Most places in the universe will kill life instantly - instantly! People say "oh, the forces of nature are just right for life." Excuse me. Just look at the volume of the universe where you can't live. You will die instantly.
Hi, did you complete the bank transaction seminar? I've watched your PayPal importing video which was interesting, unfortunatley my bank doesn't download everything in as organised fashion. I was hoping to see how you might approach deconstructing strings with different content formats.
Not yet but I'm planning on working on that after I finish the current account balances database that I'm working on. If your bank doesn't have a standard data file format feel free to post a sample of the data here so I can see what the format is and of course remove any personal information. Screenshots work best.
Craig JohnstonOP 2 years ago
Craig JohnstonOP 2 years ago
Ok, here you go, its from a french bank, hope it's ok. I've removed a lot of duplicates. I expect I'm going to have to analyse all the possibile formats. I'm really looking for advice on the best approach. I've tried once before just using IIF and string statements to try to btreak down Field2 but wondering if I should just try to write something in VBA to unstring each record sequentially...
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