Access Expert 19
01. Conditional Formatting (28:13)
Format large orders green
Conditional Formatting Rules Manager
New Formatting Rule
Check values in the current record or use an expression
Field Value Is
Greater than, Less than, etc.
Highlight orders over $500 in green
Add Views to Quick Access Toolbar
Conflicting Rules
Order of Applied Rules
Using Functions like Date() in Conditions
Formatting Date Values
Formatting Text Values Exact
Find Text Inside of Field
Expression Is
InStr Function
Format Customers with "Inc" in name
Apply to Multiple Fields at Once
Format Entire Row
Format if Field Has Focus
Disable Changes if Order Marked Paid
Conditional Format Subform Value
Disable Editing Products on Order if Paid
Compare to Other Records
Data Bars
Lowest, Highest value
Numbers, Percentages
Max 50 Conditions
02. Exporting to Excel (16:37)
Reasons to Export Data
Export Table to Excel
Different Versions of Excel Data
Export data with formatting and layout
Open the destination file after the export
Export selected records
Copy and Paste from Access to Excel
Copy Without Column Headers (Field Names)
Add an Export Checkbox to Table
Export Specific Records Query
Hide the Export Field
Save Export Steps
Create an Outlook Task with Reminder
Saved Exports
Manage Data Tasks
Run Saved Export Routine
03. Exporting to Word (15:05)
Export Mailing Labels
Export RTF File to Word
Mail Merge Access Data to Word Document
Word Merge
Microsoft Word Mail Merge Wizard
Link your data to an existing Microsoft Word document
Create a new document and then link the data to it
Mail Merge Wizard
Edit Recipient List in Word
Insert Address Block
Insert Merge Field
Preview Your Letters
Word Doc Automatically Updates from Table
Copy and Paste Table Data to Word
04. Exporting Text Files (10:14)
Export Text File
Export Windows Text
Notepad Application
Basic Access Text Export is Garbage
Export Without Formatting
Export Text Wizard
Fixed Width vs. Delimited Text
Changing Width of Field
Field Delimiter
Text Qualifier
Date Order
Date Delimiter
Time Delimiter
Four Digit Years
Leading Zeros in Dates
Decimal Symbol
Save Export Specification
Include Field Names in First Row
05. Export Misc (18:23)
Export to XML
Export to Another Access Database
Database must be closed
Access needs exclusive read/write
Queries Export as Queries NOT Tables
Copy Multiple Tables
Export to Sharepoint, Brief Discussion
Export to ODBC, Brief Discussion
Export to SQL Server, Brief Discussion
Export to HTML Document
Formatted v. Unformatted HTML
Coming Up