I created a simple form in Access which allows me to cycle through all the records from the source table. I wanted to convert it into a data entry form. In design view, I went to Form Properties, Data tab, and changed Data Entry from No to Yes. Then I saved and closed the form. Upon reopening, it still contains the records from the source table, whereas I expected a table with blank boxes. What am I doing wrong?
Kevin Robertson 2 years ago
I would double check the property sheet and make sure you changed the correct property.
Yeah, that's pretty much what the Data Entry property does UNLESS you have code in the button that opens it that changes that. For example if your button says:
DoCmd.OpenForm "CustomerF", , , , acFormEdit
Then it's going to ignore the Data Entry property. This has actually been on the TechHelp video list for a while now. Should be making a video about it soon.
Wayne DeJaegherOP 2 years ago
Issue Resolved. Operator Error on my part. I had changed the Data Entry property from No to Yes with the keyboard, not realizing at the time that there was a drop down selector. Access obviously did not like that, and since I was unable to correct it, I deleted my form and rebuilt it. Simple form, so not a big deal. That said, I have a visual impairment and the Properties windows contains a large number of very small selections. Hence I missed seeing the drop down arrow.
I am appreciative of both of your quick responses on the Tech Help Forum - and really enjoying my Access learning experience.
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