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Access Compactor Template

Automatically Compact & Repair Access Databases

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This Microsoft Access template will automatically compact and repair your databases on a regular schedule. You can use it as part of a nightly or weekly event, or you can run it manually whenever you want. The template will also create backup copies of your original databases to avoid corruption. In the videos that accompany the template, I will teach you how to integrate this database into your existing Access applications.


Full Developer Database

Once you have purchased the full developer database template, come back to this page and download the full template. This will give you access to the ZIP file containing the Template ACCDB file. The full version will run on 32-bit or 64-bit Access 2007 or higher. Be sure to watch the User Guide video (above). You can use the template standalone as it is or if you watch the Developer Guide video I will show you how to integrate it into your existing Microsoft Access database applications including a nightly event.

Purchase Template

Please be sure to read the Before You Purchase section below before buying this template.

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  • Compact All Backend Files in Folder
  • Auto Start Compact On Load
  • Make Backup Files Before Compacting
  • Close on Completion
  • Creates a Log File
  • Relaunch Original Database File
  • Run Standalone or From Other DB Events


The Access Compactor template can be used in three ways:

  1. You can import these components into your front-end database and launch it to just compact your back-end databases.
  2. You can keep this as a standalone database, launch it from your front-end (which stays running), and it compacts your backend databases and then closes.
  3. You can launch this database from your front-end (which closes down) and it compacts all of your database files (including the front-end) and then it re-launches your front-end when its finished.


The Compactor can be programmed to auto start when the database opens. Compactor can make backups of your files before compacting them. These will be date/time stamped, so make sure you clean them out occasionally. It will optionally create a log file every use. Then when it is finished compacting you can optionally relaunch your original database.

In the Developer Guide video I will show you all the VBA that you need in order to launch the Compactor as part of a nightly event loop in your Access database, complete with a countdown timer.

In the Addendum video I show you how to make the compactor only run one day per week which I forgot to do in the Developer Guide.


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Before You Purchase

A few important notes before you purchase this template:

  • Please note that this is NOT a teaching database. You should have a strong background in developing Microsoft Access applications before attempting to setup this template with your database. You don't have to be an expert with Visual Basic, but you should know a little VBA. I strongly recommend taking my Access Developer 1 course first or at a bare minimum watching my Intro to VBA video.
  • If you just want to use this database as a standalone and run it manually then you don't need any programming experience however if you want to attempt to integrate this in your database or use the countdown loop to run it as a nightly event then you should know some VBA ahead of time.
  • In order for this template to work properly, you must follow the instructions in the User Guide video, above. If you post a comment saying that it's not working, and you didn't follow the steps, I'm going to say "I told you so."
  • Backup. Backup. Backup again! Be sure to test this on a backup copy of your database first!
  • Remember, we do our best to help you here in the Forums on the website, but technical support is not guaranteed.


Possible Future Upgrade Ideas

  • Let me know if there's anything you'd like to see added


For internal use only. This template does NOT come with a royalty-free license. You may only customize the template for your business needs and for use within your organization at one location ONLY. You may not resell or distribute any form of this template to others without express written permission. Contact me for additional information on obtaining a license to distribute if you plan on including this template in a product you are reselling. Additional licenses are required if you plan on using this template with more than ten (10) employees or in multiple locations within your organization.

Not a Finished Product

Please keep in mind that most of my template databases are not designed to be finished products that are ready to go in a working environment. My templates are meant as starting points for you to customize for yourself so you don't have to reinvent the wheel. This requires that you have a basic understanding of Microsoft Access development. To work on most of my databases you should have completed my Access Beginner series and the first couple levels of my Expert series at a minimum. Most of my databases require knowledge of SQL and VBA as well. 

Customize For Your Needs

If you would like to discuss customizing this template for your needs, and integrating it into your current setup, please see my consulting page for details. While I no longer accept custom jobs that are specific to a single user, I may include your features in a future version of this template if they have mass appeal. If you are looking for custom enhancements made to this template just for you, visit my Developer Network.

Technical Support

Please note that technical support is NOT guaranteed for any of my courses, seminars, or templates. If you require help with modifying this template, you may post a question in the Forums, however an answer to your question is not guaranteed. If this template comes with an accompanying Seminar, then you should purchase that Seminar to see how the database was constructed. If not, then you should have taken the suggested courses. Most of my templates are designed on a Developer level and you should have a thorough understanding of SQL and VBA before attempting to modify them. If you have a problem with one of my databases, I will only support the unmodified database exactly as it's downloaded from my site. If you have modified it in any way, it may not be something I can help you with. You can post in the Forums, and I may be able to help you, but if the issue doesn't exist in my unmodified database, it's not something I can support.


Got sales or customer service questions about this template? Feel free to contact me. If you have technical "how do I" questions about this template, you discover a bug, or want to suggest a new feature, then please post your comments below.


microsoft access, ms access, ms access tutorial, #msaccess, #microsoftaccess, #help, #howto, #tutorial, #learn, #lesson, #training, #database, #template, Access Database Compact Tool, Automated Compact and Repair of Access, Automatically Compact and Repair, nightly event, weekly event


Comments for Access Compactor Template
Age Subject From
3 yearsMore InfoRichard Rost
2 yearsCompactorPatricia Todd
2 yearsAddendum Weekday CodeMichael Johnson
3 yearsExtented Cut VideoSteve Aguero


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Keywords: templates access Access Database Compact Tool, Automated Compact and Repair of Access, Automatically Compact and Repair, nightly event, weekly event  Page Tag: whatsnew  PermaLink  Microsoft Access Compactor Template