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Home > I Hate Facebook
I Hate Facebook
By Richard Rost   Richard Rost on LinkedIn Email Richard Rost   9 months ago

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Originally posted January 2023. Updated when Facebook does dumb stuff.

I really, really, really, seriously hate Facebook, and I'm going to tell you why.

Hey fans, I just wanted to drop a quick video to let everyone know why I despise Facebook. I tried years ago to make Facebook work for my business. I attempted to build a page organically at first, and then I even paid for some Facebook ads. None of that really worked very well. And when you do build a following and get people following your page—like I got 6,000 followers on my Excel page—then to reach those people with a post, you have to pay Facebook to reach all the people who've already said they want to follow your page. That's just stupid.

But I've had problems with them and their community standards for the longest time. I got a 30-day or 60-day ban once because someone spammed every post on my Computer Learning Zone page, or maybe it was the Access page, one of them. So I replied to the guy, "Dude, you're garbage; stop doing that." And I got a ban for harassment for calling that guy garbage, for spamming all my posts. Come on, Facebook.

So now, just today, I log on and see that my page has been unpublished. I haven't posted anything on my Excel Learning Zone page since, I think, Black Friday months ago. And the only stuff on there is posts about my Excel videos. What did I possibly do to go against your community standards, Facebook? Someone, help me understand here.

I honestly don't care. The only reason I'm on Facebook at all is that they are the number one social media site, and everyone else is on it. Mostly, I use it to keep in touch with friends and family, as I'm originally from Buffalo, New York, and I don't know a lot of people down here. Apparently, Facebook makes it easier for that.

Please, someone else come up with something better than Facebook and put them out of business because Facebook is run by a bunch of idiots. That's all I have to say about that. I miss Google Plus; I wish they would have stuck around because it was decent and a little more business-oriented.

Okay, rant over. Bye. So, tell me in the comments, what do you think? How do you feel about Facebook?

Update 2023-09-01: So, my Excel page which previously had over 6,000 followers, that Facebook "unpublished" because it apparently went against their Community Standards - with NO explanation why - has deleted my page. It's just GONE. No warning. No answer to my appeals. Nothing. Unbelievable. Do NOT depend on Facebook for your business, folks. It's nothing more than cheap garbage entertainment.

Also, I originally posted this video on my YouTube channel, however I took it down today because I don't want someone from Facebook finding it and complaining to Google and then they give me problems for violating any standards they have for voicing my opinion... which is that Facebook blows chunks. Fortunately here on my own website I can say whatever I want and nobody can do anything about it!

Update 2024-05-10: Facebook flagged one of my post in my own group as spam and deleted it. Details in comments. Facebook sucks.


Comments for I Hate Facebook
Age Subject From
9 monthsFacebook Marks My Own Post SpamRichard Rost
2 yearsFacebook Deletes My Excel GroupRichard Rost
5 monthsMe2 Facebook is unproductiveTyler Dyck
9 monthsFaceBook has become irrelevantTim Cook
9 monthsFaceBookRodney Maedke
9 monthsI Hate them TooSami Shamma
2 yearsFacebookRichard Pitassy
2 yearsFacebookMichelle Koos
2 yearsFacebookEduardo Benaim
2 yearsFacebookTony Roberts
2 yearsFaceBookJuan C Rivera


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