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Vista Ultimate to Win 7 Ultimate Upgrade
George Diemicke 

16 years ago
I just upgraded from Vista Ultimate 64 bit  to Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit using the direct upgrade option. I was tempted to do a clean install even though an in place upgrade was available, but I figured "what the heck" I'd give the direct upgrade a try.

It took about 2 hours and with the exception of a couple of minor glitches everything went smoothly.

Win 7 does indeed boot faster than Vista and had a much more stable and "user friendly" feel. There are a couple of nice touches, like the ability to "pin" favorite programs to the task bar and the ability to control the UAC security feature much, much more easily than in Vista.

I've only had two minor program problems. The first is the the 599CD updater program triggers the UAC every time I boot, but I simply tell it to allow the program to make changes to my system and that's that. I do wish I could tell it to "remember" my choice, but perhaps MS will fix that in the future. The other problem I had was with  iTunes and my iPod Touch. I never had problems syncing in Vista, but since the  upgrade syncing is very flaky. Sometimes it works and sometimes it freezes or doesn't work at all. I have posted bug reports to both MS and Apple. I just hope they manage to solve this little problem or come up with a workaround  soon.

My rec recommendation is simple: Unless you have a compelling reason to upgrade right away or just can't wait: Delay upgrading until the first service pack appears.

Not one who normally joins the chorus, this time, however, I too will advise: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

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