I have been following the ABCD seminar because it covers almost everything that I want to create in my project. Meat and potatoes...I concantenate people names with prefix and suffix into a PersonT from HelperT and HelperTypeT to PrefixID and SuffixID. I want to concantenate both pre- and suf- fixes into a complete display name, instead of the ID number. I think I saw it in one of the other lessons somewhere, but can't remember where. How do I do this.
Null Math may also come in handy if you are missing a prefix or suffix.
Stewart MahiaiOP 14 months ago
To be specific, I create a Person in the PersonT via PersonF... PrefixID, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, SuffixID, PersonTypeID.
I then pull that Person (PersonID) into the EmployeeT as a concantenated name in a Combo box.
My expression is LFM: [PrifixID] & " " & [LastName] & " " & [SuffixID] & ", " & [FirstName] & " " [MiddleName];
Results in "1 Mahiai 5, Stewart K"
Would like it to read "Mr. Mahiai Jr., Stewart K"
Kevin Robertson 14 months ago
Build a query with all the required Tables then you can use the Actual name instead of the ID to get the result you want.
If using a Combo Box to display the data, base the Combo Box off the Query.
If using a Text Box you can use DLookup to get the value from the Query.
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