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Web Site SSL Security
By Richard Rost   Richard Rost on LinkedIn Email Richard Rost   5 years ago

I've gotten asked a couple of times recently why some of the pages on my website aren't secure. Your browser might show "not secure" up top next to the address bar. That's because depending on how you landed on my web site, you may only be using HTTP instead of HTTPS which is the secure encrypted version. For example, if you type in (or follow a link from another site) that goes to then you hit a non-secure page. If you go to then your browser starts using encryption.

For most traffic you don't need a secure connection. There's nothing really sensitive going over the line while you're browsing my site or watching courses. Any page that requests sensitive information from you including the logon page and any order page is definitely secure. You will see the SSL show up and HTTPS in the address bar. When students log on to their accounts, they immediately switch to SSL. When you begin placing an order, you switch to SSL.

There's no security risk. You don't have anything to worry about. All of the order pages and anything that involves a password or credit card information is definitely secure. In fact just to be safe when you type in your credit card number in my site it instantly gets transferred to my back-end database which is here in my office and I am the only person that has access to the information. It gets immediately removed from the web server.

And of course always make sure before typing in any sensitive information including your password or credit card number that you make sure you see secure with a little lock in the upper left corner right next to the address bar. Pretty much every browser including Chrome and Internet Explorer have that option.

Comments for Web Site SSL Security
Age Subject From
5 yearsSecurity UpdateRichard Rost


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