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New Directory Booklet Template
Rebecca Mahoney 
2 years ago
Hi Richard,

I purchased the Booklet Template back on October 25 because I wanted to do our church directory.  I had done it in my Directory database before I bought the Template.  Fast forward, I downloaded the file and I received the security code that you discussed in the Video about trusted sites.  When I clicked on the Print Directory command button a warning came up saying "You are about to run an append Query that will modify data in your table.  I closed the file.

Was the file I purchased supposed to have had all of that wonderful data included in my copy.  It is very comprehensive, however, I do not need it for my project.  Did I do something wrong?  If so, how in the world do I find the "blank Directory  Database"?  

I am taking the Access classes.  Maybe I am not ready for this template and should continue, as I am doing, with the courses.  This would be great, but I am under the gun to print my Church Directory by November 12 and it isn't working right at all.  

My forms and the report I did on my file look good but they will not sort to alphabetical order.  The new members to our church are at the end of the list.  In the table they sorted just fine.  What am I doing wrong on both my original file and the booklet directory template.

I am not able to use the template to bind my Directory Data Sheet files.

Thank you for your help.  I have been using Access for a little while and am hoping to increase my usage.  It is a SUPER tool and application for doing lots of things in my Parish Administrator position at church.

Rebecca Mahoney
Scott Axton 
2 years ago
Wow - A whole lot to unpack here but we'll give it the college try.

First of all, did you try and integrate this into your database or have you entered your information into this one?
The templates aren't really a ready to use, out of the box finished solution.  They are meant to be a finished solution to a specific issue.
In this case the printing of a directory.  Not an overall finished db for your church.

This database is OK to place in your secure, Trusted folder location. Did you figure out how to do that?
If no, go watch the Trusted Location video.

I can't really have you post screenshots because you more than likely have the personal information of your congregation in there already.

Just by looking at the courses you have right now I would say you aren't ready for the template - per se.  Richard didn't include a blank starting db.  (Note to Richard:  Maybe consider adding that to the Paid Template or at least instructions how to set it up? A ReadMe.txt so to speak.)

I totally understand "being under the gun".  You are still at the baby steps of what Access can do for you so yes, by all means, keep learning!  It will definitely take some time though. It doesn't come over night.
That being said -  We can work together to get this where you can print it out - hopefully by your deadline.
Richard Rost 
2 years ago
Hi Rebecca. I don't know what to tell you. It's been a while since I created that database, so I just downloaded a fresh copy off the website myself. I deleted all of the sample records and added 100 random names and addresses myself (be sure to mark them all IsActive=YES since that's what determines who gets printed). Then I generated the booklet and it sorted perfectly fine for me. You must be doing something wrong, but without seeing it, I really can't say. HUNDREDS of people have purchased and downloaded this template with ZERO complaints. So... IDK.
Richard Rost 
2 years ago

Richard Rost 
2 years ago

Richard Rost 
2 years ago
As far as the "You are about to run an append Query that will modify data in your table" warning, that's normal. See Turn Off Warnings.
Richard Rost 
2 years ago
Oh, and the template comes with sample data in it so you can see the basic workings of the database without having to load a bunch of data in it. If you don't want that data, DELETE IT. Just open the tables and delete the records you don't want. Again, all of my templates assume you have a basic working knowledge of Access. Deleting records is an Access Beginner 1 topic.
Richard Rost 
2 years ago
"In the table they sorted just fine." Remember the order the records are stored in a table is ABSOLUTELY MEANINGLESS. This is not Excel. The data will be sorted in whatever order a Query, Form, or (in this case) a Report tells it to. The booklet report arranges the records in a specific order to be printed properly and will sort your data LastName, FirstName. Check to make sure you don't have any leading spaces in your name fields. " Richard" for example.

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