perform Export
02. Export Report as HTML 2 (14:43)
Part 2: Extended Cut
Create Shortcut to Google Drive Folder
Make Folder Public
03. FTP File to Web Server (16:11)
Explain Command Line FTP
Create a Script File
Perform FTP Operation
04. Convert Currency Part 1 (15:14)
Create Conversion Table
Lookup Value
Do Conversion in Query
05. Convert Currency Part 2 (16:59)
Table for Multiple Rates
Display All Currencies
Customer Currency
Put Conversion on Invoices!
06. Auto Update Rates from Web API (23:15)
Opening Call to URL
Getting ResponseText
FindBetween Function
Updating Rates in CurrencyT
07. Groups 1 (14:48)
Group Field
Simple Wildcard Search
08. Groups 2 (25:06)
Group Table
Pick from List
Filter on Customer List
09. Group Search (35:22)
Search Table
On Delete Issues
Proper Way to Handle Form Delete Event
More Fun with TempVars
Friendly Errors For Duplicate Values
BeforeUpdate, Cancel Event, Undo Changes
ANY Groups
ALL Groups
| Access Developer 33 | 01. Linked Table Manager (9:10)
How to Use Linked Table Manager
Relink Files
Relink Using Same Names
Runtime Error 3024
Runtime Error 3044
02. Relink Single Backend File (18:52)
Check if Tables Linked
Prompt User for Location, One Backend File
TableDef, TableDefs, PickFile
03. Relink Multiple Backend Files (17:54)
Loop Thru TableDefs
Check Each Linked Table
Determine if Table is Linked
Prompt For Specific Backend File
TableDef Attributes
04. Relink ODBC Backend Files (26:37)
Relink SQL Server Tables
Setup LinkedTableT
Function to Link to SQL Server Tables
ODBC Connection String
Modify Function to Test Link
Use dbOpenSnapshot
Load in Timer Event not OnOpen
05. File System Object, Part 1 (32:03)
Early v. Late Binding
Windows Script Host
Only in Access 2000 and up
Drive, Folder, File, TextStream
Set MyFolder Location
Copy Database for Late Binding
Early Binding
Reference to FSO
Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
Pros and Cons of Early v Late Binding
Notice the IntelliSense
Run Create Folder a 2nd Time
File Already Exists Error
Error Handling OR Check if Folder Exists
Create 5 Subfolders with For Loop
06. File System Object, Part 2 (30:42)
SubFolders Collection
Folder Properties: Name, DateCreated
Notice With Late Binding no .DateCreated
Size of Folders (Very Handy!)
Includes Size of All Subfolders and Files
Format for Thousands Separator
Format(SubFL.Size, "#,0")
File and Folder Properties
File and Folder Attributes
Apply to both Files and Folders
Some are read only, others read/write
Normal (0), ReadOnly (1), Hidden (2), System (4)
Volume (8) RO, Directory (16) RO, Archive (32),
Alias / Shortcut / Link (1024) RO, Compressed (2048) RO
DateCreated, DateLastAccessed, DateLastModified
Drive, IsRootFolder, ParentFolder, Path
ShortName, ShortPath, Type
Old 8.3 File and Folder Names
Changing File / Folder Attributes
| Access Developer 34 | 1. File System Object, Part 3 (32:50)
CopyFolder, MoveFolder
DeleteFolder does NOT send to Recycle Bin
Deletes ALL Files and Subfolders
Again, check FolderExists or Error Handling
Force for Read Only Files/Folders
List all Files in Folder
FileExists, CopyFile, DeleteFile, MoveFile
CopyFile with Wildcards
CopyFile with Files Collection Loop
Copy based on Size, Date, etc.
2. File System Object, Part 4 (29:59)
TextStream Objects for Text Only (not binary)
OpenTextFile, CreateTextFile
ASCII vs. Unicode Text
WriteLine write a whole line of text with a CR/LF
Write writes the text without a CR/LF
Write out Customer Data File
Loop through controls on form
For Each C in Me.Controls
Tag property, Control Name, Value
Send Email with Outlook
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject
Outlook.Application, MailItem
Converting Outlook code from Early to Late binding
3. File System Object, Part 5 (36:02)
ForReading (1) DEFAULT
ForWriting (2)
ForAppending (8)
Create if file doesn't already exist
TristateFalse (0) = Open as ASCII file DEFAULT
TristateMixed (-2) = Open either ASCII or Unicode
TristateTrue (-1) = Open as Unicode file
ReadLine, ReadAll, Read(X)
Read char by char method
AtEndOfLine, Column, Skip, SkipLine
Read back in Customer file changes
| Access Developer 35 | 1. File System Object, Part 6 (24:05)
Get List of Drives (Local and Network)
DriveLetter, AvailableSpace, FileSystem
FreeSpace, RootFolder, Path
TotalSize, VolumeName
DriveType (0=Unknown, 1=Removable, 2=Fixed
3=Network, 4=CDROM, 5=RAM Disk)
SerialNumber - Unique to Each Drive.
GetDrive vs. GetDriveName
Get Free Space on Database Drive
2. File System Object, Part 7 (26:30)
Make Go Up One Folder Button
Stop At Root Folder
Determine Current Folder "."
GetFile vs. GetFileName
Error Handling File Not Found
GetSpecialFolder (0=WindowsFolder, 1=SystemFolder
3. Not In List Event (23:40)
State Table Simple Text
State Table with ID, Name
On Not In List Event
NewData, Response
SQL to Add Value to Table
Gathering Additional Info
Allow Value List Edits
List Items Edit Form
Data Entry Add Customer Form
After Insert Event
Set Customer on Order Form
| Access Developer 36 | 1. Composite Key (18:00)
Composite Key to Prevent Duplicates
2. Prevent Duplicates (11:11)
No Composite Key
Allow User Option to Add Twice
VBA, DCount
Custom Warning Message
3. SQL NOT IN (9:57)
Remove Products Already On Order From Combo
SQL Not In () Clause
4. Have Not Ordered Part 1 (20:50)
Customers Who Haven't Ordered Specific Product
Text Search on Product Name
5. Have Not Ordered Part 2 (22:43)
Select from Product List
Have or Have Not Purchased
6. Have Not Ordered Part 3 (25:50)
Create Multi-Select ProductList Listbox
Recordset Loop Thru Customers
Loop Thru Listbox Selected Items
7. Have Not Ordered Part 4 (35:06)
CustomerTempT for Temp Records
Optimize: Convert For to While Loop
Select All and Clear Buttons
All, Any, and None Conditional Logic
Count Items Selected Function
If No Items Selected Show Nothing
| Access Developer 37 | 01. Custom List Box Columns 1 (28:55)
Select Which Fields are Displayed
User Selectable
02. Custom List Box Columns 2 (26:31)
Replace Check Boxes
Multi-Select List Box
03. Custom List Box Columns 3 (20:13)
Store Field Info in Table
TableDefs, Fields Collection
Field Properties
Loop Thru Fields in Table
Load Field List from Table
04. Custom List Box Columns 4 (21:36)
Replace RequeryList with Generic Code
Now Works With Any Field
Resizing Form and Controls
Set Initial Sizes in TempVars
Form Resize Event
Resize CustomerList Width
Move FieldList to the Right
Change Form Height, List Heights
05. Custom List Box Columns 5 (21:19)
Create Custom Labels
Make 20 Hidden Blank Labels
Inches to Twips (Centimeters to Twips)
Read the Width of Each Label from Listbox
Make Label Visible, Set Properties
Move Label to the Right Over Column
06. Custom List Box Columns 6 (20:50)
Prevent Labels Going Too Far Right
List Box Horizontal Scrollbar Quirk
Change RecordSource to Any Table
TableCombo List of Tables
Add OrderT Table Properties
Update Double-Click Event
If Order Form Closes, Requery List
07. Custom List Box Columns 7 (24:47)
Adding Queries to our Form
Setup OrderQ Query
Rename CustomerList to CustomList
Dealing with Missing ID Field
| Access Developer 38 | 01. Multivalued Fields 1 (24:37)
What are MVFs?
How to use them
Why to avoid them!
02. Multivalued Fields 2 (16:58)
Reading MVFs with VBA
Add an Item
03. Multivalued Fields 3 (16:33)
Display Related Records DLookupPlus
Export MVF Data to Junction Table
Object invalid or no longer set
04. Multivalued Fields 4 (20:34)
Create MVF Form
Add MVFList Sales Rep List Box
Multi-Select, Modal
Load List Box with Records
Save Records on List Box Close
OK, Cancel Buttons
05. Product Catalog 1 (31:42)
Multiple Images Per Record
Form / Subform
Report Grouping
06. Product Catalog 2 (16:24)
Multiple Column Report
07. Multi-Column Forms 1 (19:53)
Multiple Columns in a Form
Display Images in Columns in a Form
Multiple Recordsets (In, Out)
Create an "Image Gallery"
08. Multi-Column Forms 2 (32:59)
Add, Edit, Browse, Delete Images
Function as an Event Handler
Global Function Replacing Event Procedure
Passing Variants Allows Null Values
| Access Developer 39 | 01. Document Index 1 (33:06)
Searchable Document Index
Create Document Index Table
FollowHyperlink to Open Files
Copy/Paste Document Text to Index Table
Search Text Box
Assign Documents to Customers
Open a Customer's Documents
02. Document Index 2 (25:11)
Browse and Pick a File
Automatically Load Document
Microsoft Word Automation
Convert PDF to Text
Convert DOCX to Text
VBA to Copy Text to Database
03. Document Index 3 (26:13)
Reasons to Index Keywords
Limitations of Long Text Fields
Save Documents as Text Files
Overcome 64k Limitation
Read in Text Files with File I/O
Bypass Word for Text Files
04. Document Index 4 (24:36)
Build Index Tables
IndexT: IndexID, Keyword
DocIndexT: DocIndexID, DocID, IndexID
Composite Key
AddToIndex Subroutine
05. Document Index 5 (23:00)
DocIndexQ, DocIndexF Subform
Exception Table
Different Query for Searching
Change RecordSource for All Records
06. Document Index 6 (33:32)
Display Percent Completed
Abort Checkbox
Adding Word Count to Index
Finding Records in a Recordset
Optimize AddToIndex for Speed
| Access Developer 40 | 01. Event Countdown 1 (54:15)
Create Event Table, Query
Calculate Days Left to Event
Event Edit Form
Buttons to Edit, Add, Delete Events
Conditional Formatting Close Events
02. Event Countdown 2 (28:30)
Custom Color Schemes
Change Color Per Event
Conditional Formatting Based on ID Value
03. Custom Color Editor (21:25)
Color Form
Text Fore Color, Back Color
Number Fore Color, Back Color
Choose Color Dialog
Windows Color Picker
04. Conditional Formatting VBA 1 (24:16)
FormatCondition Object
FormatConditions Collection
FormatConditions.Delete, .Add
Determine Max Conditional Formatting Items
Count Records in Current Form
05. Conditional Formatting VBA 2 (16:51)
Add Additional Controls
Open Form to the Right of Current Form
OpenFormRight Sub from Code Vault
Refresh Events from Color Form
Update ColorPicker, RGB/Hex Functions
06. User Defined Types(10:57)
What is a User Defined Type in VBA
Public Type Definition
Passing a Type Variable ByRef
07. Windows Font Dialog (30:36)
Changing Fonts at Runtime
FormFontInfo Type
User Selecting a Font
Selecting Fonts for Event Form
Saving, Loading in Settings Table
Passing a Control to a Sub
08. Custom Font in a Report (11:46)
Simplified Letter Writer
Setting Font in a Report
Saving Font Setting in Each Letter
Report Font Issues
| Access Developer 41 | 01. Anchoring (28:40)
Resize Forms for Different Screens
Anchor Top, Bottom, Left, Right
Allow to Stretch When Form Resized
02. Form Zoom Levels 1 (28:23)
Actual Zoom In / Out
Resize Forms & Controls
03. Form Zoom Levels 2 (15:41)
FormZoom Public Function
Max / Min Zoom Levels
04. Form Zoom Levels 3 (36:49)
Zoom Form
Section Zoom Levels
Dealing with Subforms
On Activate
05. Form On Error Events (12:59)
Form-Level Error Handler
Error Numbers
Form.Error Event
The value you entered isn't valid for this field
| Access Developer 42 | 01. Max Value Multi Fields (19:33)
Find the Max Value from Multiple Fields
Best Quiz Value (Q1, Q2, Q3)
Nested IIF Functions
02. Parameter Arrays, Part 1 (17:57)
Make a Function
Multiple Values
Parameter Array
03. Parameter Arrays, Part 2 (13:55)
More ParamArray Rules
Loop with For Each
Passing Objects (e.g. Fields)
Empty or Nothing
04. Invoicing Database (125:28)
Free Bonus Video
Build Order Entry System
05. Products With Options 1 (10:48)
Failed Attempt #1
Building a "Perfect" System
06. Products With Options 2 (14:31)
Clothing Store Database
Hardcoded Options: Size & Color
Support Tables
Modify Product Table
Build OptionT Table
Enter Sample Data
OptionF Subform
07. Products With Options 3 (18:07)
Change OrderDetailT and Form
Update Product Combo
Create OptionQ Query
Add Option Combo
Update Code in Add Button
| Access Developer 43 | 01. Append Only 1 (17:10)
What is the Append Only property
Why you shouldn't use it
Better alternatives
02. Append Only 2 (34:24)
Recordset loop customers with notes
Use Application.ColumnHistory to get data
Parse string record by record
Save in Contacts table
SQL Insert Into Command
Removing CHR 13
03. TempVars Part 1 (19:22)
What are TempVars
Why Use TempVars
How to Use TempVars
Pros & Cons of TempVars
04. TempVars Part 2 (18:48)
Set a TempVar in VBA
Get a TempVar in VBA
Errors Clear Global Variables
Use .Value to Read From Textbox
Use in Form Field Control Source
Use in Default Value
Use in Caption with Code
Use in Query Criteria with !
05. TempVars Part 3 (22:04)
Different Ways to Add TempVars
Check to See if TempVar is Set
Listing All TempVars, For Loop
Listing All TempVars, For Each Loop
VarType Function to Get Data Type
IsDate & Related Functions
| Access Developer 44 | 01. Custom Ribbons, Part 1 (27:59)
Mention Customize Quick Access Toolbar QAT
Create USysRibbons
Navigation Options
Show Hidden Objects
Show System Objects
Show add-in user interface errors
Create RibbonEditorF form
Custom Ribbon XML
Control isMso
Apply Ribbon to Entire Database
Ribbon and Toolbar Options
Ribbon Name
Specify Custom Ribbon for Specific Form
Adding More Commands
Import Export Excel
File Close Database
Separate Custom Ribbon for Customer Form
Swap Ribbons On-The-Fly with VBA Code
Button Sizes (normal, large)
02. Custom Ribbons, Part 2 (26:53)
Ribbon Buttons with Custom Functions
Callback Functions
Pass Parameters Use Single Quotes 'Joe'
Pass Parameters Form Field [FirstName]
Using Built-In Access Images
imageMso - List of Images and Names
Using Custom Images
loadImage Callback Function
LoadPicture Function
Control Tip Text (supertip)
Label Control
Dialog Launchers
MyOpenForm Callback Function
Send Parameters to OpenForm Callback
Ribbon Button Open Contacts for Current Customer
03. Custom Ribbons, Part 3 (17:16)
Compact & Repair Button
Split Button
Toggle Button
Check Box
Edit Box
Drop Down
Combo Box
| Access Developer 45 | 01. Custom Ribbons, Part 4 (10:34)
Hide Print Options
Hide Other File Menu Items
02. Custom Ribbons, Part 5 (8:07)
Adding to Backstage
Creating Custom Backstage Menus
03. Custom Quick Access Toolbar (3:04)
Custom QAT Per Form
04. Custom Ribbon Table (6:15)
Get rid of USysRibbons
Custom RibbonT Table
Loading Ribbons on DB Startup
05. Context Menus, Part 1 (11:08)
Custom “Right-Click” Menus
CommandBars Collection
06. Context Menus, Part 2 (15:21)
Built-In Button IDs
Looping Thru All Controls
Finding a Control ID
07. Context Menus, Part 3 (13:47)
Custom Buttons
Button Captions
OnAction Events to Custom Functions
FaceID for Built-In Icons
LoadPicture for Custom Images
| Access Developer 46 | 01. Undo System 1 (18:52)
Creating an undo system in Microsoft Access
Utilizing a change log table
Adding a change timestamp
Working with primary keys and auto numbers
Implementing before update events
Writing SQL insert into statements
Using DMax and DLookup functions
Designing an undo button in Access forms
Opening record sets for reading and writing
Handling multi-user scenarios with change logs
02. Undo System 2 (9:20)
Finishing undoing an edit
Moving focus to modified record
Editing records in order detail table
Using record set for data restoration
Handling order ID in restoration
Updating and closing record sets
Requerying form to update changes
Using DoCmd.FindRecord command
Looping through records to find ID
Storing order detail ID in a variable
Navigating records with DoCmd commands
Exiting loop if record isn't found
03. Undo System 3 (16:46)
Track type of change: edit, addition, or deletion
Build custom delete button
Handle undoing a record deletion
Insert change type ID to change log
Suppress built-in delete events in Access
Turn off allowed deletions property
Implement delete confirmation message box
Use DoCmd.RunCommand for deletion
Save deleted record to undo table
Insert fields into table using SQL
Determine action type for undo operation
Handle additions and deletions in undo button
Set auto number for adding record back
Edit or delete specific record logic
Finish adding rest of fields for undo
Close and requery record sets after undo
Address order ID constraint when undoing deletion
04. Undo System 4 (15:16)
Auto number reset issue
Fixing auto number by adding and deleting record
Handling duplicate values in primary key
Restoring deleted records
Using CurrentDB.Execute with error handling
After insert event for record tracking
Updating change log after record insertion
Order detail change log issue
Required fields during record insertion
Using DoCmd.RunSQL for error visibility
05. Undo System 5 (14:15)
Hiding the undo button based on change log
Implementing On Current event for form
Using DLookup to find recent changes
Visibility toggle for undo button
Creating a function for recent change timestamp
Handling undo button caption text
Select Case to determine change type
Adjusting button size for captions
Explaining potential redo functionality
Discussing a pop-up change log feature
| Access Developer 47 | 01: Multiple Form Instances 1
Open Multiple Instances of a Form
New Form_CustomerF
Creating Collections
Adding Objects to a Collection
Using collections in VBA
Form object declaration
Setting forms visible in VBA
Setting form RecordSource dynamically
Using collections to manage forms
Initializing and setting collections
Handling object variables in VBA
Global collections in VBA
Public variables for form instances
02: Multiple Form Instances 2
List Open Forms
Make Sure Collection is Initialized
Dealing with Closed Forms
Tracking Forms with a Key Value
Handling closed forms
Tracking forms with key values
Counting forms in the collection
Generating a list of open forms
Using For Each loop
Using counter loop
Error handling in form collection
Form load event for collection check
Creating a custom key for forms
Storing form key with tag property
Setting form key with unbound textbox
Tracking forms with their order
03: Multiple Form Instances 3
Don't Open Same Record Twice
Give a Specific Form Focus
Cascade the Forms when Opened
Preventing duplicate form instances
Checking if a customer form is already open
Handling form errors with on error resume next
Using For Each loop to iterate open forms
Setting form focus on already open forms
Exiting subroutine upon condition
Using error handling for form operations
Modifying collection handling in global scope
Positioning forms with form.move method
Cascade positioning of open forms
Creating a "close all" button to clear collections
Handling collections and memory optimization
04: Multiple Form Instances 4
Kill the Collection if All Forms Closed
Tips from GPT
Resetting collections when all forms are closed
Looping through collection forms to check status
Using counter-based loops for form checking
Handling errors when accessing form properties
Cleaning up collections to free memory
Creating new collection instances
Checking for open forms using form properties
Using Boolean flags to track open forms
Implementing form error handling and recovery
Conditional collection reset logic based on form status
| Access Developer 48 | 1. Copy Records Fn Part 1 (12:00)
Manually Copying a Record
The Broken Duplicate Record Macro
Correct Code to Duplicate Record
Issues with Append Queries
Review Developer 24 Code
Creating a function to copy records
Handling indexed fields, no duplicates
Avoiding manual duplication methods
Command button wizard bug
Using DoCmd.RunCommand for actions
Pausing in code using DoEvents
Clearing indexed field values
Running append queries manually
Issues with using a star in SQL
Dynamic code for copying with exclusions
Looping through table fields
Identifying auto numbers and primary keys
Altering indexes for the function
Preparation for writing the function
2. Copy Records Fn Part 2 (12:20)
Write the CopyRecord Sub
Loop thru Fields
Avoid Specified Primary Key
Copy Record Subroutine
Loop Through All Fields
Avoid Specified Primary Key
Specify Primary Key First
Create Global Function
Identify Current Record ID
Handle Multiple Record Sets
Use Field Count for Loop
Exclude Primary Key in Loop
Handle Potential Memory Leaks
Refresh Record Set After Copy
Requery to Maintain Position
Debugging Steps if Issues Occur
Test Code with Other Records
3. Copy Records Fn Part 3 (7:59)
Replace PrimaryKeyName with WhereCondition
No Need to Specify PK Name
Eliminate primary key requirement
Use WHERE condition for filtering
Check AutoIncrementField attribute
Use bitwise operations for attributes
Modify function for multiline parameters
Handle AutoNumber fields
Use Debug Compile for code verification
Resolve compact and repair issues
Detect indexed fields with no duplicates
4. Copy Records Fn Part 4 (16:10)
List Table Indexes
List Fields in Each Index
IsFieldUnique Function
Listing table indexes
Determining indexed fields
Checking if a field is unique
Writing helper functions
Using TableDef object
Looping through indexes
Identifying unique indexes
Listing fields in indexes
Handling composite indexes
Setting up unique constraints
Checking composite key uniqueness
Marking fields as indexed no duplicates
Creating IsFieldUnique function
Returning Boolean for field uniqueness
Error handling in functions
Optimizing function code
Using helper functions in CopyRecords
5. Copy Records Fn Part 5 (12:23)
Use IsFieldUnique in CopyRecords
Add Error Handling
Return ID of New Record
Integrating isFieldUnique function
Converting copy records subroutine to function
Implementing error handling in functions
Returning new record ID from function
Identifying primary key field in a recordset
Using dbAutoIncrField attribute for auto number
Handling unique fields during record copy
Initializing variables before copying records
Looping through fields to identify primary key
Skipping primary key during record copy
Capturing new ID for created record
Handling SQL Server auto number differences
Opening form to new record using ID
Displaying new record ID in status
Using DoCmd to open form with specific record
| Access Developer 49 | 01. Transactions Part 1 (11:58)
Using DBFailOnError to detect errors
Workspace Object in VBA
Initializing a Workspace with DBEngine
Starting a Transaction with BeginTrans
Committing a Transaction with CommitTrans
Rolling Back a Transaction with Rollback
Ensuring Transactions are All-or-Nothing
02. Transactions Part 2 (9:37)
Add Order
Add Multiple Items
If One Item Fails the Entire Order Fails
Preventing duplicate items in orders
Rolling back transactions on failure
Ensuring transaction integrity
| Access Developer 50 | 1. Lesson (00:00)
Coming Soon
| Access Check Register Seminar | Lesson 1. Basic Check Register (22:43)
Check Reg Table Design
Query Calculate Amount
Cleared Amount
Check Register Form
Footer Totals
Lesson 2. Running Balance (13:08)
Check Register Report
Running Sum
Query Running Sum
DSUM Function
Running Sum in Form
Lesson 3. Printing Checks (35:49)
Print Single Check
Currency to English Function
Find Next Available Check Number
Hide Print Check Button on Non-Check Items
Has Been Printed
Lesson 4. Batch Printing Checks (22:16)
Batch Print Check Form
Mark To Be Printed
Calculate Amount to be Printed
Update Checks Mark Printed
Select/Unselect All Buttons
Lesson 5. Payees & Categories (37:58)
Main Menu Form
Payee Table & Form
Category List
Add Address Info to Checks
Can't Edit Cleared or Printed Records
Lesson 6. Multiple Accounts (45:11)
Set Up Accounts
Account Summary on Main Menu
Open Single Account Register
Open to Single Account, Default
Batch Print Checks One Account
Lesson 7. Misc Enhancements (51:10)
Debit OR Credit, Not Both
Conditional Format
Cleared Filter Triple State Checkbox
Filter By Date Text Boxes
Sort AZ Buttons
Hide Batch Print Button if No Checks to Print
Select 1-Up or 3-Up Checks
Show Checks To Print on Menu
Lesson 8. Reporting Part 1 (23:15)
Report Menu
Expenses by Category by Dates
Account, Date Filters
Classic Chart Object
Modern Charts
Expenses Pie Chart
Pie Chart Properties
Lesson 9. Reporting Part 2 (56:28)
Expenses by Category by Date Report
Sorting and Grouping Levels
Adding Group Footers & Totals
Report Build Events
Changing Captions Dynamically
Date Printed, Page 1 of X
All Transactions Report
Running Sum Property
| Access SQL Server Online Seminar | 0. Introduction (8:34)
1. Overview (13:35)
Why SQL Server Online
Pros and Cons
What You Need
What They Need
2. Setup WinHost Account (21:03)
Create an Account
Setup or Transfer Domain Name
Site Control Panel
Create SQL Server Database
Get Connection String
3. Connect Access to SQL Server (23:44)
SQL Server Management Studio
Install SSMS
Connect to SQL Server
Mention SQL Server Migration Assistant
ODBC Data Source Connection
Machine Data Source
File Data Source
Publish from Access to SQL Server
Export CustomerT to SQL Server
Verify in SSMS that dbo.CustomerT Exists
Link to CustomerT from Access
4. Querying Data on the Server (32:19)
Export and Link to Remaining Tables
Import Data in SSMS Seldom Works
Differences Between Access SQL and SQL Server
TSQL or Transact-SQL
Single Quotes for Strings and Dates
1/0 for True/False
Creating a Pass-Through Query
Pass-Through Queries are Read-Only
Rewrite Query SQL Statement On The Fly
QueryDefs Collection
Create a Pass-Through Query
Store Connect String in TempVars
5. Relinking TableDefs, ADO Recordsets (39:06)
Relink Tables in VBA
TableDefs Collection
ADO Recordsets
Changing the Server DB Password
Problems with Initially Loading Tables
Ping a Pass-Through Query On DB Load
6. Security Part 1 (28:41)
Lock Down the Database
Delete PassThru Queries
Linked Tables are OK
Hide Navigation Pane
Minimize the Ribbon
Disable Bypass Key
Admin Menu
Admin Password InputBox
Make ACCDE File
Move to Different PC and Test
Delete PassThru on Shutdown
7. Security Part 2 (20:15)
Make Linked Tables Hidden
Make PassThru Queries Hidden
Read Only Problem
Create Indexes for Read Write
Test on Second PC
8. SSMS Query, Alter, Backup (13:40)
Querying Data on SSMS
ALTER TABLE to Add Fields
Relink on Changes
Editing Fields in SSMS
Identity Specificaion (AutoNumber)
Database Backup Options
9. Display Data on Web Using ASP (31:28)
Download and install EditPlus
Why ASP and not ASP.NET
Connect to SQL Server with ADO
Display Customer List
Display Specific Customer
10. Security Part 3 (14:22)
Access Caches Connections
Don't Store Passwords in Queries
Pass-Thru Benefits
| Access Work Order Seminar | 0. Introduction (10:49)
1. Plan Database (11:33)
2. Customer Tables (11:58)
3. Customer Form (11:20)
Make Customer Form
Locations List Box
SQL RowSource
Custom WHERE Condition
OnCurrent Event
4. Location Form 1 (12:27)
Build Location Form
Customer Combo Box
Open Location From CustomerF
DoCmd.OpenForm Code
Where Condition
OnDblClick Event
5. Location Form 2 (9:03)
Add New Location
Open Form to Add Records
Form Field Default Value
Tab Stop Property
Requery Across Forms
On Error Resume Next
6. Unit Form 1 (12:47)
Build Unit Form
7. Unit Form 2 (9:19)
Limit List of Locations
Change RowSource in VBA
8. Using Subforms (10:23)
Creating Location SubForm
Creating Unit SubForm
Continuous Forms
Form Header/Footer
9. Customer List (11:00)
Build Customer List Form
Open Customer Button
New Customer Button
10. Work Order Form 1 (7:33)
Build Work Order Table
Design Work Order Form
11. Work Order Form 2 (11:14)
Dynamic Combo Boxes
Locations by Customer
Units by Location
Enabled Property
DropDown Method
SetFocus Method
12. Work Order Form 3 (11:58)
Blanking Combo Boxes
OnCurrent Event
Enable/Disable if Needed
Requery Combo Boxes Again
13. Work Order Form 4 (9:22)
DLOOKUP Name & Address Info
Dim Variable
14. Work Order Form 5 (12:17)
NZ Function
Dealing with NULL problems
Double-click to Open Forms
15. Status, Priority (12:52)
Status Table
Sorted Status Query
Priority Table
Sorted Priority Query
Status, Priority Combo Boxes
Default Combo Values
Default Requested Date
16. Create Work Order (12:57)
Button on Customer Form
Button on Location Form
Button on Unit Form
17. Work Order Query (6:35)
Master Work Order Query
Outer Joins
18. Work Order List 1 (18:57)
List of Work Orders
Listbox on Customer Form
Listbox on Location Form
Listbox on Unit Form
Limit to Current Record
Double-click Open Event
OnCurrent Event Updated
19. Work Order List 2 (10:26)
Requery Work Order List
On Error Resume Next
Triple State Check Box
Show Closed Work Orders
Show Open Work Orders
Show Both Closed and Open
20. Work Order List Form (19:48)
Master Work Order List
Show Closed Work Orders
Change Sort by Column Headers
Main Menu Form
21. Labor Form 1 (9:01)
Form to Track Labor Items
Continuous Forms
22. Labor Form 2 (8:53)
Calculate Billable Hours
Rounding Time Values
SUM Total
Page Footer v. Form Footer
DateDiff Function
23. Labor Form 3 (9:41)
Recalculate Hours
Combo Box for Worker
24. Labor Form 4 (14:06)
Modal, Popup Form
Button to Open Labor Form
Calculate Hours on Work Order
25. Labor Form 5 (14:29)
Combo Box Default Worker
Minimum Billable Hours
End Time Earlier than Start Time
26. Materials Form 1 (9:39)
Table, Form for Materials
Calculate Line Totals
27. Materials Form 2 (9:04)
Product Combo Box
Add Product to Materials Form
Column() Values
28. Materials Form 3 (8:36)
Calculated Footer Values
Values on Work Order Form
Grey Out Calculated Values
29. Categories (11:42)
Category Junction Table
Many to Many Relationship
Category Subform on Work Order
30. Scheduling 1 (14:37)
Delete Scheduled Date Field
Change to IsScheduled
Schedule Table and Form
31. Scheduling 2 (12:27)
Filter Boxes
Dynamic Form Requery
SQL Statements for Recordsource
32. Scheduling 3 (11:00)
Filter Boxes for Dates
33. Scheduling 4 (16:05)
Schedule Button for Work Order
Mark as Scheduled
MsgBox vbYesNoCancel
Appt Conflict Resolution, Part 1
34. Scheduling 5 (16:37)
Appt Conflict Resolution, Part 2
Upcoming Appointment Preview List
35. Scheduling 6 (19:44)
Next Available Appt Time
Loop to Get Next Appt Time/Date
36. Fix Work Order List (12:32)
DateScheduled Now Missing
Add Show Scheduled Box
Link to Show Open, Unscheduled
37. Inactive Units (9:36)
IsActive Field
Show Active / Inactive Units
38. Search Form 1 (16:04)
Company Name Search
Location Name Search
Person Name Search Part 1
Union Query
39. Search Form 2 (11:51)
Search for Name Anywhere in DB
Custom VBA and SQL Code for Listbox
40. Search Form 3 (9:15)
Open Corresponding Form
Location, Customer, or Unit
41. Search Form 4 (7:06)
Add Phone Number Field to Search
42. Billing 1 (16:15)
Default Hourly Rate for All
Default Hourly Rate Per Customer
Add Billable, Invoiced to WO List
Show Completed, Not Invoiced Yet
43. Billing 2 (10:47)
Invoice Table
Invoice Detail Table
Billing Decisions
44. Billing 3 (13:49)
Make Invoice Button
Check to see if Billable
Check for labor or materials
Create InvoiceT record
Create a Recordset
Set Field Values
45. Billing 4 (14:29)
Add Line Items to Invoice
Recordset to Loop through Materials
Add Materials to Invoice
46. Billing 5 (8:46)
Add One Line Item for Labor
47. Billing 6 (12:12)
Invoice Detail Form
Invoice Form
Show Invoice Button
Change Caption Dynamically
OnCurrent Event
48. Sales Tax 1 (13:30)
Adding TaxRate to Invoice
Add IsTaxable to Materials
Taxable Labor
49. Sales Tax 2 (7:27)
Add SalesTax to VBA Invoicing Code
50. Sales Tax 3 (14:57)
IIF Function
Form Footer Calculations
Order Total
51. Order List Form (18:46)
Order List Query
Aggregate Query
Show Totals
Group By
Sum Function
52. Update Status (12:16)
Update the Status Combo
On Error Resume Next
On Error Goto 0
53. Work Order Report 1 (16:53)
Work Order Report Query
Outer v Inner Joins
Work Order Report
Work Order Category Subreport
54. Work Order Report 2 (15:51)
Labor Subreport
55. Work Order Report 3 (25:26)
Materials Subreport
Button to Print 1 Work Order
Limit Work Order List by Dates
Print Batch of Work Orders
56. Printable Invoice (21:49)
Master Invoice Query
Report Grouping
Force New Page
Sum Totals
Printing Invoices
57. Printable Schedules (20:17)
Schedule for All Workers
Schedule for One Worker
Schedules Between Two Dates
58. Review (3:25)
| Access Barcode Inventory Seminar | A. Introduction (9:17)
B. Welcome (4:49)
C. Database Setup (22:58)
Setting up the Database
Customer Table
Customer Form
Customer List Form
Main Menu
D. Preferences (4:42)
Access Options
Trusted Location
Client Settings
Action Queries
E. Invoicing 1 (64:15)
Create Order Entry System
Order Form
Order Details Subform
Printable Invoice
F. Invoicing 2 (58:35)
Order List
Refresh Quantity, Price
Copy Address Info
Product Select Box
G. Recordsets 1 (19:36)
What is a Recordset
Creating a Recordset
H. Recordsets 2 (32:00)
Display Fields from Table
Look Thru Records
Value List Unbound List Box
Add Manual Rows to List Box
Add Rows from Recordset
Delete Single Items
I. Rentals 1 (56:55)
Daily Event Back in Inventory
Scan Out / In Rental Items
J. Rentals 2 (45:50)
Add Serial Numbers to Items
Look Up by Serial Number, Barcode
Scan Out Books
Scan In Batches of Books
K. Inventory Out (40:02)
Add QtyOnHand to Products
Create ProductHistoryT
Add IsShipped to OrderT
Lock Order Once Shipped
Make Ship Order Button
Check QtyOnHand First
Remove from Inventory
L. Barcode Scanning 1 (29:07)
Learn Types of Barcodes
1D vs 2D Barcodes
Create Product Table
Barcode Field
Form to Scan Into
M. Barcode Scanning 2 (34:21)
Scan Products Directly to Order
Increment Quantity if On Order
If Not in Database, Google Product
N. Barcode Printing 1 (19:27)
What is Code39
Install a Free Barcode Font
Create Custom Labels
Product Barcodes
O. Barcode Printing 2 (18:52)
Print Multiple Barcodes
Print Button on Product Form
Add to Label Table
Clear Labels Button
P. QR Codes 1 (15:34)
Google Charts API
WebBrowser Control
Display QR Codes in Forms
Q. QR Codes 2 (28:01)
Download QR Codes from Web
Save as Local File
Display and Print in Reports
R. Merge Barcoding (27:27)
Bring Barcode Stuff to Developer DB
Copy Scan Textbox
Create Product List Form
Synchronize Two Open Forms
Create Product Form
Product Barcode Lookup Box
S. Add Remove Manual Inventory (19:48)
Combo Box to Add, Subtract, Lookup
Changing Quantities
Logic to Prevent Negative Inventory
T. Serial Numbers (43:54)
Unit Table, Form
Adding Multiple Units
Create Label Report
Bug Found in Label Wizard
Print Labels Button
Mark Labels as Printed
U. Serial Numbers in Orders (35:29)
Look Up Serial Number OR Product
Scan Part or Product Onto Order
Don't Increment Qty if Serial Number
Check to See if On Another Order
Print Barcodes on Invoices
V. Merge Barcode Printing (15:45)
Add Labels for Any Number of Products
Print Labels, Mark Printed
W. Dymo Labelmaker 1 (19:20)
X. Dymo Labelmaker 2 (11:24)
Y. Conclusion (2:06)
| Asset Management Seminar | 00. Intro (7:55)
01. Setup Core Tables (27:10)
Query for Entities Based on Available Info
02. Setup Core Forms (26:10)
Double Click to Open EntityF
Search Box in List Form
Enter Assets in Table
Assign ParentID
Create AssetF
Make Combo Boxes
03. Asset List & Child Subform (35:09)
Create Asset List Form
Create Child Subform
Click to Open Selected Asset
Recolor Fields Based on Values
Hide Owner, Location for Children
04. History Log (16:58)
Track Changes to Any Asset
Note Field Values in Log Table
Create LogIt Subroutine
05. Topics for Part 2 (10:39)
List of Topics to Cover Next
06. Review (5:09)
| Access Registration Seminar | 00. Intro (3:42)
01. Lesson 1 (10:46)
Registration Discussion
Security Topics
Startup Form
Form Open Event
The Windows Registry
02. Lesson 2 (10:26)
GetSetting from Registry
SaveSetting to Registry
MsgBox Command
InputBox Command
Quit Command
03. Lesson 3 (11:45)
Random Number Generator
Checking Counter Key
04. Lesson 4 (8:42)
Timing Out Registration
Annual Subscriptions
DateAdd Function
05. Review (5:26)
| Access Survey Seminar | 0. Introduction (6:16)
1. Creating Surveys (34:23)
Create Survey Using Google Forms
Import into Microsoft Access
2. Import Using Excel (19:51)
Connect to Sheets from Excel
Use Access VBA to Update
Link Directly to Excel File
3. Download CSV (19:49)
Download CSV Direct to Access
Goodies from the Code Vault!
4. Import Data 1 (27:03)
Make Survey Data Relational
Create SurveyT
Create SurveyHelperT
Create ListT
GetHelperDataID Function
Look Up Helper Data
Add to Table if Not Found
Clear All Data Button
5. Import Data 2 (33:05)
Parse Multiples Function
Break Down Comma Separated List
Add Each Item to Helper Data
Add Question to Survey
Modify Linked Table Import Specs
Import Specifications
6. Querying Data (24:54)
Check for Duplicate Survey Respondants
Respondants with Helper Data
Respondants who are Not Customers
Surveys with Multiple Selections
DLookupPlus Function for a List
Popular Multiple Selection List
Customers with No Survey Response
7. Survey Forms 1 (35:40)
Customer Survey Form
Show Survey Responses Button
Disable Button if No Survey Response
Multiple Selection Subform w Responses
Survey List Form
Open Survey or Customer from List Form
8. Survey Respondant List (36:25)
Form With Three Listboxes
Write SQL RowSource Based on Previous Box
Show all Questions
Show all Responses to Selected Question
Show all People with Selected Response
9. Survey Report (9:10)
Survey With Multiple Responses
Sorting & Grouping Levels
| Access DateTime Seminar | 00. Intro (11:41)
01. Number of Work Days 1 (20:19)
Excel NETWORKDAYS Function
Create a Module
Reference to Microsoft Excel 15.0 Object Library
Create myNetWorkDays Function
Remove the Excel Reference and Code
02. Number of Work Days 2 (21:05)
While Loop Date Counter
Count Number of Days Between Dates
WeekDay Function to Determine Day of Week
Holiday Exclusion Table
DLOOKUP to Check Holiday Dates
Dealing with #Error problem
03. Number of Work Days 3 (22:20)
Using DCOUNT Outside Loop for Speed
Validation Rule to Prevent Sat Sun in Table
IsWorkDay Function to Check One Date
04. Timestamp on Edited Records (16:40)
When was Customer Record Last Updated
Create Customer Table and Form
Use Default Value to Track Creation Date
Record Change to a Single Field
Record Changes to Multiple Fields
Field AfterUpdate Event
Record Changes to Entire Record on Form
Form OnDirty Event
Tracking Changes at the Table Level
Table Data Macros
Create Data Macro
Before Change Event
SetField Command
05. Reminder Popup Notifications 1 (27:32)
Create Reminder List Table
Reminder Text, ReminderDateTime, Closed
DLOOKUP to Check for Reminders
Closed=FALSE and Reminder Now or in Past
Conditional Formatting to Highlight Due Reminders
Checking for Reminders Automatically
OnTimer Event
Timer Interval Milliseconds
Constant MAXVAL
Countdown Loop for Timer
IsPaused Checkbox
06. Reminder Popup Notifications 2 (22:57)
Open Reminder Form if there are Reminders
Special Popup Reminder Form
Preventing the Popup from Interfering with Typing
SetFocus Method
Set TimerInterval to Zero to Disable
You have 3 Reminders
DCOUNT to Count Number of Reminders
Label.Caption Property
Button to Show Reminder Form
Check to see if Reminder Popup Form is Open
IsLoaded Property
07. Reminder Popup Notifications 3 (29:41)
Remind Me Later Button
Remind Me in X Minutes
Access Commands Not Available Bug!
Have the Timer Pause Itself if On Reminder Form
OnActivate Event
Have the Timer Restart When Leave Form
OnDeactivate Event
Prevent User from Closing Reminder Form
Close Button Property
Buttons to Move Reminders +5 min, +1 hour, +1 day
Move Reminder to Tomorrow at 9am
Docmd.GotoControl to Move to Next Record
Hide Closed Reminders
08. How Many X Days in Interval (32:00)
How many Mondays are in This Month
Combo Box with Weekdays
Separate Month, Day, Year Values
DateSerial Function to Build Dates
First Day of Month
Last Day of Month
Loop Through Days
Code Breakpoints
CLng Convert Text to Long Int
Convert Code to a Function
Specify our own Interval (month, quarter, year)
How Many Tuesdays This Year
How Many Fridays This Quarter
Select Case Statement
Count from Target Date until End of Period
09. Calculating Holidays (34:33)
United States Holidays
Independence Day - July 4th
Christmas Day - Dec 25th
Labor Day - 1st Mon Sept
Memorial Day - Last Mon May
MLK Day - 3rd Mon Jan
Presidents Day - 3rd Mon Feb
Thanksgiving - 4th Thur Nov
Daylight Saving Time Begin - 2nd Sun Mar
Daylight Saving Time End - 1st Sun Nov
Veterans Day - Nov 11, +/- 1 day
Easter Sunday - Complex Calculation
10. Recurring Appointments 1 (47:09)
Add Frequency and Recurring to Reminder Table
Days, Weeks, Months, Years
Last Completed Date
Done Button
Move Recurring Appointments Ahead
Close Non-Recurring Appointments
Filter List of Appointments by Dates
Custom SQL Recordsource
Add Where Conditions
Show Closed, Open, Both
AfterUpdate Event
11. Recurring Appointments 2 (15:33)
Add Custom Sort Order
Custom Date Range Buttons
Back and Forward One Week's Appointments
See All Appointments Not Closed
12. Ordinal Dates (3:47)
MyOrdinal Function
Display 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.
13. Review (6:59)
| Access Security Seminar | 00. Introduction (8:00)
01. Database Setup, Login Form (12:23)
Create a New Database
Trusted Locations
Set Overlapping Windows
Setup UserT Table
Access User Level Security
Why ULS is Not Very Secure
"Good Enough" Security
Create Login Form
Popup & Modal Forms
02. Login Form Code (11:42)
Check for blank username/password
DLOOKUP Username and Password
NZ Function
03. Main Menu (9:43)
Exit Database Button
UserID, Username Fields on Main Menu
04. User Groups (14:35)
GroupT Table
Group to User Cross Reference Table
Junction Table
UserF Form
GroupF Subform
Adding Users to Groups
05. Checking Group Permissions (12:35)
Open User Form Button
Code to Check if User in Group
Is the User an Admin
Defining Your Own Function
Public Function
Return a Boolean
Global Modules
06. Service Process (9:06)
Define Service Processes
Create CustomerT Table
CustomerF Form
StatusT Track Work Order Status
ServiceT Detail on Service Call
07. Service Form (10:40)
Build Service Form
Create Combo Boxes
08. Service Listbox (11:23)
Listbox Service for Current Customer
OnCurrent Event
Modify SQL for Listbox to Format
Format Function in SQL
09. Sales Rep Security 1 (10:51)
Security: Who can Browse Customers
Assigning Customers to Sales Reps
Query to Show Only Sales Reps
Sales Rep Combo Box for Customers
10. Sales Rep Security 2 (10:43)
AllowAdditions, AllowDeletions, AllowEdits
Setting Properties in VB Code
Change Properties Based on User Group
Change Properties Based on SalesRepID
11. Locking Fields on Form (8:56)
Locking All Fields on a Form
For Each Control Loop
RGB Color Function
12. Unlocking Needed Fields (7:08)
Unlock Fields for Sales Reps
Unlock Fields for Service Techs
13. Create Service Order 1 (10:08)
Create New Service Order Button
Enable/Disable the Button
Get Default Value from Another Form
14. Create Service Order 2 (14:01)
Requery Service Listbox OnGotFocus
Open a Specific Service Order
Set a Default Sales Rep
Security Opening Service Orders
15. Assign to Service Tech (10:27)
MsgBox vbYesNoCancel
Lock Fields Once Assigned to Tech
16. Unassigned Service List (12:47)
UnassignedServiceQ Query
service List Form
17. Accepting Service Call (7:33)
Accept Service Call Button
Perform Service
18. Unassigned or My Calls (7:58)
Show Unassigned Service Calls
Show My Service Calls Button
Show ALL Service Calls
Dynamic SQL in RowSource of ListBox
19. Service Completed (11:32)
Mark Service Completed
Show Status on Service List
Show New, Open Service Calls
20. Hide Buttons on Main Menu (14:30)
Show/Hide User Form Button
Show/Hide Browse Customers Button
Open Service List Show Different Things
Private v. Public Form Functions
21. Fixing Some Problems (8:01)
Fix Problem with Sales Reps
Fix Missing Button Problem
Force Service Details to be Entered
22. Manager Review (12:29)
Manager Review 1 Button
Show Service Calls to be Reviewed
Assign For Followup Button
Hiding All Buttons on ServiceF
23. Followup, Closing Call (11:38)
Sales Rep Followup Completed Button
Manager Closed Button
24. Sending Email Notices (13:00)
Sending Email using Microsoft Outlook
25. Admin User Combo (11:51)
Make the UserID a Combo Box
Quick Change to Another User
26. Locking the Database 1 (9:43)
Split the Database
Front End v. Back End Databases
Encrypt Database with Password
Open Exclusive
Linked Table Manager
Get External Data
Create Links to Backend Tables
27. Locking the Database 2 (13:28)
Backup Your Database
Turn off Navigation Pane
Turn off Database Window
Show Startup Form - LoginF
Application Title
Display Navigation Pane
Allow Full Menus
Allow Shortcut Menus
Hold SHIFT Key to Bypass Security
VBA Code to Shut Off Bypass Key
Database CreateProperty
Properties Collection
28. Locking the Database 3 (10:09)
Import Linked Tables Bypasses Security
Create Admin Menu
29. Locking the Database 4 (13:55)
Global Const
Dynamically Link to Tables
Destroy Links to Tables
30. Locking the Database 5 (14:45)
Create a Recordset
Read User Info Before Linking Tables
31. Locking the Database 6 (17:09)
OnClose Event
Terminate Table Links
The Navigation Pane Shows
The Database Window Shows
Link Tables using TableDefs
32. Creating an ACCDE File (9:11)
Make ACCDE File
Make MDB File
Source Code (Design) is Gone
VB Debug Compile to Find Errors
33. AC2003 User Level Security 1 (10:36)
User Level Security Wizard Part 1
34. AC2003 User Level Security 2 (12:43)
User Level Security Wizard Part 2
Create a Workgroup File
Securing Objects
Selecting Security Groups
Creating User Accounts
Creating an Unencrypted Backup
Logging on with User Permissions
User and Group Permissions
Add or Delete Users
Add or Delete User Permissions
35. Other Database Properties (8:40)
Show All Database Security Properties
VBA Code to Change Properties
36. Database Log (17:02)
Track Employees with a Database Log
Create LogT Table
Create LogIt Function
Track User Logons
Track Data Changes
OldValue Property
37. Review (2:59)
Review Topics
Main Concepts Covered
Creating your own security inside the database
Making a user table
Logon form
User groups with permissions
Controlling the "work flow" in your database
Sales rep enters a work order
Service tech performs the work
Manager approves it
Sales rep follows up
Control who can enter data into what fields
Buttons to move to the next step in the process
Locking access to data once that step is completed
Sending an Email notice with Outlook for the "next step"
Creating a system log to watch everything your users do
Determining which users can access what forms, fields, data
Sales reps can't edit each others customers
Service techs can't see customer data
Users can't bypass the "work flow"
Managers can edit everything
Admins can supervise and change access rights
Who can browse customers?
Who can see service reports?
Showing or hiding buttons/forms based on access rights
Preventing record edits, deletions, or additions
Forcing users to enter required data
Properly Securing Your Database
Split the database into Front-End and Back-End files
Encrypt Back-End database with a password
Turn off Navigation Pane, full menus, toolbars, etc.
Disable the Bypass Key for startups
Dynamically link to tables using VBA code on database startup
Destroy those links when database closes
Compile your database into an ACCDE (MDE) file
Access 2003 User Level Security Wizard
Working with Access 2003 users, groups, and permissions
Advanced database properties in VBA such as AllowBreakIntoCode
Programming Topics
Using DLOOKUP to lookup usernames & passwords
Many-to-many relationships with junction tables (users/groups)
Locking fields on a form based on user rights
For Each control loops
Creating your own global modules with public functions
Dynamic SQL rowsource for listboxes
AfterUpdate, OnCurrent, OnGotFocus events
Use the RGB function to set color in VBA
Getting a value from a form using Forms!Formname!Field notation
Create and edit databases in VBA
Define global constants
Create and work with RecordSets to read user info
Use a recordset to read from an external database with a password
| Access Open Programs Seminar | 00. Intro (7:18)
01. Display External Images (17:29)
Create Customer Table
Setup File Attachments Folder
Copy Images to Folder
Create Customer Form
Display Customer Image on Form
Multiple Attachments Per Customer
Setup Attachments Table
Display File Extensions
Hide Extensions for Known File Types
Attachments Subform
02. Shell Command (23:33)
Command Button Build Event
SHELL Function
System Path Variable
Command Prompt
Determining What Program Opens a File
On Double Click Event
Dealing with Spaces in File Names
Launching Internet Explorer
Command Line Arguments Switches
03. ShellExec Command (20:57)
ShellExecute Function
Create the ShellExec Sub
Code Sample Table and Form
Choose Default File Handler
Open Web Page with ShellExec
Open Google Maps to Customer Address
Build Google Maps URL
Replace Function
Open Folder with Windows Explorer
Sending Email with Mailto
04. ShellExec Command Advanced (7:24)
Private and Public Constants
Error Handling
Other OPEN type arguments
05. Review (2:35)
| Access Imaging Seminar | 0. Welcome (14:40)
1. Intro to Objects (14:04)
OLE Objects v. Images
Bound v. Unbound OLE Objects
Linking v. Embedding
When and when not to store objects
Access 2007 Attachments
2. Database Setup (2:41)
Creating the Database
Customizing Options
Trusted Locations
3. Table Form Setup (5:41)
Setup Employee Table
Build Employee Form
4. Bound Embedded OLE Objects (10:02)
Insert Object
Icons v. Full Images
Edit or Display Object
Changing Registered Program Type
Zoom, Clip, Stretch
5. Linked OLE Objects (9:42)
Linking to Objects
File Folder Considerations
Shared Network Folders
Editing Linked Copies
6. Non Image Objects (6:55)
Excel Spreadsheet Fragments
Links to Word and Excel Files
Employee Report
7. Unbound OLE Objects 1 (5:05)
Shared Linked Excel Sheet
Editable Sheet Stored in Form
8. Unbound OLE Objects 2 (8:56)
Main Menu
Shared Logo on Forms Reports
Editable Logo in Multiple Places
9. Image Control 1 (11:18)
Inserting an Image Control
Manipulating the Picture Property
Loading an Image from your Drive
Change Image Button
Loading an Image when the Form Loads
Empty Image Control Box
10. Image Control 2 (12:00)
Show Image on Bound Data Form
Change Image for Each Record in VBA
Load Picture from Server or C: drive
Creating Your Own Subroutine in VB
11. Common Dialog Control (9:52)
Up to Access 2003 Users Only
Use CD Control to Pick a File
Save Filename in Field
Does Not Work in Access 2007
12. Common Dialog DLL (9:08)
All Versions of Access
Use DLL Call to Pick a File
Works With ANY Version of Access
Location of Sample Database Files
13. Copy Files to Server 1 (8:22)
Create a SettingsT Table
DLOOKUP Folder Path
Change Display Code
Null vs. Empty
14. Copy Files to Server 2 (11:25)
Separate Filename from Path
GetFilenameOnly Function
15. Copy Files to Server 3 (12:34)
Determine if File needs copying
FileCopy command
16. Copy Files to Server 4 (9:17)
Ask to Copy if File Already Exists
Dir Function
Make EmployeeID part of Filename
17. Handling Errors (9:13)
Cancel on Select File
Picking a Non-Image File Type
Image Files Moved or Renamed
18. Editing Images (6:27)
Creating Your Own Edit Event
Shell Command
19. Embedding OLE with VBA (4:21)
Pick a File
Embed the File in OLE with VBA code
20. Display Images from Web (10:53)
WebBrowser Control
Determining an Images URL
Navigate to a Web URL
LoadPicture Subroutine
21. Attachments (10:57)
Added in Access 2007
Attachments in Table Fields
Pros and Cons
Attachment in Form
VBA to Work with Attachments
Count Attachments
Cycle Through them on Form
22. Image Report (5:22)
Create a Report with Image Control
23. Review (2:55)
| Access Payables Seminar | 00. Intro (3:58)
What's Covered
Versions Used
Student Forums
01. Payee & Category Tables (11:41)
Create new database
Place in trusted folder
Overlapping windows setting
Application title
Collapsed Ribbon
Create the Payee Table
Create the Category Table
02. Payee Form & List (12:55)
Create the Payee Form
Combo box for category
Create the Payee List Form
On Double Click event to open Payee
03. Bill Table & Form (11:42)
Create the Main Menu Form
Make Main Menu the startup form
Create the Bill Table and Form
Conditional Formatting for overdue Bills
04. Bill Data Entry (9:56)
Form for quick data entry of new bills
Alternate row color
Tab Order
Data Entry property
05. Payments & Balances (10:44)
Create the Payment Table
Aggregate Query for Payments by Bill
Bills with Payments Query
Calculate a Balance for each Bill
06. Payments on Bill Form (11:08)
Put balance info on forms
CCur function
Payment listbox on Bill form
Requery listbox in OnCurrent event
07. Bills on Payee Form (9:37)
Listbox to show Bills for Payee
Dynamic SQL statement
Labels for listbox columns
08. Sort Bills on Payee Form (13:02)
Sort by columns
Click on label to sort
RequeryBillList private sub
09. Show Open Bills for Payee (7:51)
Show All Bills checkbox
WhereStr variable in SQL
DblClick event to open bill form
10. Add New Bill (13:41)
Add new bill button on Payee form
BillF made non-updateable
Check to see if a form is loaded
OnClose form event
11. Balances on Payee List (12:31)
DSUM function
NZ function null to zero
CCUR function convert to currency
Add balances to Payee List
12. Last Bill & Payment (11:07)
Last Bill Date
Last Payment Date
DMAX function
13. Payee List Sorting (16:45)
Sort functionality on Payee list
Recolor label to show sort column
Me.Controls collection
RGB color function
14. Revise Bill List Form (9:31)
Deleting embedded macros
Button to open selected Bill
15. Bill Summary Form 1 (10:38)
Create bill summary listbox
Add header labels
16. Bill Summary Form 2 (13:27)
Add sorting capability
Requery the listbox
Sub to recolor labels
Double-click to open bill
Button to open payee
Listbox Column property
17. Bill Summary Form 3 (11:54)
See all, paid, or unpaid Bills
Combo box with set values
WHERE condition in SQL
OnOpen event to set initial listbox
18. Bill Summary Form 4 (12:09)
Add combo box for due date filter
What's past due? Past due 30 days?
What's coming up in the next week, month?
19. Bill Summary Form 5 (8:12)
Total for Balance column
DSUM with existing SQL where criteria
20. Payment Form 1 (8:40)
Create Payment Form
Get default values from previous form
21. Payment Form 2 (8:16)
InputBox to prompt for payment amount
22. Payment Form 3 (10:12)
Refresh all forms on updated balance
Hide payment button if balance is zero
23. Better Add Bill Method (13:29)
Add Payee Button
Refresh Payee List Form
Adding a Bill without an Amount
MsgBox prompt
Before Update event
Cancel Update event
24. Misc Updates (11:17)
Updates to Main Menu
Update color labels on open
Button to add bill on Bill Summary form
More refreshes when form closes
Refresh on change of Amount Due
25. Overpay Bills (11:29)
How to overpay a bill
MsgBox with vbYesNoCancel
Show total balance on Payee form
26. Quick Pay Bills 1 (11:36)
Processed field in Payment Table
Unprocessed Payments List Form
27. Quick Pay Bills 2 (14:04)
VBA code to quick add payments
Open the Payments List Form
Go to new record
Set amounts
Refresh listbox
28. Payment Methods 1 (11:18)
Payment Type Table
Check, Cash, BillPay, Credit Card
Payment Type Combo for Payees
Payment Type Combo on Payment Forms
29. Payment Methods 2 (14:18)
DLOOKUP Preferred Payment Type
Prevent user from adding bogus payment
After Delete Confirm event
30. QuickPay Next Item (7:36)
Set BillList to Null
ListCount property
Use Column property to pick a record
Row parameter
31. Process Payments 1 (11:53)
Add Processed to Payment Form
Edit PaymentWithPayeeNameQ Query
Add Payment Type Filter
Add Processed Filter
RequeryPaymentForm sub
Clear Filters label
32. Process Payments 2 (13:35)
Processed Filter Checkbox
Changing Form Name in All VB Code
Find and Replace in whole project
Add PaymentType to Query
Design Payment Form
Can Grow / Can Shrink
33. Process Payments 3 (14:04)
Sorting & Grouping
Group by Payee
Group Footer Total
Limit records based on Payment List Form
SQL Me.Recordsource for Report
Read filters from Payment List Form
On No Data
On Error Resume Next
34. Process Payments 4 (11:27)
Create a Check Report
Layout fields for printed check
Convert Currency to English
Five Hundred Ten Dollars and No Cents
35. Process Payments 5 (9:47)
Print Account Number on Checks
Mark Payments Processed
While Loop to Mark Processed
36. Recurring Bills 1 (12:55)
Recurring Bills Table
Frequency Table
Calculate next due date by frequency
NextDueDate public function
Select Case statement
DateAdd function
37. Recurring Bills 2 (15:07)
Using NextDueDate in a Query
NZ for unprocessed (null) bill dates
Recurring Bills Form
38. Recurring Bills 3 (9:20)
Target Date
Loop to process recurring bills
39. Recurring Bills 4 (9:49)
Adding recurring bill to BillF form
Testing the loop
With VB command
40. Next Recurring Notice (8:29)
Show next recurring bill date on Main Menu
Modify color if past due
Popup warning message
41. Reports 1 (10:34)
Aged Accounts Payable
IIF to determine current v past due
42. Reports 2 (16:22)
Aggregate Query For Accounts Payable
Due in 30 days
Current Bills
Past Due 30, 60 days
Accounts Payable Report
Page Numbering
Report Footer
43. Reports 3 (10:21)
Bills Between Dates Query
Start End Date on Main Menu Form
DateSerial Function
DateAdd Function
+1/-1 Month Labels
44. Reports 4 (7:46)
Form with Embedded Chart
Pie Chart Summary of Expenses by Category
Format Chart Objects
45. Referential Integrity (8:20)
Setting up Global Relationship
One to Many
Enforce Referential Integrity
Cascade Deletes
Cascade Updates
Data Violating Rules Already
Find Bad Data
46. Payment Terms 1 (8:36)
Explanation of NET terms with discounts
2%10 NET 30
Setup TermsT Table
Add TermsID to Payee Table, Form
47. Payment Terms 2 (14:49)
Remove default dates from BillT
PayeeTermsNumDays Function
Set Bill, Due dates in Amount AfterUpdate
UpdateDueDate Sub
Update Due Date if Bill Date changed
Update same code in BillF
Update Recurring Form Loop
DueDate = NextDue + PayeeTermsNumDays(PayeeCombo)
48. Payment Terms 3 (17:29)
When payment is made, check for discount
Deduct discount from bill amount
Add DiscountTaken field to BillT, BillF
Code in BillF to take a discount
49. Payment Terms 4 (11:59)
Code in Quick Pay to take a discount
Convert listbox text to currency with CCUR
50. Qualified For Discount (6:34)
Query to show bills you can pay for discount
IIF Function to determine if qualified
51. Payee Priority (12:44)
Create Priority table
Add Priority to Payee Table
Adjust Bill Query
Add Priority column to Bill Summary Form
52. Repeat Until Date (11:45)
Recurring Bills Limited Repeat
Fix #ERROR on RecurringF
Add RepeatUntil date to table, form
Set default frequency
53. Bug Fixes 1 (7:35)
Set processed date on Payments form
Sort payments by Payee name
Add Payments to Selected Vendor to footer
54. Bug Fixes 2 (8:39)
Show only Active Payees
Warning if payee has a balance on inactive
Checkbox on payee form to filter payees
55. Bug Fixes 3 (9:54)
Payee Notes were Text not Memo
New Line in Field for Memo
BillSummaryF Due in 7 days
Fix Next Recurring on Main Menu
Add "there are payments to process" warning
56. Review (3:56)
57. Lesson Summary (14:34)
58. Database Walk-Thru (14:25)
| Access Search Seminar | 00. Intro (19:06)
01. Simple Find & Replace (11:32)
Overview of Sample Database
Overlapping Windows
Find & Replace
Access Beginner 4
Find in a Table
Find in a Form
Use Ribbon
Backing Up Tables
Use Bottom Search Box
Find & Replace
Backup Your Data!
Replace All
02. Simple Filter & Sort (11:13)
Filter with column header button
Filtered/Unfiltered button
Apply filter
Text Filters
Begins With
Clear Filter
Number and Date Filters
Filter by Selection
Filter Excluding Selection
Contains / Does Not Contain
Filter By Form
AND OR conditions in Filter by Form
Save As Query
Load From Query
Clear Grid
Advanced Filter
Sort Ascending / Descending
Sort by Multiple Fields
03. Parameter Query (13:53)
Simple Query
Benefits of a Query
Find Customers from NY
AND OR conditions
Parameter Query
Form Design
Form Property Sheet
Record Source Property
Continuous Forms
Form Header/Footer
Change Form Record Source
Use Parameter Query in Form
04. Menus & Buttons (10:45)
Create Main Menu Form
Command Button Wizard
Show All Data
Show Specific Records
Startup Form
Show Customers By State Button
Open Selected Customer
05. Form Fields as Parameters (11:40)
Get Parameter From Form Field
Search Parameter on Form
Unbound Text Box
Multiple Fields, OR Condition
Multiple Fields, AND Condition
06. Wildcard Searches (9:49)
LIKE Keyword
* and ?
String Concatenation
"*" & Criteria & "*"
Default Values Not Clearing
NULL values missing
Or Is Null
07. Showing Blank Values (19:06)
Null values problematic
Convert Null to Empty String ""
IIF Function
Rename a Query Field, Alias
Show ONLY blank values
Exact or Wildcard Search
Show Blanks
Search City or State with Blanks
08. Search Combo Box (13:28)
Combo Box Wizard
Find a Record in my Form
Why Find Option Might be Missing
Company Name Search
LastName, FirstName Search
Combo Box Columns
Combo Box Column Widths
Use SQL to manipulate a combo box
Basic SQL Primer
SELECT Statement
ORDER BY for Sorting
09. Embedded Macros (21:03)
Unique list of company names
Group By in a query
Is Not Null
Type Mismatch
What is a Macro
Macro v. VBA Code
Examine Embedded Macros
Open Form Macro
SearchForRecord Macro
Quotes inside of Quotes
Single Quotes
Double Double Quotes
Make a Find Next Button
10. Single Field Search Button (11:43)
Wizard Default Search Button
Custom Search Button For 1 Field
Static Search for "XYZ"
User Prompt with InputBox
FindRecord Macro
SearchForRecord Macro
Full WHERE Condition SQL
11. Search Button with VBA (14:25)
Make Backup Copy of CustomerF
Creating VBA Code
Dim Variable
Reset / Stop Code
If Then
12. More Find Buttons (13:05)
Company Name Search
Copy Paste Code
Make Your Own Subroutine
Sub Parameters
Finding the Next Record
Determine Previous Control
13. Filters with VBA (23:24)
Simple Form Filter
If Then Else
Concatenate Many Search Fields
And/Or Combo
Clear Filter Button
14. SQL RecordSource Form (14:40)
Build SQL Statement from Scratch
WHERE Clause
Add a Sort Order
Order By Combo Box
Allow Deletions
Allow Additions
Allow Edits
Allow Filters
15. Dealing with NULL Values (10:52)
Adding IsNull to SQL
Adding NOT IsNull to SQL
Triple State Checkbox
Null Values Multiple Fields
16. Descending Sort Toggles (25:52)
Toggle Button
Button Quick Styles
Background Color
Hover Color
Pressed Color
Toggle.Caption Property
AfterUpdate Event for Toggle Button
RequeryForm Sub
Requery When ANY Value Changed
Sort DESC decending
Run Event when Form Opens
OnOpen Event
Add 2nd Field to Sort By
Definition Jump To
Add a No Sort Option
17. Simple Search Form (22:16)
Easier Form for New Users
Make sure user entered at least 1 item
Message if customer not found
Add new customer with one click
vbYesNoCancel MsgBox
With Forms!CustomerF
18. Show Advanced Options (18:07)
Clear button
Tab Order
Determine if an email address
InStr Function
ENTER and ESC buttons
Button Default and Cancel Properties
Get form width property
Resize Form with Button
19. Recent Customer List 1 (17:43)
Listbox for Recent Customers
On Error Resume Next
Simple Debugging
20. Recent Customer List 2 (18:03)
Open Selected Customer
OnDblClick Event
On Double Click
See if Customer Exists in Table
Look up a value in a table
NZ convert Null to Zero
Delete Query SQL
No Customer Selected on Delete
21. Recent Customer List 3 (17:33)
Change Width of Listbox
No ScrollBars Property for Listboxes
Listbox.ColumnWidths Property
Listbox.ColumnCount Property
Hide the Horizontal Scrollbar
Adjust Col Width in VBA
Format a Date with Format Function
Increment In SQL
22. Recent Customer List 4 (25:08)
Sort Labels
Events and Default Values Conflicting
Reload Customer Search List
Order By Labels For Each Column
Default Sort Field
Beware Layout Mode Saving Design
Ascending / Descending Sort
23. Multi Table Search Form 1 (17:30)
Employee and Vendor Tables
Search Results to List Box
Split FirstName LastName to 2 fields
Left, Right, Len Functions
24. Multi Table Search Form 2 (18:41)
Set RowSource of CustomerList on Search
OnDblClick to Open Customer Form
Add EmployeeList, VendorList
Change SQL Statement Based on Which List
25. Multi Table Search Form 3 (24:00)
Create a UNION Query
Merge 3 Tables into 1 Query
Pull All Records from SearchUnionQ
Show Type of Record in Listbox
Select Case Statement
Open Whichever Form is Needed
Select Which Tables to Search In
26. Product Search Form 1 (17:31)
Create Product Table
Outer Join to Show All Products
Vendor Combo Box
Align to Grid
Size to Grid
Empty vs. Null - What to Look For
How to Test Empty or Null
27. Product Search Form 2 (12:02)
SQL for Product Search RowSource
Search Range of Unit Costs
Search Range of Dates Updated
Search Notes Field
Double Click to Open Product
28. Product Search Form 3 (10:50)
Domain Aggregate Functions
DLOOKUP Product Notes
Count of Records Returned
DCOUNT Function
Max and Min Unit Costs
DMAX and DMIN Functions
29. Product Search Form 4 (11:54)
Product purchased by how many customers
Aggregate Query Group By Count
List of customers who purchased product
30. Natural Language Search 1 (14:49)
CourseT Table
CourseF Form
CourseSearchF Form
Search Multiple Fields from One Lookup
31. Natural Language Search 2 (14:46)
Break up string into keywords
OR condition between keywords
Replace Function
32. Natural Language Search 3 (22:41)
Phrase search
Remove quotation marks
Highlight the search phrase in the form
Negative keywords
Exact match search
33. Search As You Type (18:36)
KeyDown, KeyUp, KeyPress Events
ASCII Character Codes
CHAR, ASC functions
On Change Event
34. Printing Reports (5:08)
Where Condition
Report Events
35. Review (3:21)
| Access Web Sync Seminar | 0. Introduction (14:17)
Topics Covered
Software Required
Important Information
1. WebBrowser Control (9:23)
Adding WebBrowser in Access 2007
Adding WebBrowser in Access 2003
Adding WebBrowser in Access 2000
Command Button to Go To Web Page URL
2. WebBrowser Navigation (9:14)
User Input URL for WebBrowser
Add Text Box URL Control
Check if the WebBrowser Navigating?
IsNavigating Check Box
WebBrowser DocumentComplete
WebBrowser DownloadBegin
3. Reading HTML & Page Text (10:21)
Show Current URL
DocumentComplete URL Parameter
Read HTML in a Web Page
Read Text in a Web Page
For Each Next Loop
4. Parsing Page Data (10:15)
Understanding URLs
URL Parameters (QueryString)
Use Mobile Versions if Possible
Parsing Page Data
String Manipulation
InStr, Mid Functions
Reading Weather Data
Finding the Current Temperature
5. Insert Data Into Table With SQL (9:14)
Create TemperatureT Table
Append Query
INSERT SQL Statement
6. Insert Data With Recordset (9:29)
setup Recordset
Save Data
Recordset Issues With Access 2000
Microsoft DAO Object Library
Declaration Issues With Access 2003
Option Explicit
Timing Issues With Access 2003
IsNull Problem
7. Automated Download With Timer (9:25)
OnTimer Event
Timer Interval in Milliseconds
Navigate Automatically
Avoid Multiple Simulataneous Events
Event Running Indicator
8. Separate Timer Form (10:54)
Create a Timer Form to Launch Events
Public Sub LoadURL
Integer Division and Modulus
While Wend Loop
9. Recording Multiple Events (12:17)
Checking Temp in Multiple ZIP Codes
Adding ZIP Code to Table
Stop Timer Checkbox
Recordset to Loop Through ZIP Codes
Recordset While Loop
10. Checking Stock Quotes (8:45)
Copy Web Form
Me Keyword
Edit VB Code for Stocks
Using to Get Stocks
11. Working With Text Files, Part 1 (10:38)
Why Use Text Files?
Analyzing Data Line by Line
Creating a Temporary Text File
Writing Text Files
Open Text File for Output
Problem with Windows Vista Security
Reading Text Files
Open Text File for Input
Line Input
Text File EOF
Left String Function
CSng Function - Convert String to Single
12. Working With Text Files, Part 2 (7:22)
Modifying our Recordset
Saving the Stock History Data
Invalid Use of Null
Debugging Break Points
Turn on the Debug Toolbar
Step Into, Over, Out of Code Lines
13. Working With Text Files, Part 3 (10:27)
Replace Function
CLng Function - Convert to Long Integer
Switching to
Viewing the HTML of a Web Page
View Source
Form Post Problem
Converting Form Post to Query String
Adjust Code for New Data
Storing the Stock Data
14. Multiple Automated Stock Quotes (9:41)
Add Check Stock Quotes to Timer Form
Create Stock Lookup Table
Automate Lookup of Multiple Stocks
15. Acquire Data on Your Web Site (12:35)
Using Expression Web or FrontPage
What if you use a different Web Editor?
Using ASP (Active Server Pages)
For More Info See my ASP Courses
Also See Web Database Seminar
Open my Web Site in Expression Web
Create a SubSite in my Web for Data Collection
Create an HTML Form to Collect Data
Database Creation Wizard
fpdb Folder
Global.ASA File - Don't Touch It
16. Custom Data Collection ASP Page (15:32)
You can't just drop a database in your Web
Clean up the Junk from the HTML Form
Create our own Submit.asp
Request Data from Web Form
Perform Data Validation (Missing or Bad Data)
Saving Data to the Database
17. Page to Display Collected Data (9:04)
ASP Code to Display All Collected Records
Basic Security for Your Display Page
18. Download Collected Data to Access (15:19)
Create Another Access WebForm
Modify Recordset for New Data
Gather Data from Web Site
19. Delete Records from Server, Part 1 (8:41)
ASP Page to Delete All Server Records
Modifying Access WebForm to Delete Records
Specify Operating Mode
AnalyzeDeleteRecords Sub
Dealing with No Records to Display
20. Delete Records from Server, Part 2 (7:41)
Browser Caching Problems with IE
Careful With Your IF/Then Logic
21. Virtual Page Data on Web Site (11:46)
Create a Virtual Page Database
Modify Access Database on the Web Site
Create a Virtual News and Sales Data Page
22. Local Virtual Page Database (5:24)
Create Local Virtual Page Data Table / Form
HasChanged Event & Indicator
23. Post Data From Access to Web, Part 1 (9:14)
Build ASP Page to Accept Data from Access
New WebForm to Post Data to Web Site
24. Post Data From Access to Web, Part 2 (10:00)
25. Posting Large Fields to Web, Part 1 (10:54)
Create HTML Web Form to Accept Data
Give your HTML Form a Name
26. Posting Large Fields to Web, Part 2 (12:24)
Set Web Form Values from JavaScript in VBA
Clicking a Submit Button with Code
Converting Line Breaks to BR
27. Product Database Access to Web, Part 1 (11:45)
Create Product Table for Access DB
Create Form and Database on Web Site
Update Field Types in Web Database
28. Product Database Access to Web, Part 2 (10:38)
Auto Add New Records if Not Found
Create a ProductF Form in Access
HasChanged BeforeUpdate event
Update WebForm code
29. Display Product Listing on Web Site (13:30)
Build Product List ASP Code on Web Site
Design Loop with Records to Display Table
Add Picture URLs
Get Images from Web, Store on Server
30. Review (4:15)
| Access Calendar Seminar | 00. Intro (7:35)
Topics Covered
01. Create Database (7:02)
Turn on Overlapping Windows
Create Database File
Create Calendar Table
Create Calendar Form
02. Appointment List 1 (13:56)
Form to List Appointments
Double-Click to Open Appt
OnDblClick Event
Show Closed Items Checkbox
03. Appointment List 2 (7:54)
Triple State Checkbox
Show Closed, Open, All Appts
Create Dynamic SQL Rowsource
Refresh Button
Change Form Caption in VBA
04. Monthly View Form 1 (11:39)
CalendarQ With Short Time
DatePickerF Enter a Date
Start Monthly Form
05. Monthly View Form 2 (10:23)
Day 2 of our Calendar Form
Text Boxes to Show Dates
Make 7 Boxes for the Week
06. Monthly View Form 3 (11:30)
Calendar Control
Calculate First Day of Month
First Sunday on or Before 1st
07. Monthly View Form 4 (10:51)
Grey Out Days of Diff Months
Forms!Form("FieldName") Notation
&HFFFFFF Color Notation
08. Monthly View Form 5 (10:26)
Shrink Text
Get Rid of Horizontal Scrollbars
DblClick Event to Open Appointments
Use Excel to Generate VBA Code
09. Calendar Report 1 (9:40)
Design Printable Monthly Report
10. Calendar Report 2 (12:14)
VBA Code Rewrite for Reports
Using the Detail Build Event
11. Review (3:39)
| Access Relationship Seminar | 00. Intro (7:59)
01. Types of Relationships (13:04)
No Relationships
Self-Join One-To-Many
Self-Join Many-To-Many
Reverse Relationships
Multiple Relationships
02. No Relationships (5:26)
Flat File
The wrong way to build a database
Child and Parents in Same Table
03. One-To-Many Relationships (10:45)
Delete parent data from student table
Create a RelativeTypeT
Create ParentT
Fill in sample data
04. One-To-Many Form 1 (12:38)
Create ParentF Subform
Set up relationship with subform wizard
Turn off navigation buttons
Turn off scroll bars
05. One-To-Many Form 2 (9:53)
Hide IDs
Combo Box for RelativeType
Combo Box Wizard
06. One-To-Many Query (15:34)
StudentQ for Mailings
Query Criteria
Field Name Aliases
OR Conditions
Show ALL students and related parents
LEFT Inner Join
Global Relationships
Cascade Delete
07. One-To-One Relationships (18:33)
Extra Student Info
One-To-One Global Relationship
Command Button to Open 2nd Form
Show Specific Records
Refer to Value on Another Form
Default Value
One-To-One Subform
Discuss Securing Data with Split DB
Discuss Multiple Back-End Files
One for Users, One for Admins
08. Many-To-Many 1 (11:47)
Products and Vendors
Multiple products per vendor
Multiple vendors per product
Junction table
Cross Reference Table
Vendor Form
Product Form
09. Many-To-Many 2 (14:24)
Products with Vendor Subform
Vendors with Product Subform
Product Combo Box
Vendor Combo Box
On Double Click Event
VBA Code to open a form
Where Criteria
10. Self Join One-To-Many (17:00)
Relating a Table to Itself
Supervisor Combo Box
String Concatenation
Calculated Field
Employee With Supervisor Q
Grouped Report
Sorting & Grouping Level
Report Showing Supervisor with Employees
11. Self Join Many-To-Many (20:46)
People to People with Relationships
Person table and form
Junction Table
PersonQ with Full Name
Form Subform for People and Relatives
Great for Genealogy Tracking
12. Reverse Relationships 1 (14:23)
Add opposite relationships
If Mother is picked, Child is default
Non-gender specific opposites
Do not allow additions to subform
Unbound forms
Control Source
Unbound Combo Boxes
Turn off Navigation Buttons
Record Selectors
Scroll Bars
Set value across forms
13. Reverse Relationships 2 (22:44)
AfterUpdate Event
DLOOKUP Function to find Opposite
Append Query
Exit Sub
14. Multiple Relationships 1 (14:58)
Main Organization Table
Members Subtable
Great for Charities, Churches
Fund Raising possibilities
Good to track Family Data
Multiple subforms of data
One master form
OrgT for organization
Junction Table
Member Subform
15. Multiple Relationships 2 (21:56)
Address subform on Org Form
Address is for Org OR Member
Address subform on Member Form
OnDblClick to jump from Org to Member
Vice Versa
Contact History Subform
Contacts for both Orgs and Members
16. Review (5:43)
| Access Split Database Seminar | 00. Intro (5:01)
01. Why Split Your Database (5:07)
02. Customer Tables (10:53)
One-To-One Relationship
Referential Integrity
Cascade Deletes
Cascade Updates
03. Customer Forms (11:36)
Button to Open Secure Form
Without Security
VBA DoCmd.OpenForm
Add a Password
Hide Navigation Pane
04. Splitting the Database (5:57)
Database Tools
Move Data > Access Database
Database Splitter
Copy and Rename Backend Files
05. Set up Shared Folders (14:21)
Windows Server
Share This Folder
Share Permissions
Full Control
Users & Groups
File Sharing in Windows 7
Linked Table Manager
Refresh Links
06. Encrypted Front End (8:43)
Distribution Copy
Save your ACCDB file!
07. Review (6:01)
| Access Fiscal Year Seminar | 00. Intro (1:59)
01. Simple Fiscal Year Query (9:17)
Create Order Table
Simple Fiscal Year starting 6/1
YEAR function
MONTH function
IIF function
02. Sales Totals by Fiscal Year (5:47)
Aggregate Query
SUM of Sales by Fiscal Year
Order Totals
Order Report
Group and Sort
Group, Sort, and Total
03. Fiscal Not 1st of Month (10:19)
Create your own Function
Public Function MyFiscalYear
Function Parameters
Function Return Value
IF THEN statement
DAY function
Nested IF statements
04. Multiple Companies (9:50)
Variable Fiscal Start Month Day
Additional VBA Parameters
Tables Joined in Query
Orders By Company By Fiscal Year
05. Review (2:17)
| Loan Amortization Seminar | 0. Introduction (10:17)
1. Lesson 01 (22:49)
Initial setup
Making the Tables
Loan Form
2. Lesson 02 (21:04)
NumberOfPayments Calculator
Tab Order
PMT Function
Creating the Schecule Form
3. Lesson 03 (22:05)
Delete any previous Schedules
Create a new Schedule
4. Lesson 04 (24:44)
Summary Totals
Adding a Subform
Check for changes
Add a Payment
Recalculate other figures
5. Lesson 05 (22:46)
Recalculating Payments
Adding the Payments SubForm
Master/Child Fields
6. Lesson 06 (22:14)
Adding a Payment
Loan Status Values
7. Lesson 07 (18:18)
ClientF, ProviderF
Main Menu
Listbox of Loans
Default Values
8. Lesson 08 (22:34)
Fixing a Requery Problem on new Loan
Echo to stop Screen updating
Delete a Record
Stop Warnings
9. Lesson 09 (24:27)
Repeat for the ProviderListF
DoubleClick Events to open Forms
Active Loans
10. Lesson 10 (21:11)
Format Painter
Size/Align to Grid
Force New Page
Master/Child Fields
11. Lesson 11 (29:05)
Report Headers
Payments SubReport
Relationships 101
Sorting and Grouping
12. Lesson 12 (27:26)
Accounts Receivable
13. Lesson 13 (31:12)
Accounts Receivable Reports
Hiding Report Sections
14. Lesson 14 (25:13)
Current Loan Value Report
| Access Email Seminar | 00. Intro (19:51)
01. Sending Email Manually (16:35)
Create Customer Database
Customer Table
Customer Balance Report
Email Button
Send Object As Dialog
Brief Discussion of Output Formats
Export as PDF
Send and Receive in Outlook
Command Button Wizard
Build Event
Embedded Macros
OpenReport Macro Command
Where Condition
VBA Code Editor
Docmd.OpenReport acViewPreview
02. EmailDatabaseObject SendObject (17:49)
Mail Report in Command Button Wizard
EmailDatabaseObject Macro Command
Specify Output Format PDF
Send to Static Email Address
Send to Current Customer
To, Cc, Bcc Fields
Subject Line
Message Text
Edit Message
Unsafe Actions
Access Security Warnings
Access VBA SendObject Command
Adding FirstName to Custom Message Text
Limitations of SendObject Method
03. Email Merge to Word (16:14)
Pros and Cons
External Data, Word Merge
Send Company Newsletter
Microsoft Word Mail Merge Wizard
Use Current Document
Use an Existing List
Edit Recipient List
Edit Document - Compose Email
Add Formatted Text
Insert Hyperlinks
Insert Pictures
Layout Email with Tables
Complete the Merge
Merge to E-mail
Embedded Images
04. Automating Outlook Email 1 (22:54)
Create Send Email Form
VBA Primer with MsgBox
Adding a Reference to Outlook
Microsoft Outlook 15.0 Object Library
CreateObject, CreateItem
To, Subject, Body Properties
Displaying the Message
Sending the Message Immediately
Outlook Security Warning
Send to Multiple TO Recipients
Add a CC and BCC
Stop Code Execution
Invalid Use of Null
Checking for Required Values
If Not IsNull
05. Automating Outlook Email 2 (27:09)
Sending Formatted Emails
Plain Text vs Rich Text
HTML Codes in Text
Using Word for Exporting HTML
HTML Filtered
Putting Images Files to the Web
Upload to Google Drive
Change URL in HTML for Image
Switch from Plain to Rich Text
Send to Outlook
06. Automating Outlook Email 3 (15:44)
Create Separate Email Form for HTML
Send Email Button on Customer Form
OpenForm Command
Set Forms!EmailF!MsgTo to EmailAddress
Send Balance Report via Automation
Creating Your Own Subroutine
Switching Plain v Rich Text in VBA
Enter Key Behavior for New Lines
07. Attachments in Outlook Email (26:21)
Sending a Static Attachment
Create an Attachments Folder
Attaching Multiple Files
Creating a ZIP file
On Error Resume Next
On Error Goto 0
Check to see if File Exists
DIR Function
Add Button to Select a File
Common Dialog DLL
Create a Global Module
SelectFile Function
Attach File Button
Two Attach File Buttons
08. Create PDF Access Attachments (14:48)
Code Definition
Export Report as a PDF File
Format Function with Dates
Keep History of Sent Reports
Importance High, Normal, Low
09. Mass Email Using Outlook (29:06)
Create Customer List Form
Continuous Forms
Don't Send Report to Everyone
SendReport Field y/n
Loop Through All Customers
While Loop, Wend
Docmd.GotoRecord acNext
OpenForm to Specific Record
Run a Subroutine on Another Form
Public Subroutines
Preview Checkbox (Display or send)
Disable Outlook Security Warning
WARNING: Watch For Spam Bots
Trust Center
Programmatic Access
Run As Administrator
10. Send Email Without Outlook 1 (20:05)
What is an SMTP Server
Simple Mail Transport Protocol
SMTP Server Port
Double Click Event
Open Current Customer from List
CreateObject CDO.Message
Collaborative Data Objects
Hide my Username and Password
Global Variables & Constants
Global Const
Global Modules
Renaming Buttons & Moving Code
Caption Property
11. Send Email Without Outlook 2 (21:26)
Clean up Code
Shorten Schema Line
Set Email Variables to Form Field Values
Check for Valid Data
Run-time Error from SMTP Server
Sending Rich Text
Sending HTML Mail
Create Listbox for Mail Format Options
Change Colors with the RGB Function
12. Send Email Without Outlook 3 (20:54)
Sending Attachments
Using Gmail to Send Email
Email Port 465
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
Displaying Real Names in Email Fields
String Concatenation
Trim() Function
13. Send Email Without Outlook 4 (8:51)
Error Handling
On Error Resume Next
On Error Goto 0
14. Email from HTML or Web Page (10:37)
Create a Newsletter in Microsoft Word
Access Learning Zone Newsletter
Save as HTML Filtered
Sending a Local HTML File
Sending Email by Importing a Web Page
15. Bulk Customized Email 1 (13:25)
Create BulkEmailF
Recordset Loops
Loop Through Customers
While Loop
Customize TO, Subject, Body Fields
16. Bulk Customized Email 2 (12:09)
Variable Substitution
Merge Fields
Replace Function
Nz Function
17. Bulk Customized Email 3 (15:40)
Email Batch Statistics
Current Email Counter
DCount Total Number of Emails
Percent Completed
Create a Status Box
Status Subroutine
DoError Error Box
18. Bulk Customized Email 4 (19:28)
Email Countdown Timer
Send Delay
OnTimer Event
Abort Checkbox
Pause Checkbox
Flash if Paused
19. Bulk Customized Email 5 (36:23)
Select an Email Template
Template Table and Form
OnCurrent Event
Show Allowed Merge Codes
Tab Order
Auto Order
Tab Stop Property
Custom From Address for Each Template
RecordSource Field vs Property
SQL SELECT Statement
Dirty Records
20. Bulk Customized Email 6 (22:59)
MoveFirst, MoveLast
RecordCount Recordset Property
"Sending..." Indicator on Communicate
HTML Editor
Microsoft Expression Web
FTP with Windows Explorer
Import HTML Text into Body Field
Read Text File
21. Mailing List Management (39:43)
Yes/No Field to Send or Not
Mailing List Table
Customer X Mailing List Junction Table
Many to Many Relationships
Customer X Mailing List Subform
Continuous Forms
Combo Box for Selecting Mailing Lists
Mailing List Query with Customer Data
MsgBox with VbYesNoCancel Buttons
Get Input from MsgBox
Count Total Emails on Mail Form Open
Set Mailing List Name Automatically
Set Recordsource SQL Automatically
Set Background Color Green on Change
22. Your Own External Mail Server 1 (24:15)
Send Using Your Own Dedicated Mail Form
Copy Email Send Form
Check For Missing Email Addresses
Recordset for Adding Emails to Server
Add Emails to Outbox Table
23. Your Own External Mail Server 2 (27:43)
Removing Code we Don't Need
Start/Stop Server Button
Message Status and Status Text
Outbox, Sent, Fail Counts
RS.Edit to Edit a Recordset Record
Read Status of Email Send
Set Value in Table
24. Your Own External Mail Server 3 (24:49)
Enhanced Countdown Timer
Separate Email Server Database
Delete Email Table from Customer Database
Attach to Mail Server Table
25. Reading Email From Outlook (35:23)
Read Email Form
Outlook Object Library Reference
Minimum VBA Code Needed to Read Emails
GetDefaultFolder olFolderInbox
For Each Item in Inbox
Save Messages to Table in Access
Subject, Sender, SenderEmailAddress
Body, HTMLBody, BodyFormat
olFormatHTML, olFormatPlain
Delete a MailItem
Inbox Items.Count
Mark Read, UnRead
Move Emails from Inbox to Completed Folder
26. Collecting Data Via Email (42:01)
Creating a Survey Email
Replying to the Email
Pulling in the Data
Responses from Gmail and Outlook
Reading and Writing Text Files
Open TextFile For Output
Open TextFile For Input
Line Input FF
InStr, Len Functions
Right, Left, Len Functions
ByVal vs ByRef Variable Parameters
27. Collecting Data Via Web Page (21:49)
You will need Windows Hosting for this example
Create an Online Form
HTML Form and Input Tags
Create a Submit page
ASP <% %> Tags
Request Command
Response.Write Command
Response.Redirect Command
DELETE SQL Statement
28. Extracting from Attachment Field (9:02)
Saving Files in an Access Attachment Field
Attachment Field Recordset
29. Miscellaneous (11:28)
Tracking Email Delivery
Read Receipts return-receipt-to
Delivery Status Notification (DSN)
Sending Text Messages from Access Email
Email to SMS Gateways
Extracting Attachments from Incoming Email
Outlook Mail Attachments
SaveAsFile Command
30. Review (4:30)
| Access Data Encryption Seminar | 00. Intro (5:02)
01. Lesson 1 (9:06)
Set up the database
Set up customer table with encryption fields
Create customer form for public data
Create customer form for encrypted data
02. Lesson 2 (9:37)
Button to open encrypted form
Encrypt Function
Creating a public function in a module
ASCII values & table
ASC() Function
For Next Loop
Mid() Function
03. Lesson 3 (9:41)
Convert Integers to String Values
CStr() Function
Len() Function
Const Keyword to create Constants
Key Values to Mathematically Obfuscate Data
04. Lesson 4 (9:40)
Convert String Values to Integers
CInt Function
Converting ASCII Values to Characters
CHR() Function
Convert to Currency Values
CCur() Function
MsgBox Command
Global Constants
05. Lesson 5 (7:59)
Decrypt Function
Reversing the Encryption Procedure
For Next Step
Deleting actual data from the table
06. Lesson 6 (7:58)
Save & Close Button
&& to get one &
DoCmd.Close Command
Decrypt the data when the form loads
OnCurrent Event
Hide the Encrypted Fields
Visible Property
Control how users can close the form
Only allow closing form with your button
Form Properties
Navigation Buttons
Record Selectors
Control Box
Close Button
Max Min Buttons
Pop Up
| Access SQL Seminar Part 1 | 00. Introduction (9:03)
01. What is SQL (6:09)
What is SQL
Structured Query Language
How to see SQL in queries
Why learn SQL
02. Basic SQL Components (14:27)
Build Customer Table
Build a simple query using QBE Grid
SQL View
SELECT statement
FROM clause
ORDER BY clause
WHERE condition
Changing fields in SELECT statement
Showing all fields with *
Clauses on separate lines
No spaces in field names
03. WHERE Clauses 1 (16:00)
Operators: = > < <= >= <>
String values and quotes
TRUE, FALSE, Yes, No, -1, 0
Dates in # signs
BETWEEN with dates, text, numbers
AND, OR with multiple fields
04. WHERE Clauses 2 (13:23)
Parameter Queries
Parameters with BETWEEN
LIKE keyword
Wildcard characters: *, ?, #
Different wildcards: % and !
Range of Characters [A-P]
Not in a range [!A-P]
IN clause
05. ORDER BY and DISTINCT (6:49)
Multiple fields
06. Customer List Form (15:22)
Build an Unbound Form
Add a Customer List Box
RowSource Property
Change SQL Dynamically
Command Buttons with VBA Code
07. Name List Form (11:23)
Form that gets data from 2 tables
Show Customers
Show Employees
Me.Caption property
08. Review (5:13)
| Access SQL Seminar Part 2 | 00. Intro (8:32)
01. Update Query 1 (14:47)
Four types of action queries
Update query
Create Product Table
Update query in Access QBE designer
Update with no parameter
SQL View
Updating multiple fields
02. Update Query 2 (10:27)
Update Query with Multiple Tables
Update vendor product pricing
03. Update Query Form 1 (19:21)
Markup Text Box
Category Combo
SQL Rowsource for Listbox
Custom WhereStr
04. Update Query Form 2 (14:20)
Default markups for each category
Column() combo box property
Run update query to perform markup
Format function
05. Append Query 1 (19:21)
Create a Log Table
Append Query with no input table
VBA Optional for sub parameters
DateTime reserved keyword
Numeric values
06. Append Query 2 (12:48)
Create ProductArchiveT
Archive historic product info
WHERE Condition
07. Make Table Query (6:19)
Creating time-based table backups
08. Delete Query (7:04)
Add IsActive to Listbox
09. Top X Items 1 (13:35)
Top X Records Form
10. Top X Items 2 (15:42)
Custom TopStr
InStr function
Replace function
Ascending Descending Combo
Open Report with Custom SQL
11. Aliases (9:57)
Cartesian Product
Alias field names
Alias table names
AS optional with table names
12. Joins 1 (10:24)
Types of Joins
Inner Join
Left, Right Outer Join
Full Join
Cartesian Join
Self Join
INNER join two tables
Joining multiple tables
13. Joins 2 (11:33)
Left Outer Join
Right Outer Join
Full Joins not support in Access
Employees and Supervisors
Alias in the Access QBE grid
Cartesian Example
Softball Team Schedule
14. More with IN (4:08)
IN with SELECT statement
15 Union Query (11:10)
Simulating a Full Join Query
16. Crosstab Query (9:01)
CrossTab like a PivotTable
Orders by State by Month
17. Calculations (5:13)
Addition, Subtraction
Multiplication, Division
Integer Division
18. Concatenation (5:45)
Plus with NULL values
19. Aggregate Queries 1 (13:17)
Total Row
Month function
Criteria on Group By Field
Criteria on Aggregate Field
HAVING keyword
Nested Query
20. Aggregate Queries 2 (11:14)
Where option
Expression option
SQL statement as WHERE condition
Show all below average orders
21. Functions 1 (9:17)
String Functions
StrConv for proper case
22. Functions 2 (15:16)
Date & Time Functions
Format function
Format parameter values
23. Functions 3 (11:36)
Misc Functions
24. Cascading Combo 1 (12:51)
Country > State > City
SQL RowSource
25. Cascading Combo 2 (10:39)
Reverse the order
City looks up state
State looks up country
Boxes requeried
26. Review (4:18)
| Access SQL Seminar Part 3 | 00. Intro (5:02)
01. Creating a Table (14:32)
Importance of SQL table design
TEXT field
Length of a TEXT field
Multiple Fields
Make a text box to hold our SQL
Bind SQL form to table
02. Access SQL Data Types (8:30)
Access to SQL Aliases
Start COUNTER at different value
Inflate AutoNumber value
SQL view in query designer
03. Indexing (14:32)
04. Altering Tables (16:12)
Altering tables in EXTERNAL databases
Cannot alter LINKED tables
Dim DB as database
OpenDatabase command
Adding tables to external database
CREATE link to external table
05. Constraints (10:49)
Multi Field Index
Index spanning 2 or more fields
06. Relationships (9:37)
Relationships review
Relationships Window
07. ANSI-92 SQL (8:32)
Differences between 89 and 92
Wildcard characters
Switch database from 89 to 92
Broken queries
08. CHECK & DEFAULT (11:24)
Multi Field CHECK Constraint
Table-Level Validation Rules
09. Referential Integrity (6:16)
10. VIEWS & PROCEDURES (11:08)
Views vs. Queries
Action Queries
Append, Delete, Update
EXECUTE procedure
DROP procedure
11. Database Security (11:44)
Open Exclusive Mode
12. Review (5:01)
| Access SharePoint Seminar Outline | Lesson 1. Requirements
What you can do
What SharePoint is good for
What SharePoint is NOT good for
What YOU need
What THEY need
Lesson 2. Create Sharepoint Site & List
Create a New SharePoint Site
Create a SharePoint List for Customers
Add and Edit Data
Hide Title Field
Make Title Field Not Required
Display ID Field
Lesson 3. Connecting Access to SharePoint
Connect to New Site from Access
External Data > New Data Source >
From Online Services > SharePoint List
Log in to SharePoint in Access
Export CustomerT to SharePoint
Back Up Your Data!
Link to CustomerT On SharePoint
Lesson 4. Permissions & Distribution
Giving Others Access to your SharePoint
Granting Permissions to a List
Sending Invites
Your End User Creating a Microsoft Account
Compact & Repair
Distribute ACCDE File
Creating a ZIP File
Lesson 5.
Seeing Who Edited / Modified Records
Hidden Fields in Table
Display CustomerT on Quick Launch
Removing Permission
Requiring Permission to Change
| Old Access Index - 2003 Version | For the older Access 2003 course outlines, click here.
| TechHelp Access | #Deleted | TechHelp Access deleted error, records deleted, #deleted, network problems, conflicts in updates, corrupted data source, check network connection, check data source integrity | 12 Hour Time with NO am/pm | TechHelp Access Time AM PM 12 hour 24 hour iif report sorting | 15-Minute Increments | TechHelp Access timecard, time card, timesheet, time sheet, increments, intervals, 15-minute, 15 minutes, minute function, validation rule, validation text, timeserial | 64-Bit Access | TechHelp Access microsoft office, 32-bit, 32 bit, 64-bit, 64-bit, declare, ptrsafe, longlong, longptr, Win64, VBA7, sleep function, kernel32 | Abort Loop | TechHelp Access, abort loop, graceful exit, VBA loop abort, Access VBA checkbox, abort button Access, stop long running loop, VBA abort process, exit loop gracefully, stop button in Access, Access VBA error handling, terminate loop safely, VBA do events, | Absolute Value | TechHelp Access 2016, Access 2019, Access 2021, Access 365, Microsoft Access, MS Access, MS Access Tutorial, #msaccess, #microsoftaccess, #help, #howto, #tutorial, #learn, #lesson, #training, #database, budget variance analysis, ABS function, absolute val | ACCDT Template | TechHelp Access, ACCDT template creation, database distribution, customize Microsoft Access, template save as ACCDT, application parts in Access, Access expert-level tutorial, Access database setup, ACCDB file creation, global module VBA code. | Access EOMONTH | TechHelp Access end of month, last day of month, last day of next month, last day of previous month, Excel EOMONTH Function in Access, Last Day of Month, EOMONTH in Access, DateSerial, End-of-Month Calculations, Access Date Functions, EOMONTH Function, Tr | Access for Free | TechHelp Access ms access free, microsoft access for free, can I get access for free, free download, can you get microsoft access for free, can you get microsoft access for free | Access Going Away | TechHelp Access dead going away phased out 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Microsoft Access, VBA prevent double-clicks, prevent multiple report prints Access, Access form button click prevention, disable butto | Account Balances 1 | TechHelp Access track microsoft access account balances, personal finances, daily spending transactions, track finances, balance chart, credit and debit, banking activity, credit card balances | Account Balances 2 | TechHelp Access track microsoft access account balances, personal finances, daily spending transactions, track finances, balance chart, credit and debit, banking activity, credit card balances | Account Balances 3 | TechHelp Access split database, relink tables automatically with vba, select backend file from list | Account Balances 4 | TechHelp Access recalculate in place, requery in place, tab stops, conditional formatting if date old, check status of linked tables | Account Balances 5 | TechHelp Access add record button, data entry mode, required, zero length string, before update, form on unload, cancel, save button, cancel button | Account Balances 6 | TechHelp Access delete button, relationships, referential integrity, cascade deletes, custom warning and error messages, user-friendly errors, auto re-sort list, move items up and down with buttons | Account Balances 7 | TechHelp Access On Dirty Event, Dirty Property, change background color of field on focus, change background color of another field on focus, are you sure cancel button, equations in fields in continuous forms, optimize sort with recordset | Account Balances 8 | TechHelp Access transaction history, saved transactions | Account Balances 9 | TechHelp Access select text on click | Account Statements | TechHelp Access, account statements, check register database, separating credits and debits, sub-report in Access, grouping levels in Access, Access query design, Microsoft Access report design, sorting checks and deposits, weekly account statements, mont | Account Statements 2 | TechHelp Access, create account statements, separate credit and debit, Access check register tutorial, report design Access, subtotal by section, modify report footer, design view tips, calculate sum of credits, calculate sum of debits, format report elem | Account Statements 3 | TechHelp Access, create account statements, check register, separate credit and debit, print preview report, set query criteria, date range filter, forms data source, open form value access, button to open report, design view operations, report criteria s | Accounts Receivable | TechHelp Access accounts receivable, accounts recievable, receivables, accts, rcv, aging accounts receivable, aged accounts receivable, invoicing, small business, finance, financial, books, general ledger, accounting, ledger | Action Queries | TechHelp Access action queries | Activate v Got Focus | TechHelp Access on activate, on got focus, what is the difference between activate and got focus | ActiveControl | TechHelp Access, ActiveControl, ActiveForm, Microsoft Access, form interaction, value return, cascading combo boxes, event handler function, date picker, tempvar, modal forms, PreviousControl, control collection, global module, public functions, PickDate | ActiveForm | TechHelp Access, ActiveForm, previous form determination, Screen.ActiveForm, tempvars, OpenForm, form events, on load event, form load sequence, VBA message box, Access timing, Access developer tutorial, ActiveControl preview, form interaction, Access for | Add Anything | TechHelp Access add any data field, add new data types, add random fields, user defined fields, supplemental data, User-Defined Types, How do I add a user-defined field, Create User-Defined Fields, Supplemental Data Tables, android contacts, extra data, e | Add Records | TechHelp Access gotorecord, gotocontrol, add records, automatically add records, followup dates, followup appointments, intervals, patient followups, follow ups, follow-ups, auto followups, action plan | Address Block | TechHelp Access ms access 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blank database template, new database template, free template, customizable, single form, continuous form, main menu form, overlapping windows, disable record selectors, navigation buttons, scroll bars, startup form, alternating background | Browsing and Selecting Files | TechHelp Access browse files select files browsing files selecting files first techhelp | Bubble Sort | TechHelp Access Access 2016, Access 2019, Access 2021, Access 365, microsoft Access, ms Access, ms Access tutorial, #msaccess, #microsoftaccess, #help, #howto, #tutorial, #learn, #lesson, #training, #database, Sort, array, bubble sort, dice rolls | Button Shortcut Keys | TechHelp Access shortcut keys, default, cancel, alt-key, acCtrlMask, acShiftMask, acAltMask, KeyCode, Shift, Form_KeyDown, Bit Masks, bitmask, Ctrl-F4 to close a form, ascii values, bitwise AND/OR | Buttons on Reports | TechHelp Access 2016, Access 2019, Access 2021, Access 365, Microsoft Access, MS Access, MS Access Tutorial, #msaccess, #microsoftaccess, #help, #howto, #tutorial, #learn, #lesson, #training, #database, Adding Clickable Buttons to Reports, Button on Repor | Buttons on Reports 2 | TechHelp Access 2016, Access 2019, Access 2021, Access 365, Microsoft Access, MS Access, MS Access Tutorial, #msaccess, #microsoftaccess, #help, #howto, #tutorial, #learn, #lesson, #training, #database, Adding Clickable Buttons to Reports, Button on Repor | Buy Access | TechHelp Access can you buy microsoft access, can you just buy microsoft access, purchase standalone version, can you get microsoft access for free, why can't we just buy access, buy microsoft access standalone, microsoft access online free, how to get mi | Buy Access 2025 | TechHelp Access, buy Access 2025, Access subscription options, Access 2025 edition, Co-Pilot AI upcharge, Access standalone purchase, Access runtime edition, Access LTSC version, Access in Microsoft 365, Access Business plans, Access licensing types, fake | ByRef Argument Type Mismatch | TechHelp Access, ByRef argument type mismatch, ByRef error fix, resolving ByRef error, VBA type mismatch, type mismatch VBA, VBA argument type mismatch, ByRef vs ByVal, declaring variables in VBA, debugging ByRef mismatch, VBA advanced tutorial, Microsoft | ByRef v ByVal | TechHelp Access Increment Operator Pass by Reference Pass by Value ++ += | Cache Locally | TechHelp Access 2016, access 2019, access 2021, access 365, microsoft access, ms access, ms access tutorial, #msaccess, #microsoftaccess, #help, #howto, #tutorial, #learn, #lesson, #training, #database, cache data, improve performance, read-only form | Calculate Age | TechHelp Access ms access calculating age from date of birth, calculate current age using date of birth, how to calculate age in ms access, calculating age in access | Calculated Fields | TechHelp Access calculated fields, calculated query fields, form footer total, calculated value in page footer report #Error, running sum, report page footer totals, build an expression, calculating field, calculated columns, formulas in queries | Calculations on Aggregate Results | TechHelp Access aggregate query result calculations | Calculator | TechHelp Access Onscreen calculator, calculator, eval function, on-screen calculator | Calculator 2 | TechHelp Access Onscreen calculator, calculator, on-screen calculator, error handling, on error resume next, on error goto, vbwhite, vbred, colors, backcolor | Calculator 3 | TechHelp Access Onscreen calculator, calculator, on-screen calculator, error handling, back button, backspace, left, len, string functions, square, power, carat, superscript, ascii extended characters, alt codes | Calculator 4 | TechHelp Access Onscreen calculator, calculator, on-screen calculator, square root, positive, negative, negate, right string function, forward slash, division symbol, asterisk, multiplication | Calculator 5 | TechHelp Access Onscreen calculator, calculator, on-screen calculator, null math, nz function | Calculator 6 | TechHelp Access Onscreen calculator, calculator, on-screen calculator, local variables, global variables, public variables, variable scope, persistent values, tempvars, bind field to table, tab cycle, custom form background image | Calculator 7 | TechHelp Access Onscreen calculator, calculator, on-screen calculator, trig, trigonometry, sin, cos, tan, pi, log, logarithm, copy to clipboard, return value to a form, quick access toolbar, register tape, adding machine tape, history | Can Grow, Shrink | TechHelp Access can grow, can shrink, cangrow, canshrink, can grow can shrink access report, access can shrink not working, resize text box, resize control, go home, can shrink images, can shrink image control, can shrink pictures, resize images, visible | Can't Format Currency | TechHelp Access Ccur, convert currency, convert to currency, wont show as currency, query currency format, Formatting a Currency field as Currency, How do I insert a currency symbol, How do you format a query as Currency, How do I convert text to currency | Caps Lock On Off | TechHelp Access CapsLock, Caps Lock, NumLock, Num Lock, ScrollLock, Scroll Lock, SendKeys, GetKeyState, user32, GetCapsLock, GetNumLock, GetScrollLock, keybd_event, ToggleCapsLock, ToggleNumLock, ToggleScrollLock, Toggle | Cascade Delete | TechHelp Access Cascade Deletes, Data Integrity, Database Relationships, Cascade Operations, Deleting Records in Access, Access Cascade Deletes Tutorial, Database Maintenance, MS Access Training | Cascading Combo Boxes | TechHelp Access cascading combo boxes, city state select, link combo boxes, dependent on another combobox, multiple cascading combo boxes, cascading combo boxes in continuous forms, choose from list of cities in state, List Items Edit Form | Case Sensitive | TechHelp Access Strcomp, how to do a case sensitive comparison in microsoft access, How to write Case Sensitive Query, How do you make a query case-sensitive, Is Access database case-sensitive, Can you use case in Microsoft Access, Case-Sensitive Criteria | Center Vertically | TechHelp Access center top to bottom, textbox, label, center vertically, vertical alignment, top margin, orientation, rotate, align middle | Change Case | TechHelp Access uppercase, ucase, upper-case, upper case, lowercase, lcase, lower-case, lower case, propercase, pcase, proper-case, proper case, strconv, strcnv, mixed case, mixed-case, convert, string, function | Change Row Height | TechHelp Access Continuous form height, row height, continuous form with differing row heights, continuous form with different row heights, Row height on continuous form, split form | Check Register | TechHelp Access check register template, checkbook database template, checkbook template, balance checkbook, balance bank statement, checkbook register, how to make a check register, IIF function, form footer totals, running sum, running balance, sum func | Check Spelling | TechHelp Access ms access vba spell check, Spell Checking in an Access Form, Run Spell Check In Access On One Field In A Form, How To Use Spellchecker On A MS Access Form, How To Add A Spellchecker To A Form, acCmdSpelling, acCmdSelectRecord | Checklists | TechHelp Access checklists, archive, history, recurring, tasks, rosters, student attendance, conditional formatting on null value, continuous forms, onclick event, append query, update query, custom date formats, docmd.setwarnings, openquery, requery, all | Chef's Kitchen Helper | TechHelp Access components, inventory, pantry, chef, kitchen, products, parts, pieces, multiple, restaurant, stock control, retail | Click to Sort | TechHelp Access click to sort, How to sort in a form in Access, orderby, orderbyon, Click field header to sort Access, order by, order by on, sort by column, click on column header, on click event | Close Form | TechHelp Access onclose, on close, on close event, close form, closeform, close all open forms, loop through forms, loop through all forms, close all forms | Close VBA Windows | TechHelp Access, VBA editor slow load, close module windows, control F4 to close windows, optimize VBA editor loading, Access VBA performance, prevent slow VBA editor, save VBA editor state, debug compile, improve Access database speed, form modules in VB | Color Scales | TechHelp Access, Access color scales, Conditional Formatting Access, Max function Access, Min function Access, Access form footer totals, Excel color scales in Access, Access dynamic coloring, Access column comparison, Access calculations in forms | Colored Data Bars | TechHelp Access, create colored data bars, conditional formatting access, access data visualization, color scales Access, Excel-like formatting Access, custom data bars Access, Access tutorial, visual data representation, Access conditional formatting, Ac | Combine Reports | TechHelp Access Subreports, page break control, Page header section of subreport not printing, show page header and page footer, subreport, master report, child reports, can grow, can shrink, print multiple reports to a single PDF file, Export multiple Ac | Combining Names | TechHelp Access married, couples, spouses, combine names, partners, iif function, nested iif functions, combine first last names couples, concatenate, same last name, different last name | Combo Box | TechHelp Access what is a combo box, how do you use a combobox | Combo Box Select One | TechHelp Access, custom hint text, combo box tutorial, add select one, improve combo box, Access form hints, VBA for combo box, SQL union query, Access programming, combo box placeholder, user selection guide, form before update event, highlight combo box | Combo Box Select One 2 | TechHelp Access, custom hint text, combo box tutorial, VBA for combo box, union query Access, select one text, Access form validation, combo box default text, Access VBA tips, Access query tips, combo box default value, Access form design | Combo Box Shows ID | TechHelp Access, Display Text Instead of ID in Combo Box, 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Access, Microsoft Access report design, company name or person name Access, Access Can Shrink property, Access conditional text display, Access report tutorial, print statements Access, Access functions fo | Company or Person 2 | TechHelp Access, conditional display in Microsoft Access, company or person name in Access, Microsoft Access calculated fields, string concatenation in Access, IsNull function usage, Microsoft Access if function, query design in Access, creating calculate | Concatenation | TechHelp Access concatenate, concatenation, concatenating, combine text values, combine strings, get rid of comma, null propagation, concatenate related rows, concatenate multiple records, concatenate fields in report, concatenate fields in form, join fie | Conditional Formatting | TechHelp Access conditional formatting, field has focus, equals, not equals, future, past, expression is, based on another field, Highlight data, How to Highlight Records or Values, apply conditional formatting, 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end back end split, | IsNumeric | TechHelp Access, IsNumeric function, data validation, validate data entry, VBA, input box validation, error handling VBA, user input verification, numeric input check, If-Then statements, prevent input errors, validate numeric value, message box VBA, Acce | IsTrusted | TechHelp Access CurrentProject.IsTrusted, check for trusted folder, check if database is trusted, is project trusted | Job History | TechHelp Access, recent job history, candidate job display, job history query, DLookup function, DMax function, continuous forms, table relationships, current job identification, TechHelp template, employment agency database, customer-job link, non-progra | Job History 2 | TechHelp Access, job history, DMax function, DLookup function, Microsoft Access Forms, recent employment, IIf statement, NZ function, concatenate criteria, start date filtering, end date filtering, current job display, previous job display, customer form | Job History 3 | TechHelp Access, Most recent job history, VBA refresh code, VBA event handling, debug VBA code, error handling VBA, modal forms Access, Access VBA tutorial, Access command button, Access visual design, command button wizard, manual data refresh, read-only | KeyDown | TechHelp Access, KeyDown Event, Key code vs ASCII, Non-character keys, Shift key value, Reacting to keystrokes, Control-Alt combinations, Stop default actions, VB key code constants, Access form key events, Debugging KeyDown, Detect special keys, Bypass c | KeyPress | TechHelp Access, input mask, capital letters only, key press event, VBA key ASCII, character validation, enforce data entry rules, ASCII uppercase range, Access form design, preventing invalid input, event handling, character filter, uppercase conversion, | Large Check Box | TechHelp Access resize check box,custom check boxes, can you make a checkbox bigger, change size of checkbox, large check box, increase size of checkbox, toggle button, How do I make checkboxes bigger in 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Written Correspondence, Templates, Generating a Letter, Mail Merge, Merge Codes, Email Attachments, Send Attachment in Email, Send Report in Email | Limit Long Text | TechHelp Access before update, beforeupdate, max field size for long text fields, memo, validation rule, on change event, change, .text property, text box .text, textbox.text property, On Undo event, OldValue character count characters | Link to Excel | TechHelp Access link access to excel, Can Access and Excel work together, link access to excel read/write, access write to excel sheet, How do you link Excel spreadsheets in Access, How do I get Excel to automatically update Access database, link to data | List Box Filter | TechHelp Access How to Filter on a List box, multi-select list box, ListBox.MultiSelect property, Use a multi-select list box, Storing Multiple Selections From A List Box, multiselect, Microsoft Access Multi Select List Box, Using a Listbox on a form to f | List Box Move Item | TechHelp Access, list box 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to Tables | TechHelp Access, data macros, table-level auditing, track changes Access, log data modifications, back-end database, record changes Access, Access auditing without VBA, audit trail in Access, monitor data updates Access, after insert data macro, after upd | Lookup Wizard | TechHelp Access, Lookup Wizard replacement, efficient product codes, avoid Lookup Wizard, relational database setup, fix multiple table updates, normalization in Access, manage product code changes, Access design view, update queries in Access, avoiding m | Manage Rental Inventory | TechHelp Access lending library, rental management, check out, check in, point of rental, rental software, inventory management, track inventory of rented items, rental database template, rental tracker, rental equipment | Many-to-Many | TechHelp Access m2m teacher, training, certifications, tracking, many-to-many, many to many, courses, junction table, class enrollments, books to authors, students to classes, employees to 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MicrosoftAccessVBA, FocusFieldChange, NavigateNewRecord, OnCurrentEvent, Me.NewRecord, SetFocus, IDFieldNullCheck, TabOrderManagement, FieldFocusShift, NavigationCustomization, ControlFocusProgramming | Membership Database | TechHelp Access dues management, member management, membership renewals, member directory, member types, church database, OpenForm, recurring billing, membership template, membership tracking, church membership, template, how to create a membership databa | Merge Tables | TechHelp Access Ways To Merge Tables In Access Database, How do I combine multiple tables in Access, Can you merge Access databases, How do you merge two tables in Access, How to merge two Access databases, Combine Data from Two Tables, How to Merge two D | Mid = Right | TechHelp Access, Mid Function Microsoft Access, Right Side String Access, Mid Function vs Right Function, Extract Last Name Access Query, String Manipulation Access, Access String Functions Tutorial, Full Name Split Access, Text Functions Access Database, | Military Time Import | TechHelp Access ms access import military time to date/time, excel 24 hour time to access, military time, date time, time values, time format, import Excel to Access, update query, time serial, query design, short text, join tables, date math | Missing Check Numbers | TechHelp Access, find gaps in check number sequence, identify missing checks in database, gap detection in Access, check number sequence VBA, missing check numbers report, if function in Access, immediate if usage, CLNG conversion, isNumeric function Acce | Missing Check Numbers 2 | TechHelp Access, check number gaps, find missing checks, Microsoft Access, identify gaps in sequence, VBA, IsNumeric function, NZ function, DLookup function, loop through numbers, initialize strings, counter variable, error handling, database optimization | Missing Months | TechHelp Access sales report zero missing months, missing days, show all months, all periods, recordset, temporary table, make table query, month name, month abbreviation, monthname function, format function, currency | Missing Values | TechHelp Access missing value, null, nz, blank text box from calculations, Calculated Field Not Showing Value | Month-Over-Month | TechHelp Access month to month, month over month, year over year, quarter over quarter, sales comparisons, month function, current month vs previous month, growth, month-over-month, date period comparisons, year-over-year, monthly percentage growth | Move Resize | TechHelp Access shortcutkeys keyboard shortcuts move, resize, nudge, controls, arrow keys | Move THE To End of Title | TechHelp Access move THE to end of title left right iif concatenate afterupdate | Move Up Down | TechHelp Access shortcutkeys keyboard shortcuts, move up down records, ctrl pgup, ctrl pgdn | Move Up Down Using Keyboard | TechHelp Access keypress, keydown, keycode, keypreview, move with arrow keys, acKeyUp, acKeyDown | MoveSize | TechHelp Access Access 2016, Access 2019, Access 2021, Access 365, microsoft Access, ms Access, ms Access tutorial, #msaccess, #microsoftaccess, #help, #howto, #tutorial, #learn, #lesson, #training, #database, MoveSize, WindowTop, WindowLeft, WindowHeight | Moving Average | TechHelp Access moving average, moving mean, rolling average, rolling mean, simple moving average, dlookup, davg | MsgBox | TechHelp Access MsgBox, Msg Box, Message Box, MessageBox, Are You Sure, vbYesNo, vbYes, vbNo, vbYesNoCancel, Prompt User, Message Boxes, MsgBox Return Values, Yes/No, OK, Cancel | MsgBox Options | TechHelp Access 2016, Access 2019, Access 2021, Access 365, Microsoft Access, MS Access, MS Access Tutorial, #msaccess, #microsoftaccess, #help, #howto, #tutorial, #learn, #lesson, #training, #database, Set No as Default, Customize MsgBox, Change Default | MsgBox Options 2 | TechHelp Access | Multi Language | TechHelp Access multi language support, forms in different languages, spanish, french, german, change the language on buttons and labels, bilingual, localizing, Creating Multi-Lingual Databases, multilingual | Multi-Field Find | TechHelp Access filter, filter by form, Me.Filter, Me.FilterOn, search box, selection, multiple fields | Multiple Addresses | TechHelp Access, multiple addresses per customer, address management techniques, address table design, subform creation, one-to-many relationship Access, many-to-many relationship Access, shared address handling, address data entry efficiency, eliminating | Multiple Addresses 2 | TechHelp Access, storing multiple addresses, address table setup, customer form customization, address type table, relational combo box, foreign key management, database design, combo box tool, address form layout, entity relationship, tab order customiza | Multiple Addresses 3 | TechHelp Access, multiple addresses setup, customer address management, separate tables relationships, key relationships Access, address type differentiation, dynamic combo boxes, data interaction Access, managing customer information, many-to-many relati | Multiple Addresses 4 | TechHelp Access, many-to-many relationship, junction table in Access, manage multiple addresses, create junction table, scalable database structures, address history management, Access subform design, combo box setup in Access, using queries in forms, man | Multiple Addresses 5 | TechHelp Access, store multiple addresses, Microsoft Access, part 5, VBA basics, SQL modify, insert query, wildcard searches, after update event, combo box filter, text box filter, address search, query modification, Access SQL, form design, bind address | Multiple Phone Numbers | TechHelp Access multiple items, many items, many phone numbers, many email addresses, many addresses, multiple addresses multiple email multiple addresses | Multiple YN | TechHelp Access multiple check boxes in a subform, replacing several check boxes, form with many check boxes, multiple checkboxes, add several check boxes, multiple yes/no fields | Multi-Table Forms | TechHelp Access microsoft access form based on multiple tables, Multiple Table Forms in Microsoft Access, How do you Create a form based on multiple tables in Access, subform, locked, Forms Involving Multiple Tables | Multi-Table Update | TechHelp Access multi-table update query from another table update from other table CurrentProject.Pat, images in a combo box pictures in combo box picture drop down add flag image to customer form world flags display country flag normalize normalization | Multivalued Fields | TechHelp Access multivalued field, mvf, lookup field, allow multiple values, lookup wizard, many to many relationship, junction table, got geddy | Named Arguments | TechHelp Access 2016, Access 2019, Access 2021, Access 365, Microsoft Access, MS Access, MS Access Tutorial, #msaccess, #microsoftaccess, #help, #howto, #tutorial, #learn, #lesson, #training, #database, named arguments, Access VBA, readability improvement | Natural Sorting | TechHelp Access, natural sorting Microsoft Access, Microsoft Access mixed alphanumeric sorting, Access Val function tutorial, sorting alphanumeric lists Access, create calculated field Access, Access query design sorting, Access numeric sorting letters, h | Navigate Ribbon | TechHelp Access shortcutkeys keyboard shortcuts, navigate ribbon, alt key combinations | Navigation | TechHelp Access microsoft access switchboard, create and use a switchboard, What is a switchboard in Access, How do you create a switchboard in Access, alt key command button, movesize, openformright, open form right, form position, Where is the switchboa | Nested IIF | TechHelp Access, Nested IIF, Customer Spending Categories, Access Query Design, Microsoft Access Tutorial, Immediate If Function, Categorizing Spending, Calculated Fields, Conditional Formatting Access, Access Form Calculations, Expert-Level Tutorial, Tot | Nested Loops | TechHelp Access nested loops, loops in Access, nested loop structure, inner loop, outer loop, loop interaction, multiplication tables, dice rolls, D&D character stat generator, loop examples, Loop database, for loop, while loop, D&D Dice Roller, simula | Nested Subforms | TechHelp Access Multiple Nested Continuous Subforms microsoft access subform ms access subform ms access multiple subforms example ms access filter subform ms access create subform ms access continuous form with subform | New Hire Emails | TechHelp Access how to automatically assign new email address in microsoft access, Automatically Create an Email, MS Access auto populating email field | New Record on Top | TechHelp Access new record on top of continuous form, New record at top of continuous form, add new record at top of form, Continuous Form New Record at Top, gotorecord, acnewrec, requery, gotorecord, acfirst, gotocontrol, isnull, db.execute | Next Appointment | TechHelp Access appointment scheduling system, appointment due date, recurring appointment, schedule, meeting, bookings, dateadd, date add, vba, afterupdate, after update, Due Dates, Due Date, DueDates, DueDate | Next Business Day | TechHelp Access next business day, previous business day, next biz day, prev biz day, nextbizday, prevbizday | Next Leap Year | TechHelp Access 2016, Access 2019, Access 2021, Access 365, Microsoft Access, MS Access, MS Access Tutorial, #msaccess, #microsoftaccess, #help, #howto, #tutorial, #learn, #lesson, #training, #database, calculate next leap year, Access VBA leap year tutor | Next Payment Date | TechHelp Access, payment same day of month, credit card payment tracking, credit bureau report date, calculate next reporting date, future payment date calculation, Access date functions, calculate due dates, automatic date calculation, credit card paymen | No Orders 30 Days | TechHelp Access customers who have not purchased in 30 days, customers inactive for 90 days | Normalizing Data | TechHelp Access normalization, normal forms, standard, normalized, relationships, key fields, how to normalize data in access, step by step normalization example, separate customers from orders, fix non relational | Not Updateable | TechHelp Access this recordset is not updateable, operation must use an updateable query, edit data in a query, cannot enter value into blank field on one side of outer join, missing primary key, field locked or disabled, Error 3326 | Number Pairs | TechHelp Access, breaking years into number pairs, Microsoft Access speech synthesis, Access VBA text-to-speech, format years in speech, speak year in two-digit pairs, text-to-speech for years, synthesizing years in Access, VBA functions for years, Micros | Number Pairs 2 | TechHelp Access, Two-digit number pairs, speech synthesis, Microsoft Access, VBA function, year formatting, format year function, century exception handling, three-digit years, four-digit years, year parsing, digit pairs in text, split years in VBA, numbe | Numbered Images | TechHelp Access, Display Images in Database, Link Image Files ProductID, Automatic Image Display in Access, Image Based on Field Value, ProductID.JPG Association, Image Object Control Source, Dynamic Image Display, Access Imaging Techniques, Image Files i | NZ Function | TechHelp Access NZ Null Zero Exists null to zero nz function | Object Dependencies | TechHelp Access, object dependencies,delete queries safely,unused queries,dependence of Access objects,check query usage,cleaning up Access database,identify necessary queries,forms dependency,reports dependency,query impact analysis,avoid crucial deletio | Odd or Even | TechHelp Access odd or even or odd mod modulus modulo integer division iif iseven isodd alternate page footers word even page odd page | On Activate | TechHelp Access On Activate Event, Form Highlighting, Form Focus, Active Form, User Experience, Form Navigation, Form Activation | On Click | TechHelp Access onclick property, click event, label doesn't have events available, command button, label, trigger, vba, event procedures, button click event | On Current | TechHelp Access OnCurrent Event | On Double Click | TechHelp Access double click, on double click, on dbl click, ondblclick, prevent double click on a button, msgbox, are you sure, vbyesnocancel | On Filter | TechHelp Access Access 2016, Access 2019, Access 2021, Access 365, microsoft Access, ms Access, ms Access tutorial, #msaccess, #microsoftaccess, #help, #howto, #tutorial, #learn, #lesson, #training, #database, On Filter event, Form filter event | On Paint | TechHelp Access on paint event, section paint event, section.paint, conditional formatting | On Unload | TechHelp Access On Unload Event, Data Validation, Form Closing, Error Messages, Multiple Records, Validation Rules, Friendly Error Message, Form Controls, Records Validation, form close, on close, on unload | Online Images | TechHelp Access Show pictures directly from URLs in Access forms and reports, Load pictures from URL in MS Access Image control, Display an Image using its online URL, Display Web Images in Access Forms and Reports | Open Database Exclusively | TechHelp Access open access exclusive mode exclusive database access open access exclusive command line excl command line parameter open exclusive | Open Date Picker On Load | TechHelp Access, open date picker, date picker form load, form on load event, automatically pop up date picker, VBA programming date picker, date picker got focus event, set focus date picker, timer event date picker, run command show date picker, form op | Open Form | TechHelp Access Open a form to display specific record, open a form and find specific data to display, Find records in an Access database, Open Form to Specific Record, Apply a filter when opening a form, open form find record in subform, openform | Open Last Customer | TechHelp Access, Add button Access form reopen previous record, VBA programming Access forms, Access form navigation, TempVars Access, form open specific record, Access form events, on current event Access, Access form caption property, record switching A | Open Report | TechHelp Access open report, openreport, report filter, report where, display a single record in a report current record only print selected records print only one record, report criteria from a form | Open Report 2 Ways | TechHelp Access, report criteria from form, form field criteria, user prompt criteria, input box for criteria, where condition in Access, custom query criteria, VBA programming Access, dynamic report generation, user-friendly Access forms, create accessib | Open Table to Record | TechHelp Access, FindRecord command, VBA code Access, Access jump to record, Access table navigation, edit records Access table, Access VBA programming, quick Access table edit, Access record search, specific record Access, Microsoft Access tips, Access s | OpenAI | TechHelp Access Web api, webapi, ChatGPT, OpenAI API, API Tutorial, OpenAI with Microsoft, GPT-4, Microsoft Access API, ChatGPT in Access, OpenAI GPT, Web Data in Access, API in Database, ChatGPT Tutorial, Database Automation, Access API Guide | OpenAI Part 2 | TechHelp Access Web api, webapi, ChatGPT, OpenAI API, API Tutorial, OpenAI with Microsoft, GPT-4, Microsoft Access API, ChatGPT in Access, OpenAI GPT, Web Data in Access, API in Database, ChatGPT Tutorial, Database Automation, Access API Guide | OpenForm Unfiltered | TechHelp Access, Open Form Specific Record, DoCmd.OpenForm, DoCmd.GoToControl, FindRecord Command, RecordsetClone, Customer ID Search, Access Form Navigation, Bookmark Usage, Access VBA Tutorial, TechHelp Database, Access Developer Lesson, VBA Programming | Optimizing Short Text Field Sizes | TechHelp Access short text field sizes efficiency optimizing | Option Compare | TechHelp Access, Option Compare, Binary versus Text, Microsoft Access VBA, InStr function, case-sensitive search, case-insensitive search, default Binary, regional settings, Option Explicit, legacy compatibility, database sorting, ASCII values, internatio | Option Group | TechHelp Access Access 2016, Access 2019, Access 2021, Access 365, microsoft Access, ms Access, ms Access tutorial, #msaccess, #microsoftaccess, #help, #howto, #tutorial, #learn, #lesson, #training, #database, option group, track progress, procedure | Optional Date Parameter | TechHelp Access, Optional date parameters, default today's date, VBA function, Access VBA compile error, public subroutine, dayAfter function, optional argument, debugging VBA, VBA date handling, ISO date standard VBA, setting default date VBA, constant | Optional Parameters | TechHelp Access VBA, Optional parameters, custom function, custom sub, argument not optional, ismissing, optional arguments, default values, missing parameter | Order By, Filter On Load | TechHelp Access Order By On Load, Filter On Load, Me.OrderBy, Me.OrderByOn, Me.Filter, Me.FilterOn, apply a sort, apply a filter, sorting and filtering records, view select records, sort records in custom order, filter by form, clear the sorting from this | Order Discount | TechHelp Access before insert, beforeinsert, tiered discount rates, Discount calculation, How do you calculate a discount, Creating a discount, Calculate Discount Amount, percent discount, how to do discount on access, calculating discount rate | Outer Joins | TechHelp Access missing records, joins, joined queries, outer join, inner join, show all values, show all records, include all records, query does not contain, sorting and grouping level, can grow, can shrink, left join, left outer join | Overflow! | TechHelp Access, Overflow error fix, Access overflow error causes, resolve Access errors, fix Access startup issues, Access error troubleshooting, debugging overflow in Access, Access data type mismatch, divide by zero error Access, compact and repair Acc | Page Numbers | TechHelp Access, Access reports page numbering, format page numbers Access, hide first page number Access, conditional page numbering Access, modify page numbers in reports, double-sided report printing, even and odd page layout Access, report design view | Parse Lines | TechHelp Access split text into multiple records, multiple rows, parsing text in Access with VBA, Microsoft Access, parse lines, text box, create individual records, copy text, block of text, paste, database, email, save records, technique, email addresse | Parts of an Access Database | TechHelp Access, parts of an access database | Passing a Form | TechHelp Access, passing a form as a variable in VBA, Access VBA global subroutine, global function in Microsoft Access, VBA pass form to subroutine, setting form background color VBA, change form background color based on field value, Access form backgro | Passing a Form 2 | TechHelp Access, passing form object variable Microsoft Access VBA, global subroutine Microsoft Access VBA, optional parameters Access VBA, form background color VBA, dynamic form background color VBA, modifying form properties VBA, advanced Access VBA te | Percent of Total in Charts | TechHelp Access percent, percentages, show percent, modern chart, pie chart, access charts, percent of total in query, charttype, dsum | Play Sound | TechHelp Access beep, sound, wav file, mp3, play sound, beep macro action, beeping sound, How to play sound in Access, How do you add audio to Access, Play Sound on Your Microsoft Access Forms | Play Video | TechHelp Access windows media player control ms access, windowsmediaplayer control, Playing Window media control in Access, Access and Windows Media Player, VBA Windows Media Player in Access, Play video in an access form using windows media player, Usin | Plural | TechHelp Access singular, plural, iif, number of dogs | Prevent Close | TechHelp Access disable X close button microsoft access application, prevent close form, prevent close application, How to Prevent a User Closing A MS Access Form, prevent access from closing, disable the windows close x, close button, control box, max mi | Prevent Deletion | TechHelp Access soft delete, dont delete, mark inactive, prevent deletion, allow deletions, allow deletes, die, retire, move out of area, referential integrity, cascade deletes, vba, on delete, delete button, me.allowdeletions, inputbox, password, delete | Prevent Duplicates | TechHelp Access composite key, prevent duplicates, prevent duplicate entries, How do you prevent duplicate entry in Access, Preventing Duplicates from being entered, Preventing Duplicate Records Across Multiple Fields, How to Prevent a Duplicated Data Ent | Prevent Shutdown | TechHelp Access On Unload, OnUnload, Form_Unload, Cancel closing a form, currentproject.allreports, loop through reports, isloaded, showtoolbar, hide print preview ribbon tab | PreviousControl | TechHelp Access, Screen.PreviousControl, VBA PreviousControl property, Access VBA PreviousControl, PreviousControl in VBA, adjust form values VBA, Microsoft Access form navigation, Access add subtract buttons, ActiveControl vs PreviousControl, VBA button | Print Documents | TechHelp Access existing forms, existing paperwork, paper forms, based on current forms, print word documents from access vba, access word docs, access print word, print pdf from vba, insurance forms, shellexec, drug facts label, printable forms | Print Multiple Invoices | TechHelp Access mark to be printed, force new page, reset page number for each group, reset number of pages for groups, group page numbering, set page number by group, mark all as printed, on no data event, nodata, report close event, page number reset fo | Print One Label | TechHelp Access ms access print one mailing label, How do I print a single label in Access, print individual label | Product Catalog | TechHelp Access image gallery, multiple images per record, CurrentProject.Path, How to create a catalog of products in Microsoft Access, catalogue, How do I make a photo catalog in access, How do I Create a product catalog in Microsoft Access, Help creati | Profit & COGS | TechHelp Access calculate profit, gross profit margin, cost of goods sold, cogs, profit for each month, profit for quarter | Progress Bar | TechHelp Access progress bar, status bar, progress meter, percent complete | Progress Bar Form Completion | TechHelp Access progress bar, large form, percent complete, progress meter, tag property, for each, loop through controls | Project Budgets | TechHelp Access projects, budgeting, billing, reverse lookup, budget query, project combo box, set default project, calculate budget overrun, amount left in budget, calculate budget remaining, budgeting database | Pseudo Control | TechHelp Access How to create a control in access, customcontrol, arch meter, arched meter, custom control | Purge Image Gallery | TechHelp Access purge embedded images, clear the image gallery, clean up image gallery, image deletion, purge resources, remove embedded images, remove hidden information, compact and repair | Push a Value | TechHelp Access, push value between forms, pull value between forms, populate forms, default value property, VBA event programming, macro programming, customer form, order form, customer ID, open existing form, add new record, set values, parent record er | QAT For One DB | TechHelp Access, customizing quick access toolbar Microsoft Access, quick launch toolbar single database, customize buttons Access database, Access QAT for specific database, quick access toolbar individual database, macros to open forms Access, techhelp | QR Codes | TechHelp Access qr codes, 2d barcode, WebBrowser, URLDownloadToFile, printing qr codes, qr codes labels, free qr codes in access | Query Criteria | TechHelp Access access query criteria queries | Quick Access Toolbar | TechHelp Access quick access toolbar, open form, open report, macros, Run an Access macro by using a keyboard shortcut, autokeys, runcode, openform qat | Quick Queries | techhelp access quick queries qq | Quick Queries #1 | TechHelp Access quick queries, qq, row source, text box, quotation, invoice, estimate, dvd, cd, shipping, relatives, family members, search form, combo box, office assignments, employee tracking, split transactions, amortization, interest, principle | Quick Queries #10 | TechHelp Access quick queries, qq | Quick Queries #11 | TechHelp Access quick queries, qq | Quick Queries #12 | TechHelp Access quick queries, qq | Quick Queries #13 | TechHelp Access quick queries, qq | Quick Queries #14 | TechHelp Access quick queries, qq Access training, SQL for Access, VBA basics, combo boxes, subforms, relationship design, Edge browser control, record source, updatable queries, database format, Easy Access POS, Libre Office Base alternative, Quick Queri | Quick Queries #15 | TechHelp Access quick queries, qq VBA automation, table updates, importing data Access, SQL seminar, TableDef, DAO, disable printing, usysRibbons, screen capture, filling PDFs, Access reports, data entry, Adobe Acrobat VBA, save layout, toolbox, table des | Quick Queries #16 | TechHelp Access quick queries, qq traveling salesman, shortest path algorithm, Google QR code generation, Access database CD-R, Access lock file LACCDB, VBA editor tips, procedure view Access, cascading combo boxes, message box title, Access version 2309, | Quick Queries #17 | TechHelp Access quick queries, qq importing data,enhancing forms,Quick Launch Toolbar,VBA Editor,local data storage,database performance,kernel32 DLL functions,customizing reports,VBA,drawing lines on forms,vertical lines in reports,field borders,layouts, | Quick Queries #18 | TechHelp Access quick queries, qq form pasting, cut and paste behavior, property sheets in Access, padding settings Access, controlling vertical alignment button, transparent buttons Access, print button on report, name conflicts Access modules, multiple | Quick Queries #19 | TechHelp Access, Microsoft Access Quick Queries, creating multi-page forms in Access, Microsoft Access tab controls, Microsoft Access subforms, subform SourceObject property, Microsoft Access navigation forms, creating wizard forms in Access, sorting text | Quick Queries #2 | TechHelp Access quick queries, qq, quick queries, extended info, outer join, union query, income and expenses, resequencing autonumbers, reindex, sequential counter, hide date picker, hidden system objects, MSysNavPaneGroupCategories, MSynNavPane | Quick Queries #20 | TechHelp Access, lookup wizard, lookup fields tables, Access normalization, database development lookup, dlookup query slowdown, join tables Access, tempvars Access usage, tempvars.remove syntax, Access themes 2013-2022, reverting Access theme, Access imp | Quick Queries #21 | TechHelp Access, Avoiding Lookup Fields, Dlookup, Database Maintenance Tips, SetFocus vs DoCmd.GoToControl, Combo Box Column Names, Access Linux Compatibility, Split Database Web Directory, SQL Server Migration, Boolean Value Flip, ANSI-92 SQL, Count Dist | Quick Queries #22 | TechHelp Access, SetFocus, Column Heads, Linux, Invert Boolean, VPN Access, file-based database, Access frontend, SQL Server backend, DateAdd function, ISO date format, SharePoint Access, field locking VBA, DMax function, Access combobox parameters, date- | Quick Queries #23 | TechHelp Access, Quick Queries, Performance over VPN, Record Locking, Transparent Images in Reports, Custom Database Solutions, Shared Drive Mapping, Internet Domain Name Mapping, Auto Height Property, Can Grow Can Shrink Property, Overlaying Text Control | Quick Queries #24 | TechHelp Access, Microsoft Access Quick Queries, VBA Windows management, MZTools VBA, combo box dropdown, non-relational combo box issue, Access combo box troubleshooting, auto-number reset Access, Access alphabetical order, Access table vs query, Access | Quick Queries #25 | TechHelp Access, Access End of Life, Convert Form to Report Access, Access Save Object As, Access Print Preview Report, Access Report Default View, ActiveX ListView Control Access, Access Programming Mistakes, Access Experimentation Techniques | Quick Queries #26 | TechHelp Access, Quick Queries, Dell laptop purchase, Office 2024 without Access, perpetual license vs subscription, Microsoft 365 model, standalone Microsoft Access 2024, database update distribution, ACCDE file, split database, relink tables with VBA, e | Quick Queries #27 | TechHelp Access, error handler, record source update, search box error, runtime error 3021, orphaned records, quantity on hand, inventory handling, event procedure, non-breaking space, print margins, report background color, subform issues, link master an | Quick Queries #3 | TechHelp Access quick queries, qq, zoom, how to make screen recordings, how to record tutorials, how to make videos, docmd.maximize, onload, autonumber, calculate age, autoexec, startup form, output all fields, query | Quick Queries #4 | TechHelp Access quick queries, qq, quote, invoice, combo, find record, autofill, excel, row height, dao, dao.database, import pdf, short text, field size, laccdb, corrupt, compact, repair, access online | Quick Queries #5 | TechHelp Access quick queries, qq, vba, oop, object oriented programming, secure back end, security, receive email, receiving email, outlook, page header, can grow, can shrink, attachment data type, evil access stuff, download bank transactions, comment, | Quick Queries #6 | TechHelp Access quick queries, qq, Spaces in field names, Autonumbers are not for you, Sequential numbers, Which mic did you choose, Open 32-bit database from 64-bit Access, Relationships, Invoicing, Association Database, Member Perk Pre-Release Videos, C | Quick Queries #7 | TechHelp Access quick queries, qq, Try it Yourself, Not Print an Invoice Twice, Hiding the Access Interface, Press ESCape Key to Cancel Editing, Cascade Deletes, Multi-Language Support (French), Getting Assistance, Using Runtime with Full Access, Shift By | Quick Queries #8 | TechHelp Access quick queries, qq, Too many tables and queries, | Quick Queries #9 | TechHelp Access quick queries, qq, Access for Online Referee Performance Reviews, Pictures, Two Helper Data Tables Instead of One, General Read Error, Relative Path: CurrentProject.Path, Run a Query in an IIF Function, Loan Payment Interest Amount, Calcul | Quickly Run SQL | TechHelp Access Docmd.runsql, currentdb.execute, run query, create query, openquery, deleteobject, querydef, createquerydef | Quote, Invoice, Receipt | TechHelp Access order entry, orders, invoice, invoices, quote, quotes, quotations, receipts, billing, invoicing, template | Random | TechHelp Access Random, rnd, randomize, dice roller, roll a die, D&D character generator, D&D ability score generator, generate random numbers, Random number generator, dice simulation, tabletop RPG, ability score calculation, six-sided dice, D20 system | Random Records | TechHelp Access random numbers, rnd, randomize, pseudo random numbers, random number generator, top 10 records, top x records, top 20%, truly random numbers, vba timer function, seed, unique, each row, 3d6, mouse xy, mouse move | Record Locks | TechHelp Access record locks, record locking, lock record, locked record, RecordLocks, lock files, record-locking, locking a record, record-level locking, write conflict, page-level locking, this record has been changed by another user since you started e | Record Source | TechHelp Access Record Source RecordSource | Records & Fields | TechHelp Access, records and fields difference, rows and columns comparison, Access data validation, table definition in Access, data types in Access, Access vs Excel, Access large data sets, Access complex relationships, record and field definition, data | Recordsets | TechHelp Access 2016, Access 2019, Access 2021, Access 365, Microsoft Access, MS Access, MS Access Tutorial, #msaccess, #microsoftaccess, #help, #howto, #tutorial, #learn, #lesson, #training, #database, Understanding Recordsets, OpenRecordset, CurrentDB, | Relational Combo | TechHelp Access combo box, add to combo box, list items edit form, limit to 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followups, followup date reminder, timer popup, reminder popup, timer to send email, popup message, notifications with a form timer, send automated emails, timer to run code every 30 minutes | Remove Extra Spaces | TechHelp Access, remove extra spaces Access, clean long text fields Access, clean tabs Access, line breaks Access, fix text fields Access, VBA loop clean text, Access VBA function clean text, import text files Access, Access VBA replace, Access text clean | Remove Time | TechHelp Access, DateValue function, remove time from date, automating date conversion, update query example, strip time portion, DateValue Access query, update field in Access, order date processing, convert text to date, date time field issues, TechHelp | Remove Time 2 | TechHelp Access, Remove Time from DateTime in Access, VBA Automation, Access Developer Tips, Update Query with VBA, Access Import Table, TransferSpreadsheet Method, VBA Execute SQL | Replace Function | TechHelp Access Replace Update 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backend, database s | Select Case | TechHelp Access select case statement, vba select case, case statement, select case ms access | Select in Subform | TechHelp Access select record in subform, goto a specific record in a subform, docmd.echo, DoCmd.GoToRecord in a subform, Go to record in Subform, findrecord, find record in subform, How do i move to a record in a subform, Goto record in subform | Select Multiple Records | TechHelp Access select multiple rows, selecting multiple, select non sequential | Select Primary Customer | TechHelp Access Primary Subordinate Parent Children | Select Text On Click | TechHelp Access 2016, Access 2019, Access 2021, Access 365, Microsoft Access, MS Access, MS Access Tutorial, #msaccess, #microsoftaccess, #help, #howto, #tutorial, #learn, #lesson, #training, #database, select all text, SelStart, SelLength, Screen.ActiveC | Self Join Relationships | TechHelp Access Genealogy Ancestry Database, Tracking Ancestry, Relational Nightmare, Self Join Relationships, Person to Person, Dog Breeding, Litters, Puppies, Pups, Life Events, Calculate Age, Age at Death circular relationship | SelStart & SelLength | TechHelp Access, SelStart, SelLength, manipulate cursor, manipulate selection, On Got Focus event, cursor position, text selection, zero-based index, textbox properties, VBA developer, Len function, SetFocus method, MsgBox, reading selection, select text, | Send Email | TechHelp Access send email, sendemail, outlook email, bypass security warning, How to use Automation to send a Microsoft Outlook message, emailing from Access, Send email from MS Access using VBA, how do i send a mass email from access, recurring emails | Send Email with CDO | TechHelp Access, CDO email Microsoft Access, send email without Outlook, send email Access VBA, CDO SMTP tutorial, Collaboration Data Objects Access, CDO setup Gmail, VBA email Microsoft Access, migrate DoCmd.SendObject CDO, automate email Access Gmail, b | Send Email with CDO 2 | TechHelp 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PowerShell integration, automate Access tasks with PowerShell, PowerShell send email SMTP, email | Separate Username in Email | TechHelp Access separate email addresses, isolate email, split domain suffix, strip out domain name, extract domain name | Sequential Numbers | TechHelp Access counter Create Your Own Custom Sequential Automatically Incrementing Number with DMAX counter consecutive | SetFocus | TechHelp Access, SetFocus command, form control navigation, Microsoft Access VBA, focus management, tab order management, AfterUpdate event, customer form fields, cursor placement, GoToControl command comparison, NumChildren field adjustment, user input v | Sex & Gender | TechHelp Access, inclusive database design, storing gender options, Access gender options, multiple gender values, gender identity database, non-binary data storage, inclusive employee tracking, sex and gender fields, gender combo box, customize gender op | Sex & Gender 2 | TechHelp Access, storing sex options in access, storing gender options in access, multiple gender entries, multiple sex entries, sex table design, gender table design, relational combo box, creating combo box in access, access foreign key tutorial, hide f | Shared Library | TechHelp Access Access 2016, Access 2019, Access 2021, Access 365, microsoft Access, ms Access, ms Access tutorial, #msaccess, #microsoftaccess, #help, #howto, #tutorial, #learn, #lesson, #training, #database, create shared library database, shared subs | Shift Click | TechHelp Access, Microsoft Access Shift-click, custom button actions Access, Access VBA toggle action, button click events Access, VBA getkeystate function, user32 keyboard state Access, alternate button function Access, VBA shift key detection, Access ev | Shipping Label | TechHelp Access, shipping labels, ship-to address, create shipping labels, non-programming method, additional customer address, bill-to and ship-to, Access design view, customer table, add fields Access, copy address 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multiple fields, table level validation rule, another field, beforeupdate event, before update event, dsum function | Task Priority | TechHelp Access task, priority, end task, high, Realtime, above normal, normal, below normal, low, processes, CPU, Improved Performance, Responsiveness, Faster Completion Time, Resource Allocation, System Instability, Resource Hogging, Resource-Intensive | Tasks | TechHelp Access task manager, task management, free task management template, Task Management Access Database template, task management database, task management database template, task tracker, to do list, todo list | TechHelp Free Templates | TechHelp Access database templates current versions latest versions | TempVars | TechHelp Access tempvars, ms access tempvars tutorial, access clear tempvars, vba clear tempvars, how to set tempvars in vba, tempvars item, why use tempvars, tempvars v global variables, adam loves tempvars | Terms of Sale Text | TechHelp Access picking different contract 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