Hello, I'm trying to submit a request for MyOLP funds to pay for Expert and Developer annual memberships. They want to pay for both annual memberships at one time. How do I go about getting two memberships or is it consolidated into one membership? I'm currently taking beginner level training. Also, I don't see advanced annual membership in MyOLP, is there an advanced MyOLP I can join?
Scott Axton 3 years ago
Sonia -
You don't need both the Expert and the Developer. The Developer covers all Beginner, Expert, and Advanced as well as the Developer. You may have misread it.
If you click above on the Back to My Online learning Partner and scroll down to "What does it cost?" it says: "Membership levels include everything below them too".
BTW - Smart move!! Best value for the $$ besides the TechHelp Membership - Sorry the MyOLP doesn't include that.
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