i found it is still difficult for me to understand the part5 after have a brief leaning about all developer lessons, it contains lots of knowlege points that developer lesson don't cover, right? what should i do next.
Adam Schwanz 3 years ago
You watched ALL the developer lessons? You should be able to find something in there to teach you how things are done. What are you having trouble understanding? You can try to search for it in the INDEX just Ctrl+F and type in what you need help with, like recordset or query or whatever
Alexis CaoOP 3 years ago
like the part5, the first part video, it doesn't contain the datase, and the second part lessons database modified lots of code, very hard to understand. so how could i get the database of Part5, first part. and also found that it is difficult to follow up, not like the lesson video.
ABCD part5, the lesson one, Dear Alex. maybe i can't update that lesson database, didn't Mr.Richard update the database, right? the second lessons changed lots of vba code, so i can't read and understand well. especially the image select vba, Dear Alex
Alexis CaoOP 3 years ago
the lessons made me confusion, i also can't find what lessons of the developer lesson contain knowlege points, in total, can't catch up like developer lessons.
if i purchase the access imaging seminar, it can contain lots of knowlege point? Dear alex. why it doesn't inludes in the developer lessons, my friend, i just want to ask only, not other reasons
Adam Schwanz 3 years ago
Alexis, it looks like you were posting questions on Expert classes Jan 26th, Beginner classes on Jan 18th. I can't help but feel like you've missed a ton of content if you've really watched everything from Beginner through all the developer lessons in under a month. I don't want to stop your roll here but you may gain a lot and get a better understanding of access from going back and re watching the videos more slowly.
Also note that ABCD is not a teaching class, although I've never seen a video where Rick hasn't covered a similar topic somewhere along the way. Maybe not as in depth as you want but that is where things like the seminar come in, if you need extra information on one of the topics the seminars are very in depth.
Alexis CaoOP 3 years ago
thank you adam. i am just condensering to purchase the image seminer like you said, maybe that contains more knowlege points about ABCD 5 part the first lesson.
why i lesson from begginer to developer, i don't know, haha. maybe the simple thing is that i only need is what i want to need in my head and make it by myself, if i think from that, i found i need all lessons, that is the clever point from Richard, and yeah, it's really professinal
i will slow my lessons like most of you suggested includes dear richard, but that is my learning way styple, my friend, i am not worried about it, i know myself. i think the most important things is understand what Mr. Richard teached in the video, and then watch the videos again and again to do it by myself, if i can't understand, i will think to go back to other video to learn, and finally to create my own database.
Alexis CaoOP 3 years ago
i found that the first lessons of part5 vba code which copied the seminers of Genealogy, is it necceray to purchase if i want to understand well, in really, that is true, that is not what i want,haha. i never want to show how fast i learn, i just want to learn what i need. i also think that it will take at leat one year if i want to use it well
Alexis CaoOP 3 years ago
and new the ABCD seminers except 5 part, i can unstand from all lessons and know what knowlege point from lessons, but only understand, i know that. but the part5 from the first part, i found it's difficult to understand, i watch second or third time, still can't catch up, so that is what i posted this question to ask for help.
Adam Schwanz 3 years ago
I think you have the wrong mindset trying to learn just what you need. It's one thing if you are just making something small for personal use but you're going to want to know as much as you can if you're putting it into a business environment. What would happen if something broke and you didn't know how to fix it? Your only option would be to come here and hope we could help and even if we could you would have business downtime which is never good.
A word of advice from personal experience, when I started I too went through the classes WAY to fast. I was watching 2-3 full classes a day because I needed to get something built for our company while our current DOS database was starting to fail. I jumped around and tried to just get only what I needed, grabbed the inventory developer class and thought I was off to the races. Then I realized I couldn't just copy the code from the videos, if I wanted to customize this to how we need it to work, I would have to understand the videos.
Adam Schwanz 3 years ago
So I went back and rewatched the entire expert series AGAIN and then went through the developer classes 1 by 1 in order instead of jumping around. You're really missing out if your just trying to get what you need, you'll end up in a position like I was where you have a template of code but no idea how to change it.
Adam Schwanz 3 years ago
OK as long as your getting it learn at whatever rate is comfortable for you :). I just wanted to share my experience so you don't fall into trouble.
Alexis CaoOP 3 years ago
thank you, dear Adam to wasting your time. I think learning access is my hobby, i use it by myself, not in the business for workers, just myself. I'msorry if I take your time a lot
Alexis CaoOP 3 years ago
just now i have one questions, why the part5 the first lesson didn't have the lesson database, is it important, right? did you forget to update it, right? without the database, it's difficult for me to understand, please update it, Dear Teacher Richard
Anything in L1 will be included in subsequent lesson dbs.
Alexis CaoOP 3 years ago
Dear Alex, in the subsequent lesson dbs? i know it in the lessons files, but for the ABCD, do you find the first files name is named "ABCD5-After-L2", it was wrote " after". i don't know whether i get your meaning, but i still can't find it
by the way, for your suggestion of Access Imaging Seminar, i have purchased it yesterday, it's helpful, really, but still not finished it yet, but thank you alex
Scott Axton 3 years ago
Richard does not always include a file for each lesson. What Alex meant is anything that was covered in Lesson 1 would also be in the after lesson 2 file. Sometimes there isn't significant changes to need a file for each lesson.
Alexis CaoOP 3 years ago
Dear Scott, really, i don't know whether you view the first lesson of part 5, the sencond vba is a big diffirence with the first lesson. really, it changed lots of vba. is Dear Richard on holidays? several days the website doesn't updates. i think the part5 first lesson is the hardest access video for me, includes the beginner, expertor, advance, develop, all lessons i have, the part2 is not difficult like the 1st
It's highly unlikely Richard will have a v1 db, the ones uploaded are the ones he keeps as he's working along.
Usually I'd say take the db from P4 and add in the changes manually but the I can't remember what's in the video and whether it'll show all the changes.
The point I tried to make VERY clear about the ABCD is that it's not a teaching database. The videos are provided to show you what I did... but not to explain everything. I haven't put anything into the ABCD that I didn't cover in detail somewhere else. It may have been a Developer lesson, a TechHelp video, or a Seminar, but it's covered somewhere.
As far as the database files go, it may have been that I just forgot to save the database after lesson 1. Oops. Use the lesson 2 database. Again... the step-by-step database files are saved as a courtesy. The final product is really all that matters here.
James Gray 3 years ago
I am going to use ABCD in a HIPPA environment where Documents will likely include Patient data. In lesson 5 you decided that we would leave a copy of this document in the shared folder. It would be mandatory, in my case, to move that document into the secure database environment so either leave the Kill code active or give us the option.
James Gray 3 years ago
I meant to add Thank you to that last post....
James Gray 3 years ago
Just a note to address document security issues when you get to that section of the core. Again, in my case, only certain people will have rights to see certain documents. I assume that can be handled in the IsAdmin portion of database security but just wanted you to add that to your list of features. Thank you.
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