I am an ERP Consultant (Microsoft Dynamics), there is a table Chart Of Account and that each particular account is linked to a Customer Account / Supplier Account.
I have Chart Of Account Customers Domestic that is linked to All the Customers who are my Domestic and in the same way to Suppliers While Posting an Invoice when I select any Domestic Customer program automatically updates Customer Ledger Entry and also in Ledger Entry (for Chart of Account)
I am unable to find that Video, can you please help me how to do that
Raghu B Regards Hyderabad, India
Scott Axton 2 years ago
Check out this video Accounts Receivable Also the Double-Entry It is an add on to the Invoicing Video you referenced in your other post.
It may be of more help to you.
I don't currently have any videos that deal with the creation of a general ledger or a chart of accounts. My focus has mainly been on basic aspects such as invoicing, inventory management, accounts receivable, and accounts payable. However, in the future, I do intend to tie all these elements together and delve into the creation of a general ledger. Despite having spent over 20 years in this field, I've found that few people request such detailed accounting instruction.
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