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Juan C Rivera 
4 years ago
Hi Richard as always I find so many things that just leave me in AWWWWWWW!
I especially like the subform where you used to automatically insert required for all in the type field.  Now I know the ABCD is not a teaching video but I like to ask if you can do a tech tip on how to do this.  This is not a real project but self inflicted as I like to some day use this.  I like to see this broken down as you have the gift to show an explain things in a way that so few can.  And a tech help video will be much more efficient for me if I can just review that and not look at all the videos in the ABCD set looking for this one section.  

Ill throw in some Romulan Ale - joke LOL

Live long and prosper
Richard Rost 
4 years ago
Refresh my memory... what exactly do you want me to show in more detail? I do so much in these videos, it's hard to keep track.
Juan C Rivera OP 
4 years ago
Think this may help ABCD-MiscTab gray color Add New entity.  I try to do this on its own on a form with new person added and if the Title is Eng, this populates for required training lets say Autocad, MS Project.  Ang if Title Facilities Manager it will populate with diffrent requuired training.  I got the fields done for when started set to NOW(), and date comp.  Or this maybe New Client to purchase a computer.  Depending on what the computer is for Games, vs just checking email diffrent components will get auto poulated in to the sub form for building the end product.  just thinking about this has me thinking of the manyways it can be used.  When I saw this I was thinking of a movie line "Where does he get all his wonderful toys"
As always thank you for every tech help, every developer class, I take something away that has helped me step my game up.

Oh snaps! I look up in the internet Romulan Ale. Can you belive a company really makes it?

Richard Rost 
4 years ago
OK, so you basically want a lesson in automatically adding one or more items to a subform. How about this: Append Query

Wonderful Toys: great Batman reference. Jack is still the best Joker.

Romulan Ale: yep. Wonder if they're officially licensed. :)

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