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Site Down Today for a Few Hours
By Richard Rost   Richard Rost on LinkedIn Email Richard Rost   5 years ago

Well, this happens on average about once every 2 years. The site went down today for about 3 hours. Alex actually messaged me about 12:45pm today (Eastern) asking if it was down. Yup. So I got on chat with GoDaddy tech support and they told me it was some kind of internal server issue and that it would be back up in 90 minutes.

Well... 3 hours later it's back up.

I can't complain too loudly though. They did get me fixed. Like I said, this happens on average only about once every two years where my site is down for more than a few minutes. Last time in 2018 I was down for about a whole day. Doing the math, that works out to about a 99.9% server uptime, so that's not bad. It's inexpensive web site hosting too. I get Windows hosting, SQL Server databases, unlimited file storage* and email for about $20 per month. Not bad. I pay a few bucks more for their backup service, and the SSL certificate is $80 a year. 

Overall, I would still recommend them. In fact, I'm going to be putting together an Access seminar on how to set up an SQL Server database on GoDaddy to connect your Access databases to. If you want to do any kind of shared solution between different locations, I highly recommend it. For $20 a month, you can't go wrong.

OK, back to work now that the site is back online.

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