Check Register Seminar Notes
This is a list of notes pertaining to the Check Register Seminar.
After Class Notes
These are a few things I added to the database after I finished the seminar videos. You should be aware of them.
- I added a sorting level in the batch check report. You wouldn't want to print checks out of order.
- On the printed check reports (both of them) I moved the check number down by the note field. Most computer checks will have the check number pre-printed on it (and in the MICR ink on the bottom with the routing and account numbers). This way you can easily match up your number with the number printed on the check.
- I cleared the sample data from the template. Of course Access Learning Zone is still a payee. Feel free to test your checks by printing me one and mailing it to the address shown. Thank you.
- After recording the videos and using the database for a while, I decided not to make the Description field required. You may want to leave that blank or change it entirely. The reporting is still all based on Payee, so it really doesn't matter too much what goes in the Description field on the check.
- Had to add one line to the AfterUpdate event for the Debit field on the CheckRegF so that the Print Check button would appear once the debit amount was entered.
Bug Fixes
2022-03-01: A student discovered that the running balance in the account form was showing the balance across all accounts. I'm surprised nobody caught this until now! I fixed the download file. If you are already using a heavily customized version of this database, you just have to go into the CheckRegQ query and change RunningBalance to this:
RunningBalance: DSum("Credit","CheckRegT","AccountID=" & [AccountID] & " AND ID<=" & [ID])-DSum("Debit","CheckRegT","AccountID=" & [AccountID] & " AND ID<=" & [ID])
Upgrade Ideas
Here are some ideas I have for Part 2. Let me know what you think. Post a comment below if you want to see any of these things. Squeaky wheel gets the grease.
- Enter checks without specifying a check number. This would be handy if you have a bunch of checks to print, but you don't know offhand what the next check number should be. You can enter them all in, then when you go to batch print the checks, enter in what the first check number is. They will then be auto-assigned.
- Bank download and import. What are your thoughts?
- Summary expense report without payee groups and details - just category totals
- List of missing check numbers
- Integration with the ABCD (this is coming anyways, but I'd like to know how many people are interested - the more, the faster I do it)
- Budgeting
- Printing your return address on the checks
- Printing a fancy background image for the checks. You'll still have to get pre-printed checks from a check printer because you need MICR ink for the check number on the bottom, but at least you can control what the rest of the check looks like
- Showing you how to line up the check with a printed blank to get the fields in the right places
- I recently showed how to add double-entry accounting to the check register in the Extended Cut for my Double-Entry TechHelp video. Check it out. If you'd like to see me add that transaction form to this database, post a comment down below. If it's popular, I'll add it. If not, join as a TechHelp member and you'll see how it's done.
Questions or Comments
Got em? Post em here.