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Anthony Challoner 
4 years ago
Hi Richard
Sorry to bother you again. I do not understand why there is a difference between the code vault in the tutorial and the actual code vault.
I copied the code vault content from the tutorial, but get "Argument not optional" URLDownLoadToFile when I compile the module. (My field name is [MemberID])
I have sent the code sample to :
Kindest Regards Tony Challoner (Gold)
Scott Axton 
4 years ago
Please don't email your code unless specifically requested to email it.  Not only does Richard NOT have time, there is a security issue with virus control.  Unexpected files usually just go to Spam or get deleted.

You can post a brief snip of your code or a screenshot in the TechHelp Members Only forum.

Just because there is some code in the code vault, doesn't mean that it will not take some customization on your part to fit your db.  We also need to know what code you are trying to use.
Richard Rost 
4 years ago
It's OK if you post code here in the Code Vault. Anyone who has access to the Vault can see the whole page and the posts, which is fine.

I did receive your code, but like Scott says, you're going to need to customize it CORRECTLY for your needs. I can't troubleshoot everyone's code for them. There just aren't enough hours in the day. However, I do see that you copied the code incorrectly and you've got some errors. Very important that you copy it EXACTLY.

You have:

URLDownloadToFile 0, & [MemberID] & "&chs=200x200&cht=qr", "MyPath, 0 0"

See the problem? Compare it to my code above. If you don't understand string Concatenation and use it properly, the code won't work.
Scott Axton 
4 years ago
Oops...  Sorry  Anthony.  I thought you were in the main forum.  My apologies.

This thread is now CLOSED. If you wish to comment, start a NEW discussion in URL Download to File (Free).


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