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SMS Twilio No Longer Works
Eduardo Benaim 
2 years ago
From Twilio "SMS/Messages is a deprecated resource that we no longer maintain or updated and may be removed in future versions of the Twilio API."

I do not know how to convert the new code to MS Access.
Can you Please Provide the Code in :  Messages-resource-URI-
Eduardo Benaim OP 
2 years ago
According to Twilio, The new SMS-Messages-resource-URI-to-Messages-resource-URI- can also be used to send WhatsApp messages.
It would be great to have a Function that can send regular Text messages or WhatsApp.
WhatsApp is more secure and it is the preferred choice for international use.

Function SendSMS(fromNumber As String, toNumber As String, Body As String, msgType as string)
'where Msgtype = Text or WhatsApp
Alex Hedley 
2 years ago
Don't you need a Business account in WA to use their API?
Eduardo Benaim OP 
2 years ago
Alex I have bee using the code provided by Richard: EXTENDED CUT
This is Twilio.  I need a working version of this code.  I am willing to pay a consulting fee.
Eduardo Benaim OP 
2 years ago
The first thing is to get the regular text messaging working.
For WatsApp there are several people offering solutions
Private Sub SendWhatsAppBtn_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_goto_Click
    Dim IE As Object
    Dim num As String
    num = Me.CellNumber.Value
    Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    IE.Navigate "whatsapp://send?phone= " & num & "" & "&text=" & txtmsg
    Pause 1
    Call SendKeys("{ENTER}", True)
    Set IE = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Check the Mobile Number Maybe not correct!"
    Resume Exit_goto_Click
End Sub
Alex Hedley 
2 years ago
That's a URL scheme: whatsapp so assumes you have WA installed on your machine.
Eduardo Benaim OP 
2 years ago
Alex. The important thing now is to get the SMS code in VBA working to send text messages without knowing the carrier.
I am using Richards Code. It stopped working because Twillio discontinued the . I need someone to Fix it. I need it fast because I use it daily.

I willing to contract someone to make a Function such as:
SendSMS(fromNumber As String, toNumber As String, Body As String)

Please refer to:

to see if you can find a solution.

Richard Rost 
2 years ago
I personally don't send SMS messages from my database so I would have to research this. If Twilio is no longer supporting it then we'll have to find another platform that does support it. I personally don't use WhatsApp so I don't know what they support or not. I know Google has SMS support in their voice app but I don't know if they have an API for it or not. It's not something I've researched.
Richard Rost 
2 years ago
As far as I can see from their website twilio is still supporting SMS. As with any service there's always the possibility that it's changed or updated in the future and I've got no control over that. That's why the important takeaway with my videos and my lessons is that I'm showing you how to do something so that you can adjust it and deal with any changes that they might make that's always the problem with an API or another service if they could change things.
Eduardo Benaim OP 
2 years ago
Richard thank you for your insight. I do appreciate it
I was able to contract a Consultant that helped me writing code for the Twilio the API.
I can't Share the code but I can recommend the Person if anyone else needs it.
My cost to solve this problem was $120.00 which I paid Gladly.  
I do send a lot of SMS's directly from my Database
I am back in business.
Richard Rost 
2 years ago
Awesome. Glad you found a solution.

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