It's that time again. I haven't re-recorded Access Beginner Level 1 since 2013. Not a lot has changed for the user who works with Access on a daily basis and has some experience. However, for the novice user there's just enough of a difference to be confusing (Memo to Long Text, for example). So it's time for an update. Plus the old class was recorded with much lower quality video and audio than I use now. Best of all: everyone gets a free upgrade! Lesson 1 was just posted. Recording these beginner classes takes a LOT of time because they have to be "perfect." It's not like a TechHelp video or even my high-end Developer lessons where I can just sit down and ramble off nonsense for half an hour. One minute of a Beginner lesson takes about 10 minutes of real time. LOL. Enjoy. Share with your friends and colleagues!
Lessons 10 and 11 posted today. Sorry it's taking so long to re-record these. It's slow work, and of course every time I re-record this class (4th time now) stuff gets added to it. I just keep learning better and better ways to teach this material. :)
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