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Copypath source to destinatn
Mark Niefer 

17 months ago

Please consider this question for your Tech-Help-Video Series. I believe it will be a unique addition to your fine video series.

Q: Is it possible to write some VBA code that will copy a file from a source-path to a destination-path?

The source-path: a string, stored in a table-field, and is unique for each record.

The destination-path: a concatenation derived from several fields, located on the Switchboard Form, plus an hourly-timestamp.

The switchboard data: changes with each session, and thus, the destination-path, is changed with each session.

Note A:  Only the path-portion changes (source vs. destination), but the filename-portion, always remains constant. (Aka: I want the original-filename to be retained).

Note B: The Now-timestamp is rounded to the nearest hour, so that all the files I select get copied to the same folder, as per the same hour of day. Therefore, the minutes are substituted by the constant characters of, 00. (To the nearest Hour)

Example is described below:

Button1 Click()
A.) Copy a file whos sourcepath is stored in the table, from a field named [sourcepath].  (as per the current record).
B.) Concatenate [RootFolder] & [UserName] & Now()
C.) Create a new destination-path on the hard drive.
D.) Paste the source-file to the new destination-path.

Source-Path (Stored):
Forms!DataEntryF![SourcePath]  i.e. "D:\documents\machinerymanual.pdf"

Destination Path (volatile per session and computer-clock):
-Derived from a concatenation of 3 fields, from the SwitchboardF form.
-The data on the SwitchboardF is changed with each session, (but [RootFolder] typically remains, constant).

Forms!SwitchboardF![RootFolder]  i.e. "D:\Library"
Forms!SwitchboardF![UserName]  i.e. Ronald
Forms!SwitchboardF![NowstampHH]  i.e. 07152023t1300
Forms!SwitchboardF![DestinationPath]= ([RootFolder] & [NowstampHH] & [UserName])  i.e. D:\Library\07152023t1300_Ronald"

The Execution:
Button 1 Click()
For the current record
Create [DestinationPath]
Xcopy: [SourcePath], [DestinationPath]

Execution Example:
For the current record
Create D:\Library\07152023t1300_Ronald\
Xcopy: D:\documents\machinerymanual.pdf, D:\Library\07152023t1300_Ronald\machinerymanual.pdf
Juan C Rivera 
17 months ago
Access Developer 31 - File Picker (PickFile)
Will show you what you are looking for.  If this is not let me know I can point you to other videos that have this.

Richard Rost 
17 months ago
Yeah, I've got lots of different lessons in the Developer series that cover File I/O like this. I'd start with Access Developer 30.

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