Case Sensitive By Richard Rost 15 months ago Perform a Case Sensitive Comparison in Access In this Microsoft Access tutorial I'm going to teach you how to perform a case sensitive comparison between two strings using the StrComp function. Amelia from Providence, Rhode Island (a Platinum Member) asks: I need to verify that what the user types into a particular text box is exactly what is requested, including capitalization. How can I do a case sensitive comparison in Access? Prerequisites
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Keywordsaccess 2016, access 2019, access 2021, access 365, microsoft access, ms access, ms access tutorial, #msaccess, #microsoftaccess, #help, #howto, #tutorial, #learn, #lesson, #training, #database, Strcomp, how to do a case sensitive comparison in microsoft access, How to write Case Sensitive Query, How do you make a query case-sensitive, Is Access database case-sensitive, Can you use case in Microsoft Access, Case-Sensitive Criteria, Can Access Be Made Case-Sensitive
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Keywords: TechHelp Access Strcomp, how to do a case sensitive comparison in microsoft access, How to write Case Sensitive Query, How do you make a query case-sensitive, Is Access database case-sensitive, Can you use case in Microsoft Access, Case-Sensitive Criteria PermaLink Case Sensitive Comparison in Microsoft Access |