Wildcard Search & Like By Richard Rost 5 years ago Wildcard Searches with the LIKE Keyword Learn how to perform wildcard searches using the LIKE keyword and the special characters (*,?,#) in your Microsoft Access queries. In this example, I'll show you how to find email addresses at specific domains, like @gmail.com. Xavier from Bury St Edmunds, England (a Gold Member) asks: I need to create a report to show all of my customers who have email addresses in a few specific domains like Gmail and Yahoo. How can I do that? MembersI'll show you how to search in a list or range of characters, exclude specific characters, and search for the actual wildcard characters inside your strings.
Silver Members and up get access to view Extended Cut videos, when available. Gold Members can download the files from class plus get access to the Code Vault. If you're not a member, Join Today! CoursesLike & Wildcards Covered: https://599cd.com/ACB5 LinksWhat is a Query: https://599cd.com/Query
Keywordswildcard characters, like keyword, searching for special characters, search for email domains, using wildcards in queries, wildcard filter and searches, how to create a wildcard query in microsoft access, access wildcard query, like conditions
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Keywords: TechHelp Access wildcard characters, like keyword, searching for special characters, search for email domains, using wildcards in queries, wildcard filter and searches, how to create a wildcard query in microsoft access, access wildcard query, like condit PermaLink Wildcard Search and Like in Microsoft Access |