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Access Updater MSysDb Issue
Albert Cepeda 
2 years ago
I've been using Access Updater for several months now and it is working well for our needs of about 12 users.  However, every once in a while a user will have an issue where they go to open the FE and they get the following error: The Microsoft Access database engine could not find the object 'MSysDb'... So what is the MSysDb and where is it supposed to be?  I've been an admin for many years now I have never come across that error, and it only started after using Access Updater.  Can you provide any insight as to why this is happening and how it can be avoided?  I have a screenshot of the error if needed.
Albert Cepeda OP 
2 years ago

Scott Axton 
2 years ago
Google indicates that your db may be corrupted.  Run through the Troubleshooter
Albert Cepeda OP 
2 years ago
Thank you. But this is a recurring problem, within weeks of each other and with different users.  The db can't get corrupted that often.  My question is, if Access Updater is interrupted while it is downloading the latest update to the user, can that cause a problem?  My FE is almost 700MB and I notice the "Copying FE File" process can take up to 1 minute depending on the speed of the computer.  So when that happens, I think an impatient user assumes something is wrong and attempts to close the AU form or the Access window, and that stops the AU process.  Any thoughts on that and what is a good solution?
Albert Cepeda OP 
2 years ago

Alex Hedley 
2 years ago
Why is it 700MB
Do you have attachments or lots of pictures in it?
Scott Axton 
2 years ago
You could have some other process or action that is causing the corruption.  Things like people not waiting for a report to finish, power glitches that cause an interruption in the db, memory issues, a number of things.
I once had a particular machine that kept throwing errors.  Turned out to be a network cable had been chewed by mice.

So what I'm saying is it might not be the Updater that is having issues.  It could be in your db in general (program) or something physical, like a cable, that is causing the issues.
Albert Cepeda OP 
2 years ago
Thanks for the reply.  I agree that the Updater is solid and this is more likely caused by user error (impatience).  I already told my users to wait and let Updater do it's thing.  My issue is that my only work around is to go to their workstation and manually download a fresh copy of the FE.  So far not a big deal, but if this keeps happening it could be time consuming.  I wish the Updater could download the FE using a temp name, then once the copy command is finished, then remain the FE with the correct db name.  This way if something happens during the copy command due to interruption, the original FE remains unharmed.  Then they user can always try it again.  Do you have any other ideas for a work around?
Albert Cepeda OP 
2 years ago
As for the size of the db, I'm not sure why it's 700MB. I just always assumed it had to be that big. This db was started in 2005 when it was an Access 2000 .mdb file and it was a relatively small file size. Then when I upgraded it to Access 2002-2003 .mdb I noticed the file size jumped 10X.  I never questioned it.  Do you think that is normal?  Then some years later, I upgraded it to .accdb and the file size has remained about the same every since.

As for the question about pictures, I only have about 4 or 5 embedded pictures that I use in reports as templates.  But they are low-res jpegs and I doubt if that would drive the overall file size of the db.  What do you think?
Kevin Robertson 
2 years ago
Have you compacted your database recently?

Compact & Repair

This should reduce the size of your database file. Sometimes by quite a lot.
Alex Hedley 
2 years ago
Any attachments or embedded images?
Albert Cepeda OP 
2 years ago
Hi Alex.  I only have about 4 or 5 embedded pictures that I use in reports as templates.  But they are low-res jpegs and I doubt if that would drive the overall file size of the db.  Other than that, no other attachments.  My db has about 60 linked tables, 50 queries, 70 forms, 50 reports, 15 macros, and a ton of VBA code.  I can probably purge some older objects, what has the biggest impact on file size?
Albert Cepeda OP 
2 years ago
Hi Kevin.  Thank you for the suggestion.  However, I do a compact and repair almost every time that I push a new update using the Updater.  So at this point it really doesn't impact the file size much (maybe 10% reduction).
Richard Rost 
2 years ago
Yeah 700 MB is HUGE for a front-end file (even a table backend file). Gotta be something big in there.
Albert Cepeda OP 
2 years ago
Hi Richard.  Thanks for chiming in.  OK, I'll have to take a look at what could be causing that.  But I'm pretty sure the file grew when I upgraded from Access 2000 to 2002-2003 a while back.

By the way, any thoughts on the original question?  What's causing "The Microsoft Access database engine could not find the object 'MSysDb'..."?  Could this be happening if Updater is interrupted while it's downloading the latest update?
Richard Rost 
2 years ago
It's possible, but unlikely. The Updater copies the entire file at the operating system level. If the file gets corrupted, you'd likely not be able to open it at all. Usually that error indicates the database is corrupted internally. I would do what Scott suggested originally which is to run down the Troubleshooter. Specifically, I'd try a new database file: "Sometimes ACCDB files get weirdly corrupted. Even after a C&R it might not be acting right. Create a blank new ACCDB file and import the misbehaving object(s) into it. If they work, the problem is a bad file. Proceed to import the rest of your objects until you find the culprit." If that doesn't work, you may need a higher-level Access repair utility.
Albert Cepeda OP 
2 years ago
Hi Richard.  OK I will run through the troubleshooting and see what helps.

With regard to the file size, you guys were right!  I didn't realize the effect an embedded jpeg in a report can have on the db file size.  For example, by deleting just one report that had a 340KB embedded jpeg, the db file size decreased by 40MB.  That's significate!  Granted there were many old reports that I could have purged a long time ago and that's just bad housekeeping on my part.  So I will go through and purge as many of those as I can.    

So if anything, the original problem has led me to improve the db in a different way.  I'm glad I reach out to you guys.  Thanks for your help Scott, Alex, Kevin, and Richard.
Richard Rost 
2 years ago
You're very welcome. Newer versions of Access handle embedded images a lot better. You may want to screen shot all of the old ones, save them as a new compressed JPG, compact the database first, and then re-add the image to your report.
Richard Rost 
2 years ago
Or when in doubt, handle them as external images. Images
Albert Cepeda OP 
2 years ago
Hi Richard. I saw your video on images.  Do you have one specifically for using an image in a report as a form template, where then I position the fields and text where I need them on the form?  My main question is, would it be best to insert an Image control into the report and use Picture Type as Linked?  That way the image is not embedded and keeps the db file size down.  Is this a good approach?
Richard Rost 
2 years ago
If you're going to use an image as the background for a report that's not a big deal. The problem with using images in databases is storing them in the tables. If you use a few here and there for forms or reports it's not going to cause your database to become giant. Print Documents
Richard Rost 
2 years ago

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