Customer Discount By Richard Rost 2 years ago Customer Discount. ComboBox.Column Property In this Microsoft Access tutorial, I will show you how to set a discount percentage for each customer. That value will then be copied to any new orders that you make for that customer. We will learn about various combo box properties, including column, column count, column widths, list width, list rows, column heads, and more. We'll use the AfterUpdate event to copy the value from the customer combo box to the discount percent field with one line of VBA code. Recommended Courses
Keywordsaccess 2016, access 2019, access 2021, access 365, microsoft access, ms access, ms access tutorial, #msaccess, #microsoftaccess, #help, #howto, #tutorial, #learn, #lesson, #training, #database, #fasttips, combo box .column property, combobox.column(x), ComboBox.Column property, Use the Column Property of a Combo Box, copy discount to order, column count, column widths, list width, list rows, column heads
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Keywords: FastTips Access combo box .column property, combobox.column(x), ComboBox.Column property, Use the Column Property of a Combo Box, copy discount to order, column count, column widths, list width, list rows, column heads PermaLink Customer Discount in Microsoft Access |