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Richard Rost              
6 months ago
Today we're going to talk about what to do if you get that error message saying that your database is in an unrecognized format or it's in an inconsistent state. There are a couple of different errors that mean the same thing. We'll talk about what causes that and how to fix it, hopefully.

This is one that comes up in my forums every now and then, maybe once a month or so, or someone posts a comment in one of my YouTube channel videos. And basically, error 3443 pops up, and it says, "unrecognized database format," or "Access has detected that the database is in an inconsistent state."

And what does this mean? Well, basically, Access tried to load your database, and it's looking at it going, "I've got no idea what this thing is." It's like if you tried to open up a Word document, and it wasn't a Word document. Word would go, "uh-uh, can't do it." So essentially, your database file is most likely corrupted.

Now, although this can happen with any database file, even a local one, it generally occurs on networked databases with an Access back-end file. It usually happens if one or more of the users exit the database improperly. They don't do a proper shutdown. Maybe their computer locks up. And if Access is in the middle of writing to that networked shared database file, when this happens, bam, it's going to corrupt it.

I had this happen to one of my clients years ago. I set him up with an Access solution over his network. He had like 15 people working on it, and there was a building-wide power outage. Everybody went out, and everybody crashed, and it took me a little while to repair that database. Moral of the story there too is make sure all your people have uninterruptible power supplies. They're cheap. You can get them for like 50 bucks. Put them on all your computers. That way, if something happens and the power goes out, your database doesn't go down. But any one of those people not talking to the database the right way can cause it to corrupt. And Access is unfortunately not as forgiving as a database server like SQL Server would be.

So how do we fix it? Well, the first thing is backup, backup, and backup again. I always preach backing up. You should be running a nightly backup at a minimum. Back up your database, back up all your files, back up your grandma's recipe, all that stuff. If you don't know how to run a backup and back up your Access database, go watch my TechHelp video. I'll put a link to it down below.

Now, the first thing you're going to try doing is running a compact and repair. Make sure everyone is out of the database. You're going to copy that back-end file down to your local workstation and then do the compact and repair there. Don't try to do the compact and repair over the network. You're just asking for troubles to creep in there. Then, once it's done, it will also run faster. Copy it back up to the server.

Now, if somehow you're not able to open it, if you try to open that database file and Access still gives you the error message and it won't let you even get to the compact and repair menu, you can do this from a command prompt. I would recommend you see if msaccess.exe is in your path. If it's not, just copy your database file to the msaccess.exe folder in your Office folder. Or, type in the full path to msaccess.exe. It's up to you. This is a Windows command line thing. msaccess.exe and then in quotes the name of your database with the full path and then /compact, and that will compact it without opening it first.

Alright. That might do it if you can't get into the file. If you don't know how to compact and repair your database, go watch my TechHelp video again. I'll put a link down below.

Next up, after compacting and repairing, if there is still an .LACCDB file sitting in your back-end folder, delete it. Make sure everyone is out of the database again. You can delete it. That file just stores record locking information. You don't need it. Access normally creates and deletes it when it opens and closes. You'll have one on your server in your database folder, okay? And again, make sure everyone's out of the database, and you can feel free to delete that. Sometimes if that gets corrupted, it can also cause problems.

Make sure you have the newest version of Access. And if you're not running the newest version of Access, of course, I recommend a Microsoft 365 subscription so you always constantly have the latest and greatest. But I know not every company does that. You might be running, you know, Access 2013, 2016, 2021, whatever. That's fine, just make sure that everyone has the same version. You don't have some people with Access 2007 and some people with Access 2016. That can cause problems, especially if the person designing the database has a newer version. Let's say you have a 365 subscription, you get the latest and greatest, someone else in accounting is still using, you know, Office 2016; you can cause issues that way. So make sure everyone using the database has the same version of Access. If you push an Office update, make sure everyone gets the update.

Alright, next one. This is a weird one. Try moving the database, the back-end database file, to a different folder. I know, it's weird, but sometimes it works. There are all kinds of weird quirky things that I've done over the past 30 years of working with Access that have fixed it inexplicably. I don't know why, but it works. It's like you go to the doctor; he says, "Well, it hurts when I raise my arm this way." He says, "Well, don't raise your arm that way."

So if your database was in, for example, X:database, try moving it to X:newdatabase. Put the database in that folder, re-link it, see if the problem goes away. If it does, you can thank me later. If it doesn't, well, on to the next one.

If that still doesn't work, try creating a blank new database file, okay? File, new, blank database, and then import all the tables from the corrupted file if you can. Sometimes the database shell itself gets corrupted, the container that holds all the objects. By creating a blank new database file and just importing all the tables, that sometimes fixes it too. Give that a try.

Here's another weird one. Make sure your back-end file name is short with no spaces. I know, again, it's weird, but I've seen this work. You've got a big long, you know, X:path to database super, whatever, blah, blah, blah. There's some kind of limitation in there with 32-character path and filenames. Again, I don't know why, but it just seems to fix it sometimes. This isn't gospel; it's just stuff that I've done in the past that has worked. Alright, try that for your database; a real short path and folder, no spaces, and a real short backend file name. Keep it short, keep it simple. "Keep it secret, keep it safe." Okay? "Keep it secret. Keep it safe."

Alright, next up, check your server for disk errors. Go to the machine that's your actual server, and I realize a lot of you don't have actual servers. You've got a computer that's acting as a server. That's the machine I'm telling you you should test. Okay? And it's part of Windows. Just go to the drive, right-click, properties, go to tools, and there's the error-checking option. Let that run. Scan this, check this, whatever they call it today. Check for errors. Believe it or not, hard drives have a finite lifetime. Three to five years. After that, you've got a ten-year-old hard drive. A lot of people take their old machine that no one else is using anymore and turn that into a file server. That's a bad idea. You want your newest, best machine to be your file server, okay, or your database server. That's where all the important stuff is. Don't just use some old machine in a closet for your server. But check it because if your drive is starting to go corrupt, they usually start to show signs that they're starting to go. And when that happens, you start getting bad sectors on the disk, and that's what this will check. Make sure if you've got any bad sectors, get rid of it; put a new hard drive in there, get a new machine, whatever. How important is this database for your business? That's how much you should spend on a good server. And while you're at it, make sure that the drive compression is off. Windows can compress drives, kind of like it turns the entire disk into one big zip file. But that compression, every time it reads and writes information, it's got to compress and decompress on the fly. And it will slow things down, so it might make your database run slower, but you're also opening yourself up to an additional possibility for corruption there, too. It's just another layer of stuff you don't need to worry about.

Also, check your network for errors. If you've got a slow network with lots of latency, that could cause problems too. Because again, if you're using an Access backend, it's not as forgiving as an actual database server, like SQL Server would be. So every machine has to be able to reliably read and write to that database file; otherwise, you're going to get corruption. So, I recommend Fing Network Monitor. I've been running this for years. It does a good job. It constantly takes, you know, keeps an eye on your network. It's got security issues, but it'll let you know if there are any kind of read-write problems going on. Okay, and no, I'm not affiliated with them. I don't get any compensation. This is just something I've used myself. I like the product. I recommend it. I'll put a link to them down below too. Get a commission or whatever if you purchase a product that I recommend, and I only recommend products that I use personally. I will never steer you to a particular product because I'm getting paid; I don't do that. I don't need to do that.

Oh, and one more thing, don't run your Access database over a wireless network. I don't recommend it. You've got any kind of drop packets in there or increased latency that can cause problems reading and writing. If you've got a database server, okay, that's something you can get away with, but use a wired network for an Access database, okay? Just trust me. Can it be done over wireless? Yeah, I've done it myself. I don't recommend it. You've got to have a really, really fast network and really good solid connections between all the points. Don't do it.

Alright, next up, check the size of your database backend file. If you've only got one of them, take a look at it. How big is it? There's a two-gigabyte limit per file. Realistically, I say if you get to one gigabyte, you might want to start thinking about splitting it into multiple backends. You can do this, and actually, I have a video coming up on this soon. This question comes up a lot. I'll show you how to take one backend file and split it into multiple backends. You basically just put different tables in different files, that's all. Then you just link to them separately. It's not hard to do. Here's a video I've got on splitting your database. And check this page out. When I finish the other one, I'll put a link to that one on there as well. And you can have almost as many backends as you want. I've got probably 15 different backends for my one database.

Next up, check to make sure you have enough free disk space. You should have at least twice the size of your database file as free space. Alright, so if you've got a one-gigabyte database file, you should have at least a minimum of two gigabytes free. Access does a lot of reading and writing, and there are temporary files, all kinds of stuff that goes on. And that database file will grow and shrink and grow and shrink. When you compact it, it gets smaller, and as you use it, it blows up. So make sure you've got plenty of free space available on the drive. I would say don't have less than 5 gigabytes of free space in there. That's just a safe, realistic number.

If you get to this point and it still hasn't fixed the problem, go run down my troubleshooter. I've got a lot of stuff on my troubleshooter on my website that covers steps that you might not think of, but it, you know, some of the weirdest things can help the database. If you've got a problem, restart Access, restart Windows, decompile the database; there are instructions for that, restore one of your backups and see if that works, rollback Windows updates, and Office updates ' again there are instructions for that in the troubleshooter. So, check that out. You'll find the troubleshooter on my website. There's the link. Again, I'll put a link to it down below. It's free.

And I was just looking at this picture. I've been using ChatGPT to give me images for these slides lately. And I just noticed: Why are these people in this video having so much trouble? Do you see it now? I kid. I kid. I pick on Apple users. I kid. My number one man is an Apple guy, Alex. But anyway, if you find yourself having consistent back-end problems and you have a lot of users, you might want to consider upgrading to SQL Server.

Now the maximum theoretical number of people you can have connected to an Access backend database is 255. That is laughable, okay? That's the maximum theoretical number. There's no way that's going to work. Realistically, I wouldn't have more than 15 to 20 people using Access at the same time. I have set up networks with 20, 30 users, but it was in situations where, you know, maybe five to ten people would be using it at any one given moment, right? Maybe the guys in shipping only did it when they got orders, or maybe the people in accounting only used it when they could do reports that everybody was using at the same time. If you've got more than, I'd say, fifteen to twenty simultaneous users, now it's time to upgrade to SQL Server. SQL Server Express is free; it does a much better job of keeping your database from getting corrupted. There is a little more setup time involved, but it's a much more professional, much more secure database solution too. There's no user limitation on the free version, but it does have a 10-gigabyte database size, which if you're using Access now and you've got a 2-gigabyte limit, unless you've got lots of back-end files, 10 gigs should be just fine for you.

I do have a seminar right now that covers setting up Access with SQL Server online. That's where you have it on an internet provider. I like the online version for a few reasons: One, someone else sets up and maintains the server for you. They handle all the bug fixes, the patching, the upgrades, and the security. All you have to do is upload your data and work with the database. Plus, if it's online, people in different locations can access your data. It's a good responsive solution, and they can connect wherever they happen to be, on the road or whatever.

As of this video, I am working on a second seminar to cover installing SQL Server Express locally, on-premises. That'll be out soon, but in the meantime, check this one out. Again, I'll put a link down below.

Now, a couple of years ago, I just have to mention this in this video because a couple of years ago, there was a big problem. Back in like 2020 ' it's currently 2024 ' I have to say that in every video. Users of Windows 10 especially were getting tons and tons of problems with databases in an inconsistent state or with the unrecognized database format error. Microsoft has a whole page on it. I'll put a link to that down below. Looks like they haven't updated it since 2020, so about four years now. Daniel over at DevHut did a big article on it. There's a link there; again. I'll put a link down below.

Now, fortunately, I don't see any comments on his article on his page since 2022. So it sounds like Microsoft fixed this with an Office update. There was a registry hack you could implement before, and that seemed to fix it. But apparently, it seems to have gone away in the last two years, so if you get it now, it's probably just a general, uh... unrecognized error because you did a step to corrupt it; it's not the specific bug. But I just want to bring this up because I remember a couple of years ago, this was a big deal. Okay, so check out his article if you want to learn more about that.

And finally, there are some third-party recovery software and services out there. I have not used any of them, at least not in ten years, so I'm kind of out of the loop on the different types of recovery software that's out there. And there are some services that will, uh... that they claim to repair your database. I would say maybe ten to fifteen years ago, I had a client that I recommended a solution to, and it worked for him. Honestly, I tried finding the emails; I can't where I can recall offhand who it was. So if you have a recovery software or service provider that you recommend, I want to hear from you. Post your comments down below, and I'll check out some of the third-party companies that offer services to recover an Access database that you can't fix with Compact and Repair.

I've only had to do this once in my entire career. Unfortunately, they were able to get them working, but I haven't heard from this company in a long time either. I would recognize them if I saw them. We're going back. In fact, I think it was long enough ago where it was an .MDB file. So we might be going back more than 15 years ago. But yeah, post down below if you know of anyone that does this, and I'll check them out and maybe make a second video on it.

But the good news is that I haven't needed this. I haven't needed to recommend this for anybody in the last 10, 15 years. So, Access has gotten much, much better at natively fixing problems with the built-in compact and repair. And of course, if you're running your nightly backups, if your database does corrupt, well, you can always roll back to last night.

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