DAAUG Video 2 By Richard Rost 16 months ago Denver Area Access Users Group Video, August 2023 A little while ago, I had the honor and privilege of giving a second video presentation to the Denver Area Access User Group. In this video, I covered building a data entry filter function, which was the topic of one of my technical videos a little while back. It's always a pleasure presenting for these guys. Check it out and be sure to check out the rest of the videos on their channel. They have lots of great material from tons of different Access experts and MVPs. Bonus Extended CutI did a special extended Extended Cut in this video. In addition to walking through the filter characters function, I also show you how to build a table to remove special characters (often referred to as diacritical marks or diacritics). This would include characters with accents, umlauts, tildes, and other marks that appear above or below letters, and other symbols. We'll learn how to replace those with standard characters. That starts at time index 21:46. Special bonus round! Links
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Keywords: Access daaug 2, Denver Area Access Users Group, character substitution table, non-standard characters, replace letters, foreign characters, foreign symbols, diacritical marks, diacritics, accents, umlauts, tildes PermaLink DAAUG Video on Custom Data Entry Filter Functions in MS Access |