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VB.NET Beginner 2

Beginner Microsoft VB.NET

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This course picks up where VB.NET B1 left off. We will expand upon many of the topics and techniques we learned about in that class.


Topics Covered

This course picks up where VB101 left off. We will expand upon many of the topics and techniques we learned about in that class. First, we will begin by learning more about the IF / THEN statement, to include ELSEIF and ELSE clauses.

Next, we will learn how to prompt the user to enter in data, by using the InputBox function.

We will also learn how to let the user select an option from a list of available data, by means of the Combo Box control.

We will build a couple of simple math quiz programs to sharpen our math skills. The first will be a simple program to have the computer give us two numbers, and we have to add them up and give the right answer. The second program will help us to sharpen our multiplication skills.

These programs will teach us how to use and declare variables, how to generate random numbers, and how to generate sequential numbers using a FOR / NEXT loop. We will also learn how to properly document our code with comments.

In our next lesson, we'll have some fun by creating an Image Viewer using the Image control. A user will be able to specify a filename, click on a Load button, and watch their image loaded into your VB program.

After that, we will build a simple loan calculator, where you can enter in the amount of a loan (such as a home mortgage), the number of months, and the interest rate, and your program will calculate the monthly payment amount. This lesson will teach us how to use the PMT function. We'll also learn about the line continuation character.

This course is a good course to follow VB.NET Beginner 1 with. We cover many fundamental aspects of the VB language, and we will continue to build on these skills in VB.NET Beginner 3.

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Please feel free to post your questions or comments below. If you are not sure as to whether or not this product will meet your needs, I'd rather help you before you buy it. Remember, all sales are final. Thank you.

What's Next?

VB.NET Beginner Level 3 is currently still in production, but the first couple of lessons are posted and you can watch them right now.

KeywordsVB.NET Beginner 2






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Keywords: vblz, vb,, .net, learning, zone, Programming basics, VB interface, forms, subroutines, MsgBox, command buttons, captions, build a calculator  Page Tag: FORUMADMIN   PermaLink  VB.NET Beginner 2