Sales By Weekday By Richard Rost 2 years ago Show Sales by Day of the Week in Microsoft Access In this Microsoft Access tutorial I will show you how to calculate sales totals by day of the week. This will allow you to see your best and worst days of the week. Your best day for sales might be on a Monday for example, and your worst day is Wednesday. This way you might want to run some promotions on Wednesdays. Or bring on extra staff on Mondays. Lisa from Reno, Nevada (a Gold Member) asks: I run a small restaurant and it would be handy to know which days of the week are my busiest in terms of sales. This way I can bring on more staff during those days. It would be nice to enter in two dates and see all of the sales between those dates summed up by day of the week. This way I can punch in say a 3 week from last year and see all of the busy days. Pre-Requisites
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Keywordsaccess 2016, access 2019, access 2021, access 365, microsoft access, ms access, ms access tutorial, #msaccess, #microsoftaccess, #help, #howto, #tutorial, #learn, #lesson, #training, #database, Aggregate sums for each day of the week, Finding the total amount of sales by days of the week
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Keywords: FastTips Access Fast Tips Aggregate sums for each day of the week, Finding the total amount of sales by days of the week PermaLink Sales By Weekday in Microsoft Access |