ABCD Core Part 5 Profile Picture, Image and Document Management Welcome to ABCD Part 5: Core. Total running time is 4 hours, 17 minutes.
Database Files
ResourcesPossible Future Upgrades
Learn MoreI need to start making a proper outline page for the ABCD parts like the Developer lessons. I'm posting this here for the time being: 1. Profile Picture (50:49) 2. Documents 1 (63:34) 3. Documents 2 (48:09) 4. Bug Fix HelperF (11:55) 5. Document 3 (31:22) 6. Documents 4 (40:46) Enroll Today!Enroll now you can watch the videos, download the databases, ask questions, and make suggestions! Pre-Requisites RequiredIn order to purchase any level of the ABCD, you MUST have purchased all previous levels. For example, you cannot buy only Level 5. You must first have Levels 1 through 4, then you can buy Level 5. Sorry, but this is a hard pre-requisite. VideosI am recording videos showing how the database is built, but mostly so that you can understand the construction and be better equipped to make any modifications or additions you may need on your own. This will be marketed as a finished database without the need for any enhancements, but, of course, one of the main reasons to use Access is so that you can make changes yourself. The videos will be a quick run-through of how each feature is built, as I'm building it. I will be using advanced features like SQL and VBA from the start, so you may want some SQL or VBA Developer Lessons under your belt if you're going to try to follow along. This is NOT a teaching database. Free Technical Support will NOT be offered. Tech SupportThere is NO free Technical Support provided on the ABCD if you have not taken ALL of my previous Developer lessons. There are a lot of very difficult, advanced programming concepts used in the construction of this database. I do not have the time to provide free support if you get stuck trying to make modifications. All I will do is point you to the appropriate Developer lesson(s) that cover the issue. There is a reason why (a) I say this is NOT a teaching database, and (b) there are pre-requisites. Feel free to ask questions, but I can't spend half an hour explaining concepts that are already covered in my other lessons. LicensingUnlike my other courses and seminars which provide you with royalty-free databases that you can modify and distribute yourself, the ABCD does NOT come with a royalty-free license. You may only customize the database for your business needs and for use within your organization. You may not resell or distribute it to others without express written permission. In addition, if you are using it in an organization with more than 10 users, you must purchase additional licenses. Contact me for additional information. I will post additional details when the Core database is completed. OrderingThere are two purchase options available for the ABCD.
Your FeedbackI will be releasing new Core features and modules on a regular basis. You can see the list of features that are scheduled for development on the Coming Soon page. I would very much like your feedback on what features you think should be available. If you have a specific interest for your business type, let me know.
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Keywords: access ABCD 05 part 05 core document management ms office 16 object library select profile picture filedialog file picker file exists folder exists filename from path select file helper data PermaLink ABCD Core Part 5 |