I'm in the midst of testing out my Forms for bugs and what not, I've noticed that when I delete a Record My Auto-Number Field doesn't account for this and keeps on going from the last record.
In other words, I delete IDEntry 5 and in my form it shows:
It does not automatically re-number the IDEntry Field to show the proper count structure:
Is there a way to automatically redo the count of the Auto-Number Field so that it will not be missing any entries? The way I do this now - as I'm still in developing mode, is to go to the associated Table and Delete The IDEntry Field, Save it and then add it back in again and re-save it.
This is the only way I know how to get the count back to a consistent "in-line" - you might say, to get the proper order again.
I can't let this go out to my user's like that because I know someone is going to see that miscount and start saying something. Headaches all around, any suggestions?
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