I have the checkbook register running, I just can't get the running balance to just do a running balance on those records that show on the screen. I converted almost 9,000 records to Access and each AccountID only as a portion of those records.
Hi John. Going to need more information than that in order to be able to help you. Does the issue occur in the stock database exactly as you downloaded it from my website, or did you make changes to it? Can we see some sample records, exactly what's happening, and the code involved? I can't read minds, and I can't see your screen from here, so you have to give me a lot more information. Please be more specific. See Rule #2.
John SchulteOP 2 years ago
Sorry, I should know better!
Your downloaded file works perfectly, but I built one up to the running balance portion from an extended cut video and it works fine if I have the running balance on all records from the Table in a Query. The problem occurs if I select certain a AccountID from Design View in the Query and run the Query.
I have both past and current records from a commercial software package that I'd like to retain.
So it sounds like you need to incorporate the Account ID into the query, and the calculation that handles the running balance. Can you post some screenshots of what you have there?
John SchulteOP 2 years ago
That's probably it as this works if I don't have selected text from the Query. In my CheckRegQ I have RunningBalance: DSum("Credit","TransactionT","ID<=" & [ID])-DSum("Debit","TransactionT","ID<=" & [ID]) I would use yours but as you say, we learn by doing.
TransactionT is my export of data with a row for every debit and every credit for like the last 5 years after I converted from ome software package to another. My CheckRegQ does have AccountT's AccountID as a foreign key.
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