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Richard Rost 
12 months ago
In today's video, I'm going to share with you a handy browser extension for Chrome to give you dark mode on pretty much every website. So if you follow my channel at all, and you know that I do mostly Microsoft Access videos, and I've been playing around a lot with different color schemes and stuff in the VBA editor because a white background with black or colored text is sometimes hard on the eyes, right?

Especially for me, I'm blind in one eye and I only have one partially good eye. So at night, if I try to dim the lights in my office a little bit and work, that white on the screen is really harsh. A lot of programs have come out with dark modes lately. I know sites like Facebook and them have dark mode. But someone recently asked me if I was planning on making a dark mode for my website. And I could, but I really don't feel like taking the time to program all that and put alternate color schemes and stuff in.

So then I said to myself, I said, self, maybe there's a browser extension that'll do it automatically. And guess what? There is. It's right here. Watch this. Boom. Look at that. It's not perfect, but it certainly cuts down on a lot of that white stuff, right? So I flipped out at night when I'm working. I'll show you how to get this using Google Chrome in a quick, and this will die right there. Go to extensions. I come down to manage extensions, and over here discover more extensions in the Chrome Web Store.

Over there, right up here, you're gonna search for dark mode, and this is the one I like right here, is this little brown owl. There are other ones; I tried a couple of them; some of them didn't have great results. This is the one that I like, it's No, they're not paying me for this, this is not a paid promotion, I'm not getting any kind of commission or whatever. Alright, right over here, you'll see add to Chrome, I've already added it, alright.

So once it's added, you'll see it in your list. If you drop this down, alright, you'll see dark mode in here. If you hit this little pin, hit the pin right there, that makes sure that it's always visible up here. If it's not pinned, it'll still be installed, but you'll have to drop the menu down to see it, but certain things I like to have right here. Okay, and then once you got it there, you know, it'll be installed. You can come over here and click the button, and there you go, dark mode, and back to light mode. That's pretty cool, right?

All right, now if you're using Edge, which I know a lot of you are, it's a dot dot dot menu and then extensions where extensions is right there edges kind of based on chrome so they're kind of the same thing a lot of the stuff is the same, the particular dark mode extension that I'd like does not show up under edge but let's let's try to find another one right let's go to manage extensions and then I'm gonna go get extensions for edge and in here dark mode will search here's all the different ones the one I'd look already the one that I like is not in here so what I do in that case I try to make sure that they've got five stars right and then go I go with the one with the most hits first the most insults right this is at one point nine Okay, that's got 1.9 also. All right, let's try this guy. Let's just, let's see it, why not?

Alright, now this extension can read and change all your data on websites, so be careful, but I'm gonna add that. Okay, there it is, it's been added. Right there, now again, it goes away, so drop the extensions down, we're gonna pin it. So, boom, click that thing there. They had to change the interface just enough from Chrome to make it, right? Okay, and then we'll let's see dark mode disable enable okay so let's go back to my site now oh there we go it looks like this is for all sites the one that I had in Chrome it saves the setting per site so that's pretty cool but this one appears to do pretty good job too yeah it's not going to change pictures this this picture actually has a white background. I was too lazy. I didn't make it a transparent graphic. I know, I should have. But my website's primarily white, so I didn't bother doing that.

This one actually, yeah, this looks pretty good. I think, in fact, these colors are closer than this one. Let's see. Yeah, these ones are, this is just showing up in gray, whereas this one in edge actually has a closer, is closer to my color palettes is very nice to this was a good stays on for everything all know i can barely see the what's new right there it didn't do a great job at that link right there so i guess there's something to be said for just graying out stuff instead of trying to get the colors but in any case that's how you install it on chrome and on edge if you using firefox i'm sure they've got something similar and if you're able user will what do you do in watching my channel? So But there you go, that's just a quick one for today folks, that's your tech help video.

Hope you learned something Hope this was helpful live long and prosper. I'll see you next time.

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