I can only add 3 objects / forms to 3 tabs when building a navigation form using horizontal tabs. Is three tabs the limit for horizontal tab form? Incidentally, I created a Vertical Nav Form and was able to add 4 forms but that was the limit. Do I need VBA code to exceed these tab limits or am I stuck with these limits?
Sami Shamma 12 months ago
I have tried this on my version, and I can easily add more tabs. See image below.
Having said that, very few serious Access developers use this navigation. We tend to write our own menus using buttons.
The second image is an example of the main menu of one of my systems.
Sami Shamma 12 months ago
Sami Shamma 12 months ago
David CumminsOP 12 months ago
Hi Sami,
I should have been clearer. Initially, I can add tabs but once I save and edit, I am restricted from adding more tabs. I was trying to get a menu up fast using the Navigation tool, but given this problem, I will build a custom form with buttons.
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