Q: a typical test, performed by auditors, is a sequence check, looking for gaps in a file of (supposedly) sequentially numberd documents. is there a "sequence check" routine or wizzard in MS Access, or available as a purchased add-in, or as shareware?
A: Dan, I don't know any way of doing this, except by using VBA CODE to loop through the records, looking for a break in the sequence. For example, let's say you're trying to make sure all of the records from 1000 to 2000 are there, you could do something simple like this:
For X = 1000 to 2000
ID = Nz(DLOOKUP("MyNumber","MyTable","MyID=" & X))
If ID=0 then MsgBox "Record " & X & " not found"
Next X
Of course you'd have to modify it to your own special purposes, but that will do basically what you want. I cover the DLOOKUP function in this tutorial: