Send this function a number like 130.25 and it will return "One Hundred Thirty Dollars and Twenty-Five Cents".
Public Function CurrencyToEnglish(CurrencyAmount As Currency, _
Optional WriteDollarsCents As Boolean = True) As String
CurrencyToEnglish(105.15) = "One Hundred Five Dollars And Fifteen Cents"
CurrencyToEnglish(100) = "One Hundred Dollars"
CurrencyToEnglish(105.15, True) = "One Hundred Five And 15/100 Dollars"
Click here for the complete source code (Gold members and select students only, see below)
Works for values from 1 cent up to about 2 billion dollars. If you're dealing with more money than that, you can afford to pay me to expand the code. :)
How to Get
The source code is available for the following: