Appointments By Richard Rost 4 years ago Access Appointment Database for Scheduling Build a database in Microsoft Access to track your appointments (calendar, tasks, to-do list items, etc.). We will build the needed table, queries, form, and a printable scehedule report. Gabriella from St. Petersburg, Florida (a Platinum Member) asks: I need a simple database to track my upcoming appointments. I've been using Outlook, but I'd like to use Access so I can eventually tie appointments to customers. Can you help me? Silver Members & UpI'll show you how to set the end time to one hour after the start time, add buttons for add an hour, 15 minutes, or whatever interval you like to the appointment. We'll make a combo box to select what data you'd like to see in the form and report (recent, future, or all appointments). Then we'll add the customer data to the system so you can assign an appointment to a client.
Gold Members & UpThis is the first time I recorded an extra BONUS video for Gold and Platinum members! This video is based heavily in VBA coding and we'll do some really cool stuff. We'll build in conflict resolution, so the system will warn you if you try to add an appointment that overlaps another one. Then, we'll make the database tell you when the next available open appointment slot is! Really helpful!
Silver Members and up get access to view Extended Cut videos, when available. Gold Members can download the files from class plus get access to the Code Vault. If you're not a member, Join Today! LinksAfter Update: https://599cd.com/AfterUpdate
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Keywords: TechHelp Access schedule, scheduling, calendar, time slot, work schedule, scheduler, tasks, task management, planner, daily planner, timetable, scheduling tool, booking, start date time, end date time, appt, conflict resolution, find next appointment PermaLink Appointments in Microsoft Access |