git Beginner Level 1Introduction to git for BeginnersWelcomeIn this course you will learn how to install git, clone a repository in a GUI or via a terminal. You will then be shown how to stage files ready for committing and pushing to a remote branch. Next how to branch to work on a feature and how to create a Pull Request in GitHub. How to fetch changes from the server, and prune or remove any removed branches, then how to delete a branch locally and on a the remote. ResourcesWatch Now For Free!All of my Beginner Level 1 courses are absolutely FREE. Click on the Watch Now button to begin. Topics CoveredIn Lesson 1 we'll be installing git. In Lesson 2 we will learn how to clone a repo using a GUI. In Lesson 3 we will learn how to clone a repo using the command line and bash. In Lesson 4 we will learn how to perform staging, committing and pushing code changes. In Lesson 5 we will learn how to branch off from the initial trunk to work on features and how to create a Pull Request (PRs). In Lesson 6 we will learn how again how to do branching but via the terminal or command line. In Lesson 7 we will learn how to fetch And prune the remote branches from the server. In Lesson 8 we will learn how to delete a branch to keep your working directory clean. In Lesson 9 we will learn how to rename from master to main. What's Next?git Beginner Level 2 is in design, comment below with ideas. Keywords
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Keywords: Git Beginnner Level 1, source control, version, control, system Page Tag: FORUMADMIN PermaLink git Beginner Level 1 |