Access Developer Courses
After you've finished the Beginner, Expert, and Advanced series, move up to the Developer Lessons to learn how to super-charge your databases with programming in Visual Basic for Applications. Most of these courses work with every version from Access 2007 and later.
Microsoft Access Developer Courses | Options Sort: Date Title | Display: Full Compact | | | | Access Developer 1 Introduction to Access VBA, Statements, Procedures, Parameters, DoCmd.OpenForm, Multiple Command Arguments, SetWarnings, OpenQuery, If / Then / Else Statements, GoToControl, GoToRecord, Add New Customer Button, AfterUpdate Events in VBA | | |
| | | Access Developer 2 Building a Calculator Form, Basic Debug, On Error Resume Next, Creating Subs with Parameters, Select Case Statements, Creating Functions, Returning Values from Functions, Comments, Line Continuation, More MsgBox Options, RunSQL, Insert Into | | |
| | | Access Developer 3 Variables, Dim, Initializing, MsgBox as a Function, Random Numbers, Rnd, Randomize, Constants, Const Keyword, InputBox Function, Math Quiz Form, For Next Loops, Data Types in VBA, Quick Add Sales Rep | | |
| | | Access Developer 4 Notes on Order Details, DLOOKUP from Product Table, Change Size of Field in OnGotFocus, Constants, Const Keyword, OnDblClick Event, Sales Commissions by Order Amt, Commission Range Brackets, DMAX and DLOOKUP together, Use SQL to Load Order List | | |
| | | Access Developer 5 Pay Employee Commissions, Commission Check Form, Move Between Two List Boxes, Drag and Drop Alternative, Printing Checks, Convert Currency to English Text, Find Largest Check Number, Format Laser Printable Checks, Processing Commission Checks | | |
| | | Access Developer 6 Converting Macros to VBA Code, Quote or Invoice Button & Report, Enhanced Timer Form, One Second Timer with Countdown, OnTimer and TimerInterval, Cascading Combo Boxes, Select Category, Limit Product, Automated Backups, Backup Specific Tables, Database | | |
| | | Access Developer 7 Partial Payments on Invoices, Refreshing Subforms in VBA, Form ! Subform Notation, vbExclamation, vbCritical, Don't Allow Payments if PAID, NZ Function to Handle Null Payments, Hide Fields on Invoice by Criteria, Can Shrink Issue for Hidden Fields, Adding Missing Fields to Subforms | | |
| | | Access Developer 8 More Partial Payments Invoices, Combo DropDown Method, On Unload Event, Locking Invoices if Paid, Creating a Public Global Function, Globally Search VBA Code, Allow Additions, Edits, Deletions VBA, Search As You Type, On Key Press, On Change Events | | |
| | | Access Developer 9 Add Search Form to Main Menu, Fixing Delete a Payment Problem, Lock or Unlock if Invoice Paid, Test Taker Database, Part 1, Table Setup, Relationships, Ref Integrity, Dept, Class, Test, Question, Answer, Multiple Choice v. Fill in the Blank, Continuous Form with Subform, Begin Taking Test, Save All Results | | |
| | | Access Developer 10 Test Taker Database, Part 2, Determine Which Question to Ask, Display List Box for Multiple Choice, Display Text Box for Fill-in-the-Blank, Check Answer for Correctness, Store Results in Session Answer Table, Calculate Student's Grade, Store Results in Answer Table, NZ, StrComp, Round Functions | | |
| | | Access Developer 11 Test Taker Database, Part 3, Display Question 1 of X, Close Child Forms if Parent Closed, Tracking Start and End Times, Display Timer on Form, Timeout, RGB Function and Colors, Calculate Elapsed Time, Universal Dialog Box, Part 1, Customized uDialog Box with Options | | |
| | | Access Developer 12 Universal Dialog Box, Parts 2 & 3, Add OK, Cancel Buttons, DoEvents in Timer Loops, Global Variables, While Loops, Custom Form Positioning, Move, Resize Form Windows VBA, Twips, InsideHeight, InsideWidth, External String Manager, Dynamic Labels on Forms and Reports | | |
| | | Access Developer 13 Search Between Dates, Before, After, Between Date Search, Select Case Control Structure, Tuition With Multiple Options, Billing on Grade Level, Variable Discounts Applicable, Same as Products w Different Features, Multi Field Index / Composite Keys, Pricing Wizard Form | | |
| | | Access Developer 14 Easy Access POS Part 1, Planning the Point of Sale System, Advanced Design Preparation, Detailed List of Features, Building the Tables, Relationships, Barcode Scanner Considerations, Main Order Entry Form, Category, Product List Boxes, Group, Person Forms | | |
| | | Access Developer 15 Move Between Two List Boxes, Passing a Control as a Parameter, Advanced Debugging, Custom Error Handler, Immediate, Watches, Breakpoints, Multi-Select List Boxes, ListCount, ItemData, ItemsSelected, For Each Loops, db.Execute vs. DoCmd.RunSQL | | |
| | | Access Developer 16 More Multi-Select List Boxes, Visual Glitch in List Box Selection, Formatting, Colors in a List Box, On Mouse Move Event, Recordsets, Part 1, Looping Thru Records in a Recordset, Adding Records to Unbound List Box, RemoveItem from Single List Box, Dealing with No Records: EOF, BOF | | |
| | | Access Developer 17 Remove from Multi-Select Listbox, Single-column, Multiple-column boxes, Export Single Customer PDF Files, DoCmd.OutputTo, acFormatPDF, DLookupPlus Function, Example: Sales Reps and States Covered, Joe: NY, TX, FL; Sue: PA, CA | | |
| | | Access Developer 18 Progress Bars, What's Faster: SQL or Recordset, Calculate Elapsed Time, Show Time Remaining, Navigating Recordsets: Move First, Previous, Next, Last, Edit, AddNew, Update, Delete, Sort | | |
| | | Access Developer 19 Bound Multi-Select List Boxes, Nested Recordset Loops, Chef's Kitchen Helper, What Dishes Can I Make w Ingredients, Remove Ingredients from Pantry Inventory | | |
| | | Access Developer 20 OpenDatabase Command, Recordsets to External Database, Multiple Nested Loops, TreeView Control, Self Joins | | |
| | | Access Developer 21 Scrubbing Data, Nested Continuous Subforms, Side-by-Side Subforms, Arrays, Parent Breadcrumbs | | |
| | | Access Developer 22 Tag Property, For Each Loops, Apply Payments to Multiple Orders, Numbering Rows with Counter, Manual Order, Auto Renumber, Me.SelHeight Property | | |
| | | Access Developer 23 Rental History Tracking, Scan Items Out by Customer, Batch Scan Items Back In, Order Entry, Printable Invoicing, Inventory Tracking, Ship Products, Lock Order, Remove on Hand | | |
| | | Access Developer 24 Reservation System, Rules For Reserving (dates, length, etc.), Conflict Resolution, Copy Record with Children, Recordset Copy, Loop through Fields Collection | | |
| | | Access Developer 25 ByRef v ByVal, Return Multiple Values from Function, ActiveForm, ActiveControl, Product Groups, Add Packages / Bundles to Orders, Hide $0.00 on Invoice | | |
| | | Access Developer 26 Two Search Forms, Dynamic SQL Statements, Filter Boxes, Sort by Column Header, Criteria Table: Unlimited Conditions, TableDefs, Fields Collection, Field Properties, Data Type | | |
| | | Access Developer 27 Scanning & Printing Barcodes, QR Codes, Download Images from Web, Scanning Items In/Out of Inventory, Tracking Individual Serial Numbers, Printing Full Sheets of Labels | | |
| | | Access Developer 28 Time & Billing, Report Criteria from Open Form, Customer-Specific Pricing, Send Email using CDO, Batch Print or Email Invoices, Round Up to 15 Minute Increments | | |
| | | Access Developer 29 Product Components, Assemble a Product from Parts, Calculate Margin from Markup, FIFO Stock Rotation, Remove from Invoice, Back to Inventory | | |
| | | Access Developer 30 Classic VB File Input/Output, Read & Write Text Files, Import Files Over 2 GB in Size, Open, Close, Print, Line Input, Customer Data Changes by Text, Load Responses from Surveys to Table | | |
| | | Access Developer 31 Classic VB File Handling, Navigate Files & Folders, Dir, GetAttr, FileLen, MkDir, Kill, Name, ShellExecute to Open Files, FileCopy, FileExists, FolderExists, File, FolderNameFromPath, Compact Multiple Backend Files | | |
| | | Access Developer 32 Export Report as HTML, Auto FTP Files to Web Server, Currency Conversion, Get Value from Web API, Customer Groups, Search in ANY or ALL Groups, On Delete Event Handling | | |
| | | Access Developer 33 Relinking Back-End Files, Auto Send and Relink Access, SQL Server, File System Object, Lessons 1 & 2, Early v. Late Binding, Create a Folder, Subfolders, Determine Size of Folder, File / Folder Properties & Attributes | | |
| | | Access Developer 34 File System Object, Lessons 3 - 5, Copy & Move Folders, Read & Write Text Files, Outlook Send Email Attachments, Convert Early to Late Binding, Customer Export & Import Changes, Track Changes Log | | |
| | | Access Developer 35 File System Object, Lessons 6 - 7, List of Drives, DriveLetter, Available Space, Drive Serial Number, DriveType, GetDrive, GetDriveName, GetParentFolderName, GetFile, On Not In List Event, Adding Items to Combo or List Boxes, List Items Edit Form | | |
| | | Access Developer 36 Preventing Duplicates, Composite Keys, SQL NOT IN List, Have Not Ordered, Single Product, Any, All, No Products, Lots More! | | |
| | | Access Developer 37 Custom List Box Columns, Store Field Data in Table, Selected, Width, Name, Caption, Change Record Source, Use Any Table or Query. QueryDefs, Dynamically Resize Form & Fields, Custom Label Headings that Move! | | |
| | | Access Developer 38 Working with Multivalued Fields, Reading MVF Data with VBA, Replacing MVF with Relational Table, Multi-Select Listbox for MVF Selection, Creating an Image Gallery, Multiple Columns in a Continuous Form, Functions as Event Handlers, Passing Variants to Allow Null Values | | |
| | | Access Developer 39 Searchable Document Index, Store Document Text, Search Keywords, Microsoft Word Automation, Convert PDF to TXT, DOCX to Text, Index Individual Keywords, Search In Open Recordsets, rs.FindFirst, rs.NoMatch | | |
| | | Access Developer 40 Build a Countdown Timer Form, Program Custom Color Schemes, Change Conditional Formatting in VBA, Windows Color Picker Dialog, RGBToHex, HexToRGB, User Created Color Schemes, Windows Font Dialog | | |
| | | Access Developer 41 Form Zoom, Anchoring, Resize Controls & Font Sizes, Sections, Subforms, Form On Error Event, Form-Level Error Handlers, Error Numbers & Response | | |
| | | Access Developer 42 Parameter Arrays, Pass Unknown Number of Variables, Loop with For Each, Products With Options, Clothing Database, Shirts with Multiple Sizes, Colors, Update Order Entry System | | |
| | | Access Developer 43 Append Only Property, Better Alternatives, Reading Application.ColumnHistory, Save to Related Secondary Table, TempVars, What, Why, How of TempVars, Adding, Removing, Looping Thru | | |
| | | Access Developer 44 Custom Ribbons, Part 1, Apply Ribbon to Entire Database, Specify Custom Ribbon for Specific Form, Swap Ribbons On-The-Fly with VBA Code, Ribbon Buttons with Custom Functions, Using Built-In Access Images, Using Custom Images | | |
| | | Access Developer 45 Custom Ribbons, Part 2, Creating Custom Backstage Menus, Customized Quick Access Toolbars Per Form, Custom "Right-Click" Context Menus, Looping Thru All Controls to Find IDs, Assigning Functions to Context Buttons, Using Custom Pictures or FaceID | | |
| | | Access Developer 46 This course is currently under, development. Enroll now and you can, join in, ask questions, and provide, feedback while the class is underway!, Interactive student participation is, the best way to learn. Sign up today | | |