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Query Ticket Numbers
David Burns 
2 years ago
My first question &#128522;
I have a query (LuckyNumberQ) that lists individual names and a lucky number. For example:
Jim Kirk 23
Leonard McCoy 17
Jean-Luc Picard 11
I'd like to be able to generate a query/report showing each individual with a number of ticket entries based on their lucky number. For example:
Name     Ticket
Jim Kirk 10001
Jim Kirk 10002
Jim Kirk 10003 .... to
Jim Kirk 10023 (23 entries)
Leonard McCoy 10024
Leonard McCoy 10025... to
Leonard McCoy 10040 (17 entries)
Jean-Luc Picard 10041
Jean-Luc Picard 10042... to
Jean-Luc Picard 10051 (11 entries)

It's fairly easy to export the LuckyNumberQ into Excel and add field etc. but it would be better if Access would do all the necessary.
Is it possible?
Apologies if this question is in the wrong area.
David Burns OP 
2 years ago
I'm thinking along the lines of some code that does something like the following:

Let t = 10001 (the first ticket number)
For the first member in LuckyNumberQ (however this is determined)
  Let n = LuckyNumberQ.LuckyNumber
  Let c = 1 (a counter)
    While c <> n Do
       INSERT INTO NewTableT LuckyNumberQ.FirstName, LuckyNumberQ.LastName, t
       Let c = c + 1
       Let t = t + 1
Next Member
Exit routine if no more members

Then have a report based on NewTableT

Presuming the correct code, would the above be a viable solution?
Will future lessons I'm subscribed to cover how I might approach doing this?

David Burns OP 
2 years ago
I guess this thread would have been better in the Access Forum rather than here in Expert 8.

Anyway, I've now pulled together VBA that does what I want so I have a new table being created with member names and ticket numbers. I'm now tackling a report that will print each member's ticket numbers on separate pages.
David Burns OP 
2 years ago
Well, though it is doing what I want, the VBA occasionally has a hiccup/hiccough where an unexpected section of records that would normally appear partway down the new table actually appear at the start of the new table. (I expected that calling the recordset would see the first entry of the interrogated query appear in the first row of the new table but it doesn't always.)
I've also got the report done as well. I eventually used the labels option so three records appear across the page and each member's tickets appear on separate pages. Yay!
I think I'll reward myself with a coffee and digestive lol

This thread is now CLOSED. If you wish to comment, start a NEW discussion in Access Expert 8.


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