MsgBox Options By Richard Rost 11 months ago Access MsgBox Options. Set No as Default In this Microsoft Access tutorial, I'm going to teach you how to change the default button in a message box so it's not the first one. This way, you can have "No," "Cancel," or any other type of button as your default option. We'll also discuss other properties of a message box, such as the icon, sound, and all that good stuff. Jasper from Euless, Texas (a Platinum Member) asks: I've been using a MsgBox in my program to double-check with users before they delete a lot of data. The problem is, if they hit a key by accident, the message box defaults to "Yes," which could cause important data to be erased. I tried to reword the message to make "Yes" cancel the deletion, but it doesn't sound right. "This will delete data. Would you like to CANCEL this request?" It sounds dumb. Is there a way to simply change it so that the default button is "No?" PrerequisitesLinksRecommended CoursesUp Next
KeywordsTechHelp Access 2016, Access 2019, Access 2021, Access 365, Microsoft Access, MS Access, MS Access Tutorial, #msaccess, #microsoftaccess, #help, #howto, #tutorial, #learn, #lesson, #training, #database, Set No as Default, Customize MsgBox, Change Default Button, VBA MessageBox, MsgBox Icons, MsgBoxConfiguration, Confirmation Dialog, MsgBox Default No, VBA MsgBox Tutorial, VBA Dialog Boxes, Access MsgBox Customization, Customize Confirmation Box, MsgBox Command Syntax
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Keywords: TechHelp Access 2016, Access 2019, Access 2021, Access 365, Microsoft Access, MS Access, MS Access Tutorial, #msaccess, #microsoftaccess, #help, #howto, #tutorial, #learn, #lesson, #training, #database, Set No as Default, Customize MsgBox, Change Default PermaLink MsgBox Options in Microsoft Access |