I am done with all the courses and want to go through all your techhelp videos in reverse chronological order. I clicked on the date and it listed the videos oldest first. but there is no way to keep moving through the list. Show more only works once.
it will be helpful to have all of them listed on one page even without the image, just the title.
I just clicked on the Title . That will show you All the videos sorted by alpha first.
I just selected all and copied into an excel sheet. You can sort it that way.
Making a db out of it is on my "to do someday".
Sami ShammaOP 2 years ago
Thanks Scott, I will do that
Scott Axton 2 years ago
The nice thing about it is that excel was accommodating enough to maintain the links and I can just go right to the video page.
Kevin Robertson 2 years ago
Yes Alex with sorting and filtering capabilities as well.
Scott Axton 2 years ago
Kevin - Maybe put it in the Template for Sale?
Sami ShammaOP 2 years ago
Sami ShammaOP 2 years ago
Works great. I can keep track and the links are maintained.
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