I'm curious to know why my settings never stay the same in one of my queries that I've created. This query is off of a SubForm, is this the reason why my Font and Size settings don't remain the same?
Because, in my other queries that are Form based they do hold their settings. Every single time I go into those queries they still have the same settings as I had left them before.
I thought that maybe my queries had gotten corrupted somehow, but after several attempts on re-creating them from the SubForm they still remain the same.
Kevin Robertson 2 years ago
I don't get what you are saying. Queries are based on Tables or other Queries, not Forms or Subforms.
Please post some screenshots of your issue.
Giovanni MirandaOP 2 years ago
I'm not getting any errors, what I'm saying is when the query runs you are looking at a datasheet, right? Well, at the top of the form you can change the font and size of the font. On queries that are based off of the fields on my main form the settings stay where they are. But, when I use the table that is used in a SubForm, they don't keep their settings. See attached images...
Giovanni MirandaOP 2 years ago
Giovanni MirandaOP 2 years ago
Kevin Yip 2 years ago
Font and format settings are stored in forms, but not tables or queries, so this is by design. Datasheets are actually forms, and that's why they store format settings -- they are stored in VBA properties like Form.DatasheetFontName. There are no such settings for tables and queries, which store data values only.
Giovanni MirandaOP 2 years ago
Hi Kevin,
Thanks for the response, I did find out what would change the settings. It may seem a little weird but when opening the query from the navigation window and changing the settings of the Font and Font size allows you to change the settings once opened from the button created on the Form. Once opened you can then change the Font and Font size, save it, and re-open the query from the Form Button and it saves the settings. QUIRKY!!!!!!!!
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