I am convinced that the act of thinking logically cannot possibly be natural to the human mind. If it were, then... our species would not have taken several millennia to figure out the scientific method.
I don't appreciate the attitude that I am trying to just copy Richard's database. Just so you are aware, I have tried numerous times to create this check register database on my own and have run into quite a few issues that no matter how hard I try to resolve, dont seem to work properly. I tried this numerous times before I even copied Richard's database, and finally thought that by looking at the finished product, I could see what my issues were.
Hi Carolyn. There's no problems with you copying my database. That's what they're for. And if you find a bug in my original database, please let me know about it. Give me the steps that you took to get to the issue so that I can recreate the problem on my end. If it's truly a bug, I'll fix it as soon as I can.
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