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Volume Discounts

Do you offer volume discounts for multiple students?

All of my courses are sold on a per-user basis. Sharing is not permitted and is a violation of my license agreement. See this page on sharing courses for more information.

If you are an organization that has multiple users to train on the same subjects, I do offer significant discounts based on the number of students you have. The more people you wish to train, the higher the discount goes.

Here's how it works. The first student pays full price for the courses. You can find the current pricing for all of my courses on the Online Order Form. After the first student, additional students receive a discount based on the total number of students you need to train for this course. The discounts are as follows:

Students Discount
1 0%
2 to 5 50%
6 to 10 55%
11 to 20 60%
21 to 50 65%
51 to 100 70%
Over 100 75%

So for example, let's say you have 10 students that all need to be trained on Excel levels 1, 2, and 3. The normal cost for Excel 1 is $5.99. Excel 2 and 3 cost $9.99 each. Student 1 pays $25.97. Students 2 through 5 get a 50% discount, so they each pay $12.99. Students 6 to 10 get a 55% discount, so they each pay $11.69.

The total cost for all 10 students is: 25.97 + (12.99 x 4) + (11.69 x 5) = $136.38.


Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I've purchased a course for myself. Can I transfer my license to another person?

A: No. My courses are purchased on a PER USER basis. You may not share your courses with any other people, sell them, or transfer the license to anyone else. Please be sure to read my complete Terms of Sale.


Q: Do these discounts apply to memberships?

A: Yes! The same discount schedule applies to TechHelp (Silver, Gold, Platinum) and MYOLP memberships. For Learning Connection memberships, the volume discount is in lieu of the 50% member discount, if higher.


Q: Are there any time limits on the courses?

A: Nope. You can watch them as many times as you want.


Q: Do you offer site licenses where I can pay one price for any number of users in my company?

A: Generally, no. Unless your organization has at least 1000 students you wish to train, I do not offer site licenses. Contact me for details for large license agreements.


Q: Do I get multiple accounts for each of my employees, or one company account?

A: Each of your employees will receive their own individual logon account based on their email address and password. We track logons, and it's not possible for the same user to be logged on twice. We require the user's full name and email address to set up an account for them.


Q: Can my employees watch their courses from home?

A: Yes, absolutely. Remember, the license is per-user. I don't care if a student watches his courses on his work computer, home computer, laptop, or even his smart phone. A student can log on anywhere he wants and watch his courses right in a web browser. As long as he doesn't share the courses with another user, he's not in violation of the license agreement.


Q: I have a coupon for a discount on your courses. Can you apply this to my volume purchase?

A: Of course, however the discounts are not cumulative. I'm happy to apply whichever discount is greater to your purchase. Since I almost never issue coupons that are more than 50% off, chances are the volume discount shown here will be the better one. This will generally result in you receiving the discount for the first student, and the rest of the students will be priced accordingly.


Q: Your web site offers an automatic quantity discount if I purchase multiple classes. Do I get this discount with a volume purchase too?

A: Again, just as with the last question, any discounts offered are never cumulative. If the web site offers you a quantity discount for purchasing multiple classes, that discount will never exceed 50%. So again you will get that discount for the first student, and then the rest of your students will receive the normal volume license discounts shown above.


Q: Do volume discounts apply to your handbooks?

A: I am happy to extend the volume discount to the electronic (PDF) versions of the handbooks, but I cannot offer discounts on the printed handbooks. Most of the cost of the printed books are beyond my control (printing, shipping, etc.). In fact, I only offer printed handbooks now with a minimum order of 50 units. You are always welcome to print the PDF handbooks on your own printer for each student who purchased a license.


Q: Do you accept purchase orders?

A: Yes, I will accept purchase orders from government, educational, or Fortune 1000 corporations on NET30 terms. I will not process your order until I have received an original signed PO and have verified it with your accounting department. I will NOT accept purchase orders on any order where there are materials or shipping costs such as printed handbooks, shipped CDs, etc. POs are only accepted for electronically delivered items.


Q: If I purchase a computer book, I can pass that around my office to as many people as I want. Why can't I do the same with your videos?

A: First, keep in mind that my video courses are MUCH better than learning with a book. Yes, you can share a book and pass it around from person to person. However, think of my video lessons as if you're going to see a movie in a theater - or even attending a computer class in a school somewhere. You can't just pay for the movie (or class) once and have a bunch of people watch it. 

A large company with 500 employees could theoretically buy one copy of my lessons and train hundreds of people. That's simply not fair to me. That's why I strictly sell my lessons on a PER USER basis. That's the licensing model I've chosen for my business because I feel it's fair for everyone involved. If you're going to benefit and learn from my lessons, I should be compensated... just as if you were attending a classroom-based computer course. You will still find, however, that my courses are very reasonably priced even without the volume discount.


More Questions?

If you have any questions that weren't answered here, or you'd like for me to put together a custom quote for your organization, please contact me.


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Keywords: volume multiple quantity discounts Do you offer volume discounts for multiple students?  PermaLink  Volume Discounts