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Filtered Data in Form
David Harrington 
2 years ago
I am trying to avoid storing calculated data in my table.

I have a hex grid map
Each record in my Map table is a unique hex and the fields store various properties of this hex.

As example:  Within the record I store TerrainID, TerrainModID, SettlementId from 3 different linked tables.

I could create a field which is a DLookup calculation based on properties in the Terrain, TerainMod, and Settlement tables.  This seems poor practice and I am looking for a better way.

Instead, I have created a query with the relevant data and do the calculations within the query.

MY PROBLEM:  I cannot filter the query to the correct record and pull this calculated field back display in my form.


Alex Hedley 
2 years ago
> I cannot filter the query to the correct record and pull this calculated field back display in my form.

Can you share the SQL you've tried?
David Harrington OP 
2 years ago
Hi Alex:  Here is the SQL for the QUERY.  It seems to be working fine when I open the query

SELECT tblLocationsGrandTacticalHex.GTHexID, tblLocationsGrandTacticalHex.TerrainID, tblMapStatTerrain.MaxProvinceLevel, tblLocationsGrandTacticalHex.TerrainModID, tblMapStatTerrainModifiers.ProvinceLevelModifier, [maxprovincelevel]+[provincelevelmodifier] AS HexMaxDevValue, tblMapStatTerrain.MaxAuraLevel, tblMapStatTerrain.MaxAuraLevel AS HexMaxAuraValue
FROM tblMapStatTerrain INNER JOIN (tblMapStatTerrainModifiers INNER JOIN tblLocationsGrandTacticalHex ON tblMapStatTerrainModifiers.TerrainModID = tblLocationsGrandTacticalHex.TerrainModID) ON tblMapStatTerrain.TerrainID = tblLocationsGrandTacticalHex.TerrainID;

I use two combo boxes within the form

HexMaxDevValue has this:
row source         SELECT [qryMaxHexDevYAura].[GTHexID], [qryMaxHexDevYAura].[HexMaxDevValue] FROM qryMaxHexDevYAura;
control source     HexMaxDevValue  which is a field in 'tblLocationsGrandTacticalHex.

HexMaxAuraValue has this
row source        SELECT [qryMaxHexDevYAura].[GTHexID], [qryMaxHexDevYAura].[HexMaxAuraValue] FROM qryMaxHexDevYAura;
control source    HexMaxAuraValue  which is a field in 'control source HexMaxDevValue  which is a field in 'tblLocationsGrandTacticalHex.

The form only updates when I move off the record and then return
The tblLocationsGrandTacticalHex is not updating at all
Richard Rost 
2 years ago
Those table/field names hurt my eye. Simplify it, please. All I see is a jumble of letters.
David Harrington OP 
2 years ago
Hi Richard
Having grown up with QBasic and the single letter cryptic variable names, I have now fully embraced long cryptic variable names.

Monitors give us enough eye stain without me adding to the problem.  Hopefully this is better!  I've attempted to use your T and Q suffixes for readability.

SELECT LocationT.HexID, LocationT.TerrainID, TerrainT.DLevel, LocationT.TerrainModID, TerrainModT.DModifier, [Dlevel]+[DModifier] AS MaxDValue, TerrainT.ALevel, TerrainT.ALevel AS MaxAValue FROM TerrainT INNER JOIN (TerrainModT INNER JOIN LocationT ON TerrainModT.TerrainModID = LocationT.TerrainModID) ON TerrainT.TerrainID = LocationT.TerrainID;

I use two combo boxes within the form

MaxDValue has this:
row source:     SELECT [DandAQ].[HexID], [DandAQ].[MaxDValue] FROM DandAQ;
control source:     MaxDValue which is a field in 'LocationT.

MaxAValue has this
row source:     SELECT [DandAQ].[HexID], [DandAQ].[MaxAValue] FROM DandAQ;
control source:     MaxAValue which is a field in LocationT.

The form only updates when I move off the record and then return
The LocationT is not updating at all
David Harrington OP 
2 years ago
Hi Richard and Alex:
I have found my problem.  I was doing an after_update requery event, but on a dirty record.  I added a me.refresh above the requery and all is well.


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