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Assign next check number
Carolyn Jaret 
2 years ago
I am extremely frustrated.  I have been working diligently on the check register form and I'm finding that initially it works, and then messes up.  In fact, I imported a copy of Richard's sample database, and i was making adjustments to the form and all of a sudden, i couldn't assign the next check number.  The message I got was:

Private Function AssignNextCheckNumAsLong ()
Dim LargestChkNum as Long


LargestChkNum =Nz (DMax("ChkNum", "CheckRegT", "AccountID=" & AccountCombo


SYNTAX ERROR (Missing Operator) in query expression "AccountID="

It works when I first start working on the database, but suddenly I get this crazy message, when I have done nothing to cause it to happen!!!!

Kevin Robertson 
2 years ago
This message occurs when your combo box doesn't have a value.
Is there an AccountID selected in your Combo Box?
Carolyn Jaret OP 
2 years ago
there is a value in the combo box when i open the check register, but as soon as I go to add a new record, the value in the combo box disappears
Alex Hedley 
2 years ago
Is the Default Value set?
Carolyn Jaret OP 
2 years ago
I think I resolved the problem. I had created a macro on an OPEN event in the CheckRegF form, that would automatically close the CheckRegMenuF Form -- that caused the form to not allow me to have the account ID automatically insert in the new record!
Carolyn Jaret OP 
2 years ago
I have another question to ask.  When you change the sort order by date, the form goes to showing activity on ALL ACCOUNTS and it screws up the running balance column while you are there
Adam Schwanz 
2 years ago
Check out the bug fix page.
Carolyn Jaret OP 
2 years ago
I wasn't having a problem with the running balance in each individual account.  What happens is that when you change the DATE SORT ORDER, all of a sudden, all the activity in all the accounts show up and the running balance is not accurate.  But the worst part is that that changing the sort order makes you lose the individual account you were looking at
Kevin Robertson 
2 years ago
There is a post on the page Adam directed you to where he gave an answer to this issue. Here's a direct link to that post:

Sort AZ, Sort ZA
Kevin Yip 
2 years ago
I don't know why Richard needs to fix "bugs" in these templates.  These templates are like "homework" in a class, aren't they?  Students are supposed to just use them as teaching material and learn Access knowledge from them.  When they gain enough knowledge, they can develop THEIR OWN Access databases (and fix their own bugs in the process).  If students learn the right knowledge, then these templates are doing their job.  "Fixing bugs" implies that these templates are actual commercial products that people can use in their businesses or jobs, which is simply absurd.  Richard runs a SCHOOL.  He doesn't do your job for you.
Scott Axton 
2 years ago
Whoa Kevin Y.  Slow down a bit. That's pretty harsh.
When an error in the original Video is pointed out, numerous times, sometimes an addendum is posted.  Bug fix may be a bit of a misnomer but it is valid in the teaching aspect none the less.
No one ever said these were finished products. Though the "Templates" do imply that the work has been done and it is pretty much ready to plug into, and use, in your own database.

Not everyone has the decades of experience (myself included) that you do in development.  This topic would have been better addressed by teach the OP how to trouble shoot the issue they are having.  That is what these forums are all about.  Helping each other grow.
Kevin Yip 
2 years ago
Hi Scott, Richard has said equally harsh things (if not harsher) to this particular poster here: .  This is the third thread made by this poster in which she was quite upset about how Richard's template did not work.  It seems she just doesn't understand the true purpose of these templates.  They are teaching material, sample databases, like the Northwind DB that comes with Access.  They don't have to work per se.  And I'm not sure I agree with you that they can be used in our own databases -- just like Northwind isn't supposed to be used in our real-life jobs.  They are just samples for students to get some hands-on during their education process.

I think many students here are also professionals who work in businesses that need to do mission-critical tasks with Access.  It needs to be said that Richard's templates do *not* do that for you.  Richard sells *education*, not critical tools for your businesses.
Richard Rost 
2 years ago
OK boys, settle down. You both make valid points. YES, I'm here to provide education, not necessarily finished products. However, I've always maintained that if there is a bug in my ORIGINAL database, I will fix it and show HOW to fix it. And yes, no one should be relying on my databases for anything mission critical without thoroughly testing them first.

Now everyone smile, relax, and take a deep breath. We're not here to argue. :)
Richard Rost 
2 years ago
The important question here is... does this error occur in an UNMODIFIED version of my ORIGINAL database? If you've made changes to it at all, I can't say what may have happened. If you can recreate the problem in the original download, then let me know. Walk me thru the steps to recreate the issue on my end, and I'll fix it as soon as I can.
Kevin Robertson 
2 years ago
The Sort button for the Date field on CheckRegF shows all records for all accounts because there is no criteria in the RequeryForm procedure to limit the data to the currently selected account.
Richard Rost 
2 years ago
So it is a bug in the original database?
Adam Schwanz 
2 years ago
Did you ever fix this?
Kevin Robertson 
2 years ago
I would get the value from the Combo Box not the AccountList. That way the user can change the account straight on the CheckRegF and show the transactions for that account.

Me.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM CheckRegQ where AccountID=" & AccountCombo & W & O
Richard Rost 
2 years ago
I'll try to fix it this weekend. Thanks guys.

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