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Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself

-Chinese Proverb
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Customer Service

This form is NOT for technical questions! Post those in the Forums.


Customer Service is very important to me, and always FREE. It includes these following types of questions:

  • Problem with your order or account
  • What topics are covered in what class?
  • What lessons do I need to accomplish my goals?
  • General questions about my site or products

If your question does NOT fit into one of those above categories, for example, you need help with your database, or don't understand something from one of the lessons, please post it in the Forums.

Here is my Customer Service Policy.


If you need to pause, cancel, or otherwise manage your Computer Learning Zone membership, you will find links to do so on your My Account page. 

Fastest Response...

Provided your question doesn't involve any personal account info, try posting in my Customer Service Forum. I have a great team of admins and moderators who are usually much faster at answering questions than I am, so try the Forum first if you have a "how do I" type of question. They'll tell you what classes you need.

FAQs Page

If you have generic questions about my lessons, delivery, logging on, forms of payment, etc. then check out the Frequently Asked Questions page first. Most questions you can think of have already been answered.

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Contact Richard
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This is NOT for technical support

TIP: If you have questions you can try asking the Chat Bots for Customer Service or Microsoft Access. They may be the quickest way for you to find what you're looking for.

Contact Me

If you would rather have a personal response from me, Richard, then feel free to use the form above, to the right. Feel free to contact me if you need to provide personal information (account or payment details, etc.) I generally check customer service every morning, business days. If you send me a message on Monday and I've already finished customer service that day, you'll have to wait until tomorrow. Sorry. That's why I suggest you post in the Customer Service Forum if your question doesn't involve personal info. 

No Technical Support!

If you ask a technical question via this form, the only response you will get will be what classes cover the topics you need. That's OK. My job is to tell you what lessons you need, and I'm fine with doing that, but don't expect me to hold your hand and explain everything to you in an email. Sorry! I just don't have the time.

As of June 2021, I no longer offer any Technical Support or Consulting services. Please do not ask me specific questions about how to fix your database. If you need help with your database, visit my Access Developer Network

Please also read my Customer Service Policy and this article on Context.

Why This Form?

I get a lot of correspondence every day. My email inbox is always overflowing. I'm sure many of you have the same problem. This form sends your message directly to my customer service database. When I read your message, your account info comes up right next to it. This saves me a lot of time, and I can more efficiently and effectively respond to you. Plus, it allows me to prioritize messages from members and my actual students over the non-student emails I get every day (and there are a lot of them). Plus, email isn't perfect. I wouldn't want to miss your email, have it go into my Spam folder, or get lost underneath the 500 other emails I get every day.

Tips Before Contacting

I generally get back to people with customer service issues by the following business day. It's just me here answering emails, so I do my best. Here's a tip: if you want a fast response, type a short message. Honestly, if I get your email and it's fifteen paragraphs that I have to read through, I'll usually "snooze" it until I have the time to read it. Want a faster response? Keep it brief. Sorry. I get a lot of messages every day, and it's just me answering them. Only so many hours in the day...

Response Time

I work most days, including weekends. I do my best to check customer service correspondence every day, usually first thing in the morning. I'm in Florida, so that's US Eastern Time Zone. Usually after customer service, I record videos for the rest of the day. So, if you email me in the afternoon, chances are you'll hear back from me the following day. Like I said, it's just me here. I do my best.

Once in a great while, I also like to take a few days off to spend with my family. It doesn't happen often enough, but it does happen. So if you don't hear back from me in a day or two, don't panic. I'll answer you just as soon as I get back. And remember, if you have a question about how to do something, try posting your question in the Forums. Chances are my awesome Developer Students will be able to answer you faster than I can. :)

Support Links

Best Ways to Contact Me, Ranked

1. Customer Service Form
2. Email
3. Forums
3. Text
4. Mail
95. Fax
96. Skywriting
97. Smoke Signals
98. Gondor Signal Fires
99. Starfleet Subspace Radio
100. Phone




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