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TechHelp Memberships

TechHelp Silver, Gold, Platinum Memberships

Important: If you have already signed up for a membership on YouTube, you have to register on my YouTube Find User page to tell me you exist before you can access any of the perks here on my web site. YouTube gives me almost no information about you. Please see this page for details.

Importanter: Before signing up for a membership, please read everything below so you understand exactly it is that you are signing up for (or watch the new video). I don't want anyone confused as to what is and is not included in the memberships. Thank you!

New Video

I have a new video that explains a lot of the different membership options, perks, and commonly asked questions. Watch it here: Memberships Explained


I started offering TechHelp memberships on my YouTube channel in early 2020. At the time, I was planning on posting maybe one or two videos a week and an Extended Cut here and there. Well, fortunately it has become very popular. There are well over 800 TechHelp videos as of August 2024. I do my best to release a new one every business day.

However, I'm getting a lot of emails from people that want to join, but YouTube doesn't offer the option in their country (some of whom are already customers of mine), plus some of you have indicated that you don't want to be a member here and then also have a second billing on YouTube. I get it.

Because of this, I also offer TechHelp memberships here, direcly on my site as well. It's the same Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond levels that I offer on YouTube. This way, however, I can control the billing myself and offer memberships to areas YouTube doesn't.

You can sign up month-to-month here just like on YouTube, or you can prepay an annual membership at a 20% discount (Silver, Gold, and Platinum only). If you're an existing member on YouTube, feel free to let that membership run its course for the rest of this month and then you can sign up here if you'd like the discounted annual rate.

Membership Rates

Level Perks   Monthly   Annual - 20% off   Lifetime
Silver Extended Cut Videos $5.99  $56.99  $499.99 
Gold Code Vault, Downloads $9.99  $94.99  $849.99 
Platinum All Beginner, Some Expert $29.99  $286.99  $2,499.99 
Diamond Sponsor My Videos! $99.99     

While there is no guarantee you'll get your questions answered, one of the main benefits of being a member, is that your questions will take priority over non-member questions. I've currently got about 500 questions "in the queue" from all kinds of folks who find me on YouTube, Twitter, etc. I put members on top of that list in order (Platinum first, of course). I also give priority to my Learning Connection, MYOLP, and Access Insider members as well. If you fall in multiple categories, you go even higher.

Silver Members

Silver Members get access to all of the Extended Cut videos. This is the major perk, and the main reason to sign up. As of today, there are over 200 of these, and I've been averaging 3 or 4 new videos every week. They cover lots of topics that I don't normally cover in my regular classes. People ask me all the time, "I'm already a student, why should I subscribe to this?" Well, that's why! Consider this my almost-daily video blog where I cover all kinds of various topics about Access (and other titles too, more coming). I don't do live sessions that often, but when I do, Silver Members and up get access to them. I plan on adding more of these in the future. Silver members also get a 10% discount on all of my courses and one free Beginner course each month, in order.

Gold Members

Gold Members get the Silver perks, plus access to my Code Vault (a repository of VBA code from a lot of my projects that you can reference at any time) in addition to being able to download all of the databases I build in the TechHelp Extended Cut videos. Gold members also get a 20% discount on all of my courses one free Expert class per month, in order, after you have all the Beginner classes. I'm also now starting to do some additional Gold Member Bonus Extended Cuts too! Like this one: Appointment Database

Platinum Members

Platinum Members get the Gold and Silver perks, plus access to all of my Beginner and some of my Expert courses. Platinum members also get a 50% discount on all of my courses and one free Advanced or Developer class per month, in order, after you have all of the Expert classes. Best of all, your questions go to the top of the TechHelp queue!

Diamond Sponsors

Diamond Sponsors get all of the Silver, Gold, and Platinum perks, plus you get your company's name and a link to your web site listed on the Sponsor's slide in my TechHelp videos (all videos recorded while you're a sponsor). You'll also have your company name, link, and more information listed in a special section of my Access Developer Network page if you provide Access services. Oh, and you get the cool little diamond badge in the Forums.

Other Info

Keep in mind that if you sign up on my site, then you have to watch the Extended Cut videos here on my site. They won't work for you on YouTube. They're the same videos, however. It's just two separate billing systems.

Once you've joined, you can visit page with the Membership Perks on it.

Got questions? Post 'em below.

Regular Courses Not Included

Your Silver, Gold, or Platinum membership does not entitle you to all of my regular courses, seminars, or templates. You do get one free class each month, in order, depending on your membership level. See the Perks page and the Free Courses for Members page for details.

For Beginners...

If you are new to Access (or any other program) the TechHelp videos are not the best way to learn for beginners. TechHelp is basically a Q&A series. I answer whatever questions come in from my students in whatever random order I happen to choose. It's not a format that is condusive to learning if you're new to Access. If you are somewhat experienced with Access and want to learn new tips and tricks, then this is a great "almost-daily" video blog to teach you some new stuff. If you're a Beginner, you should stick to my Beginner lessons, then move up to the Expert lessons and perhaps then start watching the TechHelp videos. I recommend my Learning Connection membership for new users to Access.

Technical Support Not Provided

Signing up for a Membership of any kind gives you access to specific perks as listed. If you have questions about the material covered in a specific course, feel free to post them in the Student Forum for that course. If you have other non-related questions you would like to submit to be considered for a TechHelp video, you will be given priority consideration over non-members, however an answer is not in any way guaranteed. Even in the event your question is accepted, the waiting list is generally several weeks long. I will answer your question if I think it makes for a good video. Otherwise, I will do my best to point you to another video (free or paid) that may answer your question.

Membership does NOT include free technical support for your database problems. I do my best to answer questions for my students as I have time, however it is never guaranteed. I no longer provide technical support or one-on-one consulting. If you are looking for someone to help you with your database, whether it needs troubleshooting or you want someone to add something to it for you, check out my Access Developer Network. I've got a group of very knowledgeable Developers who are available to help you.

TechHelp is for generic questions that I can make videos to answer for lots of people to enjoy. "How do I...?" type questions. It's not to get support for your database issues. Sorry. There are only so many hours in the day, and I can't help everyone myself. While I love to get your questions, and I'll answer them if I have time, technical support is not guaranteed. You're better off posting in the Forums, and even then, a response is not guaranteed.


Comments for TechHelp Memberships
Age Subject From
10 monthsWhat kind of membership to pikSiyamand Rashid
2 yearscant find extended cut videoJutyar Hama
2 yearsCannot watch extended cutsJoseph Dolbear
2 yearsLifetime MembershipLudwig Willems
2 yearsMove Membership from YouTubeCarl Byerley
3 yearsVehicle Maintenance DatabaseMohammad Abdelraheem
3 yearsYou TubeMatthew McHenry
4 yearsExtended Cut VideosGabriel Chaves F
4 yearsPlatinum MembershipDeniece Ingram
4 yearsExtended VideosJames Dill
4 yearsGold Membership YouTubeDan Hockaday


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