You know, Russ, one of my YouTube Gold members just asked me a couple days ago if I could show how to reconcile a check book, so I was going to do a simple check register as a TechHelp video, and then for the Extended Cut show how to print checks.
I cover how to do a simple check register in Access Expert 29. I cover how to print checks in Developer 5. But a lot of people want to learn how to do these things and don't necessarily want ALL of the rest of the material in those classes, so I can make a quick, short how-to TechHelp video that covers the basics.
I've been thinking about a full seminar on the subject too. I would include things like tracking multiple accounts, downloading and importing your bank statements, putting expenses in categories, etc. If you can think of any other features you'd like to see, post them here.
As far as WHEN? I don't know. The quick TechHelp videos, very soon. It's a Gold Member so he's on top of the list. The seminar? Not sure. I've got a few other things on my plate first.
Alex just reminded me that I already recorded 3 hours of a Bank Seminar that I never released back in 2019. That covers mostly downloading and importing transactions from your bank. I'm going to review it soon and perhaps publish what I've got so far.
Russ Phillips 4 years ago
I really just want to know that "if statement" for a credit of deposit so i can have the 2 fields then the running balance. I wish you would have included it in Expert 29 class I would think that would have qualified for the expert level.
There's two ways you can do it. In Expert 29 I show you how to use a single AMOUNT field and enter debits as negative numbers. The other way to do it is to use two fields: one for debits and one for credits. A lot of banks and accounting software use the 2nd method, which I think I'm going to do in the TechHelp video just to show a different way to do it. Is that what you're asking about? If so, stay tuned for that.
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