Access Developer 41 Form Zoom, Anchoring, Form On Error Event
WelcomeIn today's class, we're going to focus on zooming in and out of a form. This is one of the major complaints that people always have when it comes to Access. In other applications like Word and Excel, you can zoom in and out. You can make the document bigger, the spreadsheet smaller, and so on. Not so in Access... until today. We're also going to learn about form level error handling events. You can have event error handlers that cover the whole form, that can take care of all kinds of different error responses. You can get rid of some of those built in user-unfriendly error messages. ResourcesTopics CoveredIn Lesson 1, we're going to begin by learning about anchoring, which is a technique that allows you to resize the controls, like the text boxes, on your form. People with different screen sizes can stretch the form and have bigger text boxes. You can also anchor buttons. They can stay in the bottom right corner, for example. As the form gets bigger, those buttons move. In Lesson 2, we're going to learn how to actually zoom in and out of forms by making the controls, the forms themselves, and the fonts larger and smaller. In Lesson 3, we're going to make FormZoom a public level function so we can call it from any form in the database. We'll set maximum and minimum zoom level so the user can't zoom in too far or out too far. In Lesson 4, we're going to deal with different sections on the form, like the form header form footer. Those have to grow and shrink too. We'll deal with subforms. Not only do you have to grow and shrink the subform control, but you have to handle all of the objects inside that control, which is another form, which means we have to learn recursion, which is having to have the zoom function call itself. That's pretty cool. Then we'll learn the activate event, which I did cover briefly back in Access Advanced Level 1. In Lesson 5, we're going to learn about form-level error events. This is an event handler that happens before a validation rule and before any control level error handling. You can use these to put your own custom error messages there instead of the unfriendly Access default error messages that sometimes pop up. Enroll TodayEnroll now so that you watch these lessons, learn with us, post questions, and more! Questions?Please feel free to post your questions or comments below. If you are not sure as to whether or not this product will meet your needs, I'd rather help you before you buy it. Remember, all sales are final. Thank you.
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Keywords: access developer 41 screen resolutions resize form recursion recursive acsubform Form Level Error Handler, Error Numbers, Response, Form.Error Event, The value you entered isn't valid for this field, acDataErrContinue, acDataErrDisplay form error Anchorin Page Tag: whatsnew PermaLink Microsoft Access Developer 41 |